Parliamentary Debate Orientation: - Debate Society, IFIM Law School

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Debate Orientation
-Debate Society,
IFIM Law School.
Why debates?
• Public speaking;
• Communication skills;
• Critical analysis;
• Knowledge;
• Competitive;
• Socializing;
• Fun!
Parliamentary Debating 101
• There are two sides – Government/Proposition and the Opposition;
• The presumption is that the debate occurs in the House of Parliament
and the topics for the debate are essentially Motions presented
before the House by the Govt/Prop and the purpose is to deliberate
whether or not it must be allowed to pass;
• Each team consists of n number of speakers, each playing a specific
role in the overall structure of the debate;
• In a competitive environment, the ‘judge’ of the debate is called an
“Adjudicator” and after hearing both sides, they determine the
• In competitions, the Motions are given almost on-the-spot and both
teams get 20 minutes of preparation time after which the debate shall
• Once the debate has begun, debaters may not consult any material
collected or prepared before the announcement of the motion and
may only use notes prepared during their designated prep time;
• Both sides bear the burden of clash, i.e. - they should acknowledge and
argue the issues raised by their opponent in the debate in order for the
furtherance of the debate and showcasing how your argumentation
can trump the other;
Types of Motions
• Fact Based Motions – Very Straightforward – Something is or is not;
Example - THBT advertising does more harm than good for society.
• Value Based Motions – Something is or is not of inherent value – Boils
down to thresholds and whether or not that something meets it;
Example - THBT Shakespeare is the world’s greatest writer.
• Policy Based Motions – Something should or should not be done –
Actions taken by Govt – Model based – Who? What? How? Costs?;
Example - THW legalize prostitution.
• Actor Based Motions – Someone’s choice – Weighs character and
consequence; Example – TH, as the United Kingdom, would hold a
second referendum on leaving the European Union.
• Regrets Motions – Prop’s burden to bring forth the cons of something
–Example – THR the fall of communism.
• Glossary of Motions -

• THW – This House Will/Would;

• THBT – This House Believes That;
• THR – This House Regrets;
• THO – This House Opposes;
• THS – This House Supports;
Types of Parliamentary Debates


Asian British
Parliamentary Parliamentary
Debate (APD) Debate (BPD)
Asian Parliamentary Debate

Speaker Roles

Proposition / Government Opposition

1. Prime Minister (PM); 1. Leader of Opposition (LO);
2. Deputy PM; 2. Deputy Leader of Opp. (DLO);
3. Govt. Whip; 3. Opp. Whip;
4. Govt. Reply 4. Opp. Reply
APD Flow
1.Prime Minister – (7 mins)
• Opens the debate
• Defines the topic
• Provides arguments
• May produce examples to support said arguments
• Brief conclusion
2. Leader of Opposition – (7 mins)
• Either accepts the definition or redefines the topic (Def-challenge)
• Rebuttals
• Provides arguments with examples if necessary
• Brief conclusion
3. Deputy PM- (7 mins)
• Rebuttals
• New arguments if any
4. Deputy LO – (7 mins)
• Rebuttals
• New arguments if any
5. Government Whip – (7 mins)
• Conclude and analyse arguments from both sides
• Provides conclusion as an amalgamation of gov’s arguments
• No new arguments
6. Opposition Whip – (7 mins)
• Conclude and analyse arguments from both sides
• Provides conclusion as an amalgamation of opp’s arguments
• No new arguments
7. Opposition Reply – (4 mins)
• Can only be done by the first or second speaker
• Provides a biased oral adjudication of why the debate should go to own
• May provide more examples

8. Government reply – (4 mins)

• Can only be done by the first or second speaker
• Provides a biased oral adjudication of why the debate should go to own
• May provide more examples
British Parliamentary Debate


Govt Opposition

3. Member of govt 5. Opposition leader 7. Member of

1. Prime minister
4. Government 6. Deputy opposition
2. Deputy Pm
whip opposition leader 8. Opposition whip
BPD Flow
1. Prime minister (Opening Govt – OG)
• Opens the debate
• Defines the topic
• Provides arguments
• May produce examples to support said arguments
• Brief conclusion
2. Leader of opposition (Opening Opp – OO)
• Either accepts the definition or redefines the topic (Def-challenge)
• Rebuttals
• Provides arguments with examples if necessary
• Brief conclusion
3. Deputy Prime minister (OG)
• Rebuttals
• New arguments if any
• Team conclusion
4. Deputy leader of Opp (OO)
• Rebuttals
• New arguments if any
• Team conclusion
5. Member of government (Closing Gov - CG)
• Critically analyze both OG and OO arguments
• Introduce new arguments that both sides haven’t touched
• Respond to the arguments provided by OO
• If necessary can bring own definition regarding topic

6. Member of Opp (Closing Opposition - CO)

• Critically analyze both OG and OO arguments
• Respond to arguments made by CG
• Introduce new arguments that both sides haven’t touched

7. Government Whip (CG)

• Conclude and analyse arguments from both sides
• Provides conclusion as an amalgamation of gov’s arguments
• No new arguments

8. Opposition Whip (CO)

• Conclude and analyse arguments from both sides
• Provides conclusion as an amalgamation of opp’s arguments
• No new arguments
How to break down Motions
• Example- THW legalize Euthanasia.

• Right to life is individual right
• Death is better than prolonged pain
• Economic advantage
• Death is a private matter
• Doctor’s oath
• Euthanasia might not be in a person’s best interest
Demo Debate
Fans of Batman in the house?
Fans of The Dark Knight?
Fans of THAT ending?
Demo Debate
TH, as commissioner Gordon, would
never use the bat signal.
Thank you all.
Don’t forget to be awesome.

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