LPG and Distribution System: Bandula Jayampathi Senior Plant Engineer Laugfs Gas PLC

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LPG and distribution system

Bandula Jayampathi
Senior Plant Engineer
Laugfs Gas PLC
What is LPG ?

The name describes a group of hydro carbon gases which exist as vapor under
ambient conditions of temperature and pressure, but which can be liquefied by
the application of moderate pressure and / or refrigeration.

LPG is the abbreviation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Type of producing LPG

From the oil and or gas fields where they are removed as condensable products
from natural gas.

From traditional source of LPG’s at oil refineries, where the crude oil is
Characteristics of LPG

Constituents of Natural Gas

Natural Gas Methane - CH4

Natural Gas Liquids Ethane - C2H6

LPG Propane - C3H8

Butane - C4H10

Pentane - C5H12 and heavier fractions

Water, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen and other Hydro Carbon

Characteristics of LPG

Chemical Properties of LPG

It is only these gases often referred to as C3 or C4 gases, that are easily

liquefied by moderate compression at ambient temperature.
The normal constituents of LPG are;
Propane C3 H8
Butane C4H10
Characteristics of LPG
Chemical Properties of LPG
Typical Properties of commercial LPG

Commercial Commercial
Butane Propane
Relative density of liquid at 150C 0.57 to 0.58 0.50 to 0.51
Imperial gallons / ton at 150C 385 to 393 439 to 448
Liter / ton at 150C 1723 to 1760 1965 to 2019
Relative density of gas compared with air at 150C and 1013.25mbar 1.90 to 2.10 1.40 to 1.55
Volume of gas (liters) per kg of liquid at 150C and 1013,25mbar 406 to 431 537 to 543
Volume of gas (ft3) per kg of liquid at 600F and 30 In Hg 6.5 to 6.9 8.5 to 8.7
Boiling point at atmospheric pressure 0C approx. -2 -45
Latent heat of vaporization (kj/kg) at 150C 372.2 358.2
Latent heat of vaporization (Btu /lb) at 600F 160 154
Specific heat of liquid at 150C (kj/kg 0C) 2,386 2,512
Sulphur content per cent weight Negligible to 0.02 Negligible to 0.02
Limits of flammability (percentage by volume of gas in a gas – air mixture to Upper 9.0 Upper 10.0
form a combustible mixture) Lower 1.8 Lower 2.2
Characteristics of LPG
Chemical Properties of LPG
Typical Properties of commercial LPG

Commercial Commercial
Butane Propane
Vapor pressure for products at their maximum specified vapor pressure (gauge)
Temp 0C bar bar
- 18 - 2.3
0 0.9 4.5
15 1.93 6.9
38 4.83 14.5
Calorific Values
Gross: (MJ/m3) dry 121.8 93.1
Net: (MJ/m3) dry 112.9 86.1
Air required for combustion (m3 to burn 1m3 of gas) 30 24
Ignition temperature (0C), (T class) 365,(T2) 470,(T1)
Gas sub division IIA
Characteristics of LPG
Physical Properties of LPG

Vapor Pressure

Vapor pressure change with the

Characteristics of LPG
Physical Properties of LPG

Boiling Point of LPG

The gas found in a commercial LPG mixture all have very low boiling points
and exist as vapor under atmospheric conditions.
Propane n- Iso - Commercial Commercial Ethylene
Butane Butane Propane Butane
Molecular 44.1 58.1 58.1 44 58 28.1
Boiling Point 0C -42.1 -0.5 -11.7 -45 -2 -103.7
at 1 Atm
Critical 96.8 152 135 95 150 9.9
Temperature 0C
Critical Pressure 41.9 37.5 36 40 35 50.7
Characteristics of LPG

Physical Properties of LPG

Specific Volume, Relative Density

In vapor phase, LPG being approximately 1.5 to 2.0 times the density of air.
Therefore it will stay close to the ground seeking to enter trenches, drains, or
other low areas.

Equal volume Equal

of LPG vapor V
V volume of
Characteristics of LPG

Physical Properties of LPG

Specific Volume, Relative Density

In liquid phase, LPG being approximately 0.5 times the density of water.
Therefore it will remain on the water surface.

Equal volume of Equal volume

water V
V of LPG liquid
Characteristics of LPG

Physical Properties of LPG

Limits of Flammability

A mixture of LPG and air is flammable within certain concentrations, known as

the flammable range.
Gas Lower Limit Upper Limit % Gas in Stoichiometric Mixture

Commercial Butane 1.8 8.4 3.2

Commercial Propane 2.2 9.5 4.2

Methane 5.3 14.0 9.5

Hydrogen 4.0 74 29.6

Acetylene 2.5 80 7.75

At higher pressures, or with oxygen, the flammability limits are different.

Characteristics of LPG

Physical Properties of LPG

Coefficient of Cubical Expansion of Liquid LPG

. 250 250
Flammable volume
Characteristics of LPG

Physical Properties of LPG

Odorisation of LPG

In its refined state, LPG is normally almost odorless. Special agents mix to
detect leaks easily, using the sense of smell,

LPG distribution systems

Main component of a LPG piping system

 Storage vessels or cylinders.

 Regulators.
 Vaporizers.
 Valves.
 Distribution pipes and fittings
Main component of a LPG piping system
Storage vessels or cylinders
Main component of a LPG piping system
Safety distance for Storage tanks as per SLSI 1196 part 2
Main component of a LPG piping system

 There are two main type of regulators

1. First stage regulators - Installed closer to the storage vessel or

Out put pressure - 0 to 2Bar
Main component of a LPG piping system

2. Second stage regulators - Installed closer to the appliance

Out put pressure - 25 mbar to 100mbar
Main component of a LPG piping system

2. When the natural vaporization is not sufficient for the demand,

vaporizers are used.
Design of lpg pipe lines
General Information

 Pipe work installations operating at ambient temperatures between -20 0C

and 400C .
 LPG pipework systems should be designed to operate at lowest practicable

 Vibration, surge pressures and valve operating torque should be

considered in the design of pipe work and supports incorporating
mechanical equipment such as pumps and valves.

 LPG piping can be laid in the same trench. But not with oxygen, toxic or
corrosive fluids or fluids at a temperature significantly above ambient.

 Electrical cable should not be run in the same trench as liquid phase LPG
pipework unless they are protected by an outer pipe or sleeve
Design of lpg pipe lines
Type of pipe for LPG service as per the SLSI 1196 Part 3
Design of lpg pipe lines
Protection against over – pressurization of liquid phase system

 The outlets of any hydrostatic relief valves should be fitted with suitable
caps to prevent the entry of water / debris.
 To reduce the risk of blockage the hydrostatic relief valve inlet connections
should not be on the underside of pipework
 Where it is necessary to install hydrostatic relief valves in enclosed spaces,
sufficiently sized discharge pipework should be taken to an outside area.
Suitable signs should be fitted adjacent to the discharge pipework.
Installation of lpg pipe lines
The routing of above ground pipe work should be selected to minimize the
possibility of;

 Trip hazards.
 Inadvertent physical content.
 Physical damage, e.g. by vehicles or mobile equipment.
 Misuse, e. g. by children as a climbing apparatus or as a convenient ‘
hanging’ device.

Where necessary, additional protection such as bollards or barriers should be

Installation of lpg pipe lines
Pipework should not be laid under;

 Foundations of a building.
 The footings of a load bearing wall.
 A floating raft foundation (unless as part of a specifically designed general
access for utilities, for example for mobile homes)
Pipework shall not be installed in an unventilated space.

Pipework should not be run within cavity walls. Every pipe passing through
a wall with a cavity shall be sleeved and take the shortest practicable route.

Installation of lpg pipe lines
Pipework entries to buildings should always above ground.
There should always be an emergency control to which there is adequate
access situated as near as reasonably practicable to the point where the pipe
enters the building..

The Emergency Control Valve (ECV) should be installed as closed as

practicable to the point where the gas enters the premises and so that;
Installation of lpg pipe lines
Pipe lay in an open trench or covered channel or bury underground

 When laid in an open trench or covered pipework should be supported

above the bottom of the trench or channel.
 The trench dimensions and pipe supporting arrangements should be such
as to facilitate visual inspection and maintenance e. g. wire brushing,
repairing of the pipe and supports.
 Trenches and channels should not enter buildings.
 Pipework buried underground should be inherently resistant to or
otherwise adequately protected against corrosion, e. g. polyethylene
piping, proprietary systems or cathodic protection.

Thank you

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