Change 2
Change 2
Change 2
Module 2
Organisational Change
Module 2
¨ Definition
¨ Nature
¨ Types
¨ Forces
¨ Models of organizational change
¨ Managerial approaches for implementing change
¨ Understanding the change process
¨ Change management: leading the change process,
dealing with individual and group resistances
"The things that will destroy us
Restraining forces
Status quo
Driving forces
McGraw-Hill © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Force Field Diagram
Identify the most important player (Stake holder) & target group
4. List all the forces driving change toward the desired situation .
5. List all the forces resisting change toward the desired situation .
6. Discuss and interrogate all of the forces: are they valid? Which are
the critical ones?
1. Problem Identification.
Key executives sense the problem
7. Action.
Actual Change- new methods &
procedures, re organizing structures and
work designs, new behavior.
Searching Contracting
Design Decision
¨ Implementation
Transitioning the organization- Current
state to Desired State
¨ Periodic evaluation
Need of modification and refinement
Integration Phase
Diffusion Renewal