Energy Resources

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Physics Class Grade 9

PHYSICS – Energy Resources

Physics Class Grade 9


1.7.2 Energy resources Supplement

Core • Understand that the Sun is the source
• Describe how electricity or other of energy for all our energy resources
useful forms of energy may be obtained except geothermal, nuclear and tidal
from: • Show an understanding that energy is
– chemical energy stored in fuel released by nuclear fusion in the Sun
– water, including the energy stored in
waves, in tides, and in water behind
hydroelectric dams • Recall and use the equation:
– geothermal resources efficiency = useful energy output
– nuclear fission energy input ×
– heat and light from the Sun (solar 100%
cells and panels) • efficiency = useful power output
– wind Power input × 100%
• Give advantages and disadvantages of
each method in terms of renewability,
cost, reliability, scale and environmental
• Show a qualitative understanding of
Physics Class Grade 9

Electricity Electricity is known as a

secondary energy source
because it is produced using
primary energy sources (eg.
Coal, nuclear fuel, wind
Physics Class Grade 9

How is electricity generated?


Physics Class Grade 9

How is electricity generated?



Physics Class Grade 9

How is electricity generated?


Hydroelectric Nuclear

Physics Class Grade 9

How is electricity generated?


Hydroelectric Nuclear


Physics Class Grade 9

How is electricity generated?


Hydroelectric Nuclear



Physics Class Grade 9

How is electricity generated?


Hydroelectric Nuclear


Fossil Fuels Solar

Physics Class Grade 9

Electricity Electricity is known as a

secondary energy source
because it is produced using
primary energy sources (eg.
Coal, nuclear fuel, wind


1. Fossil fuels – coal, oil and natural gas

2. Nuclear fuels (uranium and plutonium)
• They will all ‘run out’ one day.
• They all damage the environment
• They currently provide most of our
Physics Class Grade 9

Electricity Electricity is known as a

secondary energy source
because it is produced using
primary energy sources (eg.
Coal, nuclear fuel, wind


1. Wind 2. Waves 3.
4. Hydroelectric 5. Biofuels
1. Fossil fuels – coal, oil and natural gas
6. Geothermal 7. Solar (from Sun)
2. Nuclear fuels (uranium and plutonium)
• They will never run out.
• They will all ‘run out’ one day.
• They do much less damage to the
• They all damage the environment
• They currently provide most of our
• They don’t provide much energy and can
be unreliable if they depend on the
Physics Class Grade 9

Generating electricity
3 stages:


Physics Class Grade 9

Generating electricity
• In the boiler fuel
burns to heat water.
The water turns
into steam.
• Fuels used may be
coal, oil or gas.
Physics Class Grade 9

Generating electricity

• Steam travels along

pipes and makes
the turbine spin.
Physics Class Grade 9

Generating electricity
• The turbine turns a
• Inside the generator
there is a magnet
inside a coil of wire.
• As the magnet
spins, electricity is
Physics Class Grade 9

Let’s just repeat the basics:-

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine
The generator
converts the
movement of the
turbine (kinetic
energy) into
Physics Class Grade 9

Advantages: fuels are readily available, they

Fossil fuels are relatively cheap, and are not reliant upon
the weather.
Disadvantages: highly polluting, contributing
to global warming and climate change. Burning
fossil fuels can produce acid rain. Oil spillages
cause serious damage to the environment.

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine

In a fossil fuel power station coal, oil or

natural gas burn, releasing heat energy which
The generator
is used to turn water into steam. converts the
movement of the
turbine (kinetic
energy) into
Physics Class Grade 9

Advantages: relatively quick and natural
sources of energy and are considered to be
carbon neutral (do not release additional
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere).
Disadvantages: natural habitats may be
cleared to make way for biofuel crops, and
some food crops may be lost.

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine

Biofuels are renewable energy sources. They

can be solids (eg. Straw, woodchip), liquids
(eg. Ethanol) or gases (eg. Methane biogas
from sludge digesters).
The generator
They are burnt to turn water into steam,
which drives the turbine and producing converts the
electricity in the generator. movement of the
turbine (kinetic
energy) into
Physics Class Grade 9

Nuclear energy

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine

Nuclear fission, involving the splitting of

atoms of a nuclear fuel (eg. Uranium) releases
a lot of heat energy.
Water is used as a coolant to take away this
heat energy, which is used to produce steam The generator
to drive a turbine which then turns the converts the
movement of the
The main disadvantage of a nuclear power
station is that radioactive waste is produced. turbine (kinetic
This can be very dangerous and difficult to energy) into
dispose of. electricity.
Physics Class Grade 9

Advantages: no pollution, no fuel costs,

Wave Power minimal running costs. Can be very useful on

small islands.
Disadvantages: hazard to boats, can be an
eyesore, fairly unreliable as waves disappear
when the wind drops, initial costs can be very
high, environmental impact.

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine

As waves come in to the shore they provide

up and down motion which can be used to
The generator
directly drive a turbine which is linked to a converts the
generator. movement of the
The waves force the air through the turbine, turbine (kinetic
causing it to spin.
energy) into
Physics Class Grade 9

Tidal Power
Advantages: no pollution, no fuel costs,
minimal running costs. Tides are reliable, and
barrages are excellent for storing energy.
Disadvantages: hazard to boats, can be an
eyesore, initial costs can be very high,
environmental impact. Height of the tide is
variable, so energy output varies.

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine

Tidal barrages are big dams built across river

estuaries. As the tide comes in it fills the The generator
estuary – the water is released so that the
converts the
turbines are turned at a controlled speed.
The source of the energy is the gravity of movement of the
the Sun and the Moon. turbine (kinetic
energy) into
Physics Class Grade 9

Advantages: no pollution, no fuel costs,

Hydroelectric Power minimal running costs. Immediate response
to increased demand, and fairly reliable.
Disadvantages: flooding a valley has a big
impact on the environment, with much loss of
habitats. Initial costs are high. Adversely
affected during times of drought.

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine

Hydroelectric power usually involves flooding

a valley to form a reservoir behind a big dam. The generator
As water is released from the reservoir it converts the
falls through the dam and turns the turbines,
which then spin the generators which in turn
movement of the
produce electricity. turbine (kinetic
energy) into
Physics Class Grade 9

Geothermal Energy
Advantages: free, renewable energy source.
No real environmental problems.
Disadvantages: cost of drilling down several
km to the hot rocks.

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine

Used where hot rocks lie quite near to the

surface. Cold water is pumped in pipes down
The generator
to the hot rocks, and returns as steam to converts the
drive the turbines. Unfortunately there are movement of the
very few places where this is an economic turbine (kinetic
energy) into
Physics Class Grade 9

Solar cells

Advantages: no pollution, a very reliable

source in sunny countries. Energy is free, and
running costs are almost nil.
Disadvantages: initially very expensive, and a
developing technology. Only produce
electricity in daytime.

Solar cells generate electricity directly from

sunlight. Solar cells are usually used to
provide electricity on a relatively small scale,
such as for individual houses. Solar cell
‘farms’ are being developed, but connecting to
the National Grid can be expensive.
Physics Class Grade 9

Solar panels

Advantages: no pollution, a very reliable

source in sunny countries. Energy is free, and
running costs are almost nil.
Disadvantages: Only heats water in daytime.
Not used to produce electricity.

Solar panels use the Sun’s thermal radiation

to warm up water for the house. A blackened
layer behind the pipes helps the absorption
of the radiant energy and the warming of the
water flowing through the pipes.
Physics Class Grade 9

Wind Power Advantages: no pollution. Energy is free, and

running costs are almost nil.
Disadvantages: can be considered an eyesore,
and there is some noise pollution. No power is
produced when the wind drops.

The steam (or

water / wind)
turns a turbine

Wind turbines are put up in exposed places,

such as hilltops and around the coast. Each The generator
wind turbine has its own generator, so converts the
electricity is generated directly. movement of the
turbine (kinetic
energy) into
Physics Class Grade 9

The Sun as the ultimate source of energy

The Sun radiates Tidal
energy because of
nuclear fusion Tides are created by the
reactions deep gravitational pull of the
inside. Moon on the Earth’s oceans.

Solar cells
Radioactive atoms
release energy
Solar panels
Energy in plants Weather systems

Solar panels Wind Geothermal

Solar panels Waves

Physics Class Grade 9

This means that 1/3 of
the heat energy released
from the fuel gets
turned into electricity.

The other 2/3 of

the energy ends up
A fossil fuel power as waste heat – it
station has an just warms up the
efficiency of about power station and
its surrounding
Physics Class Grade 9


efficiency = useful energy output

energy input ×
Physics Class Grade 9

1000J 372J

Overall efficiency = 372 x 100 = 37.2%

efficiency = useful energy output 1000
energy input × 100%
Physics Class Grade 9

1000J 372J

efficiency = useful energy output

energy input × 100%

efficiency = useful power output Overall efficiency = 372 x 100 = 37.2%

Power input × 100% 1000

You need to be aware of

both equations!
Physics Class Grade 9

Types of energy……

Potential Energy

Kinetic energy
Physics Class Grade 9

Potential Energy
• Potential energy is the energy due to height.

• Potential energy (PE) = mass x g x height

• (g is the gravitational constant = 10 m/s2)

Physics Class Grade 9

Potential Energy
• Eg. A sheep of mass 47kg is slowly raised
through a height of 6.3m. Find the gain in
potential energy.
• PE = mgh = 47 x 10 x 6.3 = 2961J
• As an object falls, its potential energy is
changed into kinetic energy.
• Kinetic energy GAINED = Potential energy
Physics Class Grade 9

Kinetic Energy

• Kinetic energy is the energy of movement.

• Anything moving has kinetic energy.

• Kinetic energy (KE) = ½ x mass x velocity2

• Or KE = ½ x mass x velocity x velocity

Physics Class Grade 9

Kinetic Energy
• Eg. A car of mass 2450kg is travelling at
38m/s. Calculate its kinetic energy.

• KE = ½ x 2450 x 382 = 1,768,900J

• KE depends upon mass and speed, so a larger

object travelling at greater speed has a bigger
Physics Class Grade 9

Types of energy……
Let’s have a
look at a more
involving GPE
and KE
Physics Class Grade 9

Eg. A mouldy tomato of mass 140g is dropped

from a height of 1.7m. Calculate its speed as it
hits the floor.

1. PE lost = mgh = 0.14 x 10 x 1.7 = 2.38 J

2. So KE gained = PE lost = 2.38 J = ½ mv2
3. So, 2.38 = ½ x 0.14 x v2 = 0.07 x v2
4. So, 2.38 = v2
5. So, 34 = v2 ; v = 5.83 m/s
Physics Class Grade 9

Energy transfer
Energy is transferred from cells and other sources

Anything that supplies electricity is also supplying energy.

So cells, batteries, generators, etc. all transfer energy to
the charge in the wire, which then transfers it to the
components or devices in the circuit:

Power supply Kinetic Light Heat
provides the energy energy energy
230 V energy

Physics Class Grade 9

Energy transfer
We can also use a Sankey diagram to show energy transfer

A Sankey diagram makes it easier to see how much input

energy is being usefully employed compared with how much
is being wasted. The thicker the arrow, the more energy it




Eg. Television set

Physics Class Grade 9

Energy transfer
We can also use a Sankey diagram to show energy transfer
Physics Class Grade 9

Energy transfer
We can also use a Sankey diagram to show energy transfer
Eg. Throwing a
Thermal energy
stone (wasted in body)

Thermal energy
(wasted because
of air resistance)

Thermal energy
energy in

Kinetic Potential Kinetic Thermal energy

energy energy energy (in ground and

Stone thrown Stone at highest Stone hits the

upwards point ground
Physics Class Grade 9

Describe the energy changes

taking place in a roller
coaster ride.
Physics Class Grade 9

As it travels around the

track, energy changes from
GPE to KE and back again
Physics Class Grade 9

Total energy at any one time

= KE + GPE
Physics Class Grade 9

When there are no resistive

forces, total energy remains
Physics Class Grade 9

This is known as the

principle of conservation of
Physics Class Grade 9

Energy cannot be created or

destroyed, but only changed
from one form into another.
Physics Class Grade 9

Usually, some energy is used

up doing work against
friction and air resistance 🡪
lost as heat.
Physics Class Grade 9


1.7.2 Energy resources Supplement

Core • Understand that the Sun is the source
• Describe how electricity or other of energy for all our energy resources
useful forms of energy may be obtained except geothermal, nuclear and tidal
from: • Show an understanding that energy is
– chemical energy stored in fuel released by nuclear fusion in the Sun
– water, including the energy stored in
waves, in tides, and in water behind
hydroelectric dams • Recall and use the equation:
– geothermal resources efficiency = useful energy output
– nuclear fission energy input ×
– heat and light from the Sun (solar 100%
cells and panels) • efficiency = useful power output
– wind Power input × 100%
• Give advantages and disadvantages of
each method in terms of renewability,
cost, reliability, scale and environmental
• Show a qualitative understanding of
Physics Class Grade 9

Disclaimer: This ppt is for educational purpose only.


PHYSICS – Energy Resources

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