Presented By: Awais Ur Rehman
Presented By: Awais Ur Rehman
Presented By: Awais Ur Rehman
Life is deserting
E Time is consuming
T Questions of morals
Confusion and quarrels
H Ticking away
I My time slips away
C Where is the answer?
To questions long countered
S Is it all just opinion?
Left without a decision
A people and their religion must be
judged by social standards based on
social ethics. No other standard
would have any meaning if religion
is held to be necessary good for the
well-being of the people.
B. R. Ambedkar
• While many of the basic principles have been codified as laws and
regulations to require marketers to conform to society’s expectations
of conduct, marketing ethics goes beyond legal and regulatory issues.
• Marketing ethics is the area of applied ethics which deals with the
moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing.
Why Ethics?
• Both marketing practitioners and marketing professors
approach ethics from different perspectives. For example, one
perspective is that ethics is about being a moral individual and
that personal values and moral philosophies are the key to
ethical decisions in marketing.