Official Guidelines For Assesment Under The New Normal: DEPED ORDER 31 S. 2020
Official Guidelines For Assesment Under The New Normal: DEPED ORDER 31 S. 2020
Official Guidelines For Assesment Under The New Normal: DEPED ORDER 31 S. 2020
• Schools must adapt assessment and grading practices that can most
meaningfully support students development and respond to varied
context at this time.
• Assessment should be holistic and authentic in capturing the attainment
of the most essential learning competencies;
• Assessment is integral for understanding student learning and
• A variety of assessment strategies is necessary with formative
assessment taking priority to inform teaching and promote growth and
• Assessment and feedback should be a shared responsibility among
teachers, learners and their families; and
• Assessment and grading should have a positive impact on learning.
Roles and
• Teachers, school , leaders, learners and parents should commit to
uphold the integrity of learning and instruction in the context of distance
education. The main desired outcomes of this policy are:
• To ensure that all learners are fairly assessed and graded in the
continuation of education during this health crisis
• To emphasize that learning standards shall be attained with the
provision of reasonable leniency and considerations for possible
difficulties met by the learner.
Roles and Responsibilities
• DepEd Aims to develop independent learners who can study on the assessments on
their own. However, in this school year's implementation of distance learning parents
and guardians play a crucial role in guiding their children in adapting to the changes of
distance learning process.
• Thus only when necessary, parents/guardians are requested to assist in the
assessment process by:
⚬ Communicating with the teacher to give updates on their child's situation progress
and challenges encountered;
⚬ Guiding their children in accomplishing the assessment tasks and /or monitoring
tootls designed by their teacher.
Teachers should ensure that all assessment
a. align with the most essential learning competencies
b. are reliable valid and transparent
c. are fair inclusive and equitable
d. are practical and manageable for both learners and teachers.
e. give learners a range of ways to demonstrate their learning.
f. provide timely and accurate information as basis for feedback.
• Written works shall be administered to assess essential knowledge and
understanding through quizzes and long/unit tests. Items should be
distributed across the Cognitive Process Dimensions using a combination of
selected-response and constructed response formats so that all are
adequately covered.
• Performance tasks refer to assessment tasks that allow teachers to show what
they know are able to do in diverse ways. They may create or innovate products
or do performance-based tasks including skill demonstration , group
presentations, oral work, multimedia presentation and research projects.
Written works could also be considered as performance tasks.
"ANNEX A provides a list of sample summative assessments that fall under
performance tasks for the purpose of this policy
• Performance Tasks must be designed to provide opportunities for learners to
apply what they are learning to real life situations. In addition, teachers should
take into consideration the following:
• Each task must be accompanied with clear directions and appropriate scoring tools (i.e.
checklist, rubrics, rating scale, etc.) to help learners demonstrate their learning (see Annex C
for sample scoring tools)
• Teachers are advised to collaboratively design and implement performance tasks that
integrate two or more competencies within or across subject areas. Complex tasks may be
broken down into shorter tasks to be completed over longer periods of time (see Annex D
for sample integrative assessment tasks)
• Learners must be given flexibility in the accomplishment of the performance tasks to
consider time and resources available to them. Nonetheless all learners should be assessed
on the same competencies using the same scoring tool.
b. Minimum of four (4) written works and four (4) performance tasks within the quarter, preferably one in two
weeks integrating two or more competencies.
c. All competencies should be covered by the performance tasks (e.go. A performance tasks can be used to
assess Science, Math and English altogether for certain topics. )