M4 Powers and Functions of The AMLC

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Powers and

Functions of the
1. to require and receive covered transaction reports
from covered institutions;

2. to issue orders addressed to the appropriate

Supervising Authority or the covered institution to
determine the true identity of the owner of any
monetary instrument or property subject of a covered
transaction report or request for assistance from a
foreign State, or believed by the Council, on the basis
of substantial evidence, to be, in whole or in part,
wherever located, representing, involving, or related
to, directly or indirectly, in any manner or by any
means, the proceeds of an unlawful activity;
3. to institute civil forfeiture proceedings and all
other remedial proceedings through the Office of
the Solicitor General;

4. to cause the filing of complaints with the

Department of Justice or the Ombudsman for the
prosecution of money laundering offenses;

5. to investigate suspicious transactions and

covered transactions deemed suspicious after an
investigation by AMLC, money laundering
activities and other violations of this Act;
6. to apply before the Court of Appeals, ex parte,
for the freezing of any monetary instrument or
property alleged to be the proceeds of any
unlawful activity;

7. to implement such measures as may be

necessary and justified to counteract money

8. to receive and take action in respect of, any

request from foreign states for assistance in their
own anti-money laundering operations provided in
this Act;
9. to develop educational programs on the pernicious
effects of money laundering, the methods and techniques
used in the money laundering, the viable means of
preventing money laundering and the effective ways of
prosecuting and punishing offenders;cralaw

10. to enlist the assistance of any branch, department,

bureau, office, agency, or instrumentality of the
government, including government-owned and -controlled
corporations, in undertaking any and all anti-money
laundering operations, which may include the use of its
personnel, facilities and resources for the more resolute
prevention, detection, and investigation of money
laundering offenses and prosecution of offenders; and
11. to impose administrative sanctions for the
violation of laws, rules, regulations, and orders and
resolutions issued pursuant thereto.
Suspicious Transactions
there is no underlying legal or trade
obligation, purpose or economic

 the client is not properly identified;

the amount involved is not commensurate
with the business or financial capacity of
the client;
taking into account all known
circumstances, it may be perceived that the
client's transaction is structured in order to
avoid being the subject of reporting
requirements under the Act;
 any circumstances relating to the
transaction which is observed to deviate
from the profile of the client and/or the
client's past transactions with the covered
the transactions is in a way related to an
unlawful activity or offense under this Act
that is about to be, is being or has been
committed; or

any transactions similar or analogous to

any of the foregoing.

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