Corrosion Ferrous Material-Bmc
Corrosion Ferrous Material-Bmc
Corrosion Ferrous Material-Bmc
The steel is most liable to corrosion and hence the study of steel corrosion is of paramount
importance. To minimise the chances of development of corrosion of steel in concrete, the
following preventive measures may be taken:
Avoiding heavily congested reinforcement especially at the intersection of beams and columns.
Avoiding the steel to come into contact with bricks, soil, wood and porous non-alkaline
Avoiding the use of materials which accelerate the process of corrosion i.e. aggregates with
high salt contents, water containing salts, etc.
Cleaning the reinforcement with wire-brush to remove the rust scales before placing of
Maintaining a high degree of workmanship.
Proper structural design with due provision of cover.
Providing cathodic protection to the reinforcement by some suitable
Providing surface coatings with paints, tars, asphalts, etc.
Use of high quality and impermeable concrete.
Using stone pebbles in place of badly made cover blocks.
Using the correct water-cement ratio, etc.
It is found that the sea water does not
lead to the corrosion of reinforcement,
provided the concrete is dense and there
is enough cover to the reinforcement.
CORROSION IN The minimum cement content for
concrete permanently under sea water
REINFORCEMENT should be 3KN per m3 and the
minimum cover over the reinforcement
should be 75mm. However it is not
advisable to take the risks of corrosion
of reinforcement for prestressed
concrete and hence the sea water should
not be used for making the prestressed
non ferrous materials have been used since the beginning of civilization.
It includes aluminium, copper, zinc, and tin as well as gold and silver.
They are malleable.
Due to no iron content, they have high resistance to rust and corrosion and
making them ideal for gutters, liquid pipes, roofing and outdoor sighs.
Used for many electronic and wiring applications.
It is light weight, soft and low strength. it is red in colour, highly ductile,
It is easily cast, forged, machined and malleable and high conductivity for
welded. electricity and heat.
Not suitable for high-temperature Used in principally used in
environments. electrical industry in the form of
Good for manufacturing aircrafts and wire and other conductors.
food cans. Also used in sheet roofing, cartridge
Used in castings, pistons, railways, cases, statutes, and bearings.
cars, and kitchen utensils. Also used in making brass.
It is soft, heavy, Low strength metal Soft and malleable,
malleable metal with a with low melting ductile with low
low melting point and point. tensile strength.
low tensile strength.
Used in Used to coat steel to
Used in electrical galvanizing(to apply prevent corrosion.
power cables, a protective zinc
batteries, building Tinplate steel is used
coating to iron or to make tin cans to
steel to prevent rust). hold food.
cornices and tank
linings) and soldering.