NCM 107 Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent (Well-Client)

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NCM 107

Care of Mother, Child and

Adolescent (Well- Client)

Glorimae S. Rizabal RN, MAN

NCM 107

Course Description :
This course deals with concepts, principles and
theories and techniques in the nursing care of
individuals and families during childbearing and
childrearing years toward health promotion,
disease prevention, restoration and
maintenance and rehabilitation. The learners
are expected to provide safe, appropriate and
holistic nursing care to clients utilizing the
nursing process.
Learning Modality
Online: Virtual Meetings (Zoom)
Recorded video with PPT slides
 Upload in FB Page closed group

Any problem encountered should be addressed to the subject

Learning Modality
Submission of Written Output
- Google Classroom
- Drop- off at CKC- Gate
Learning Modality: Handouts and Assessment

Online ( Asynchronous and Synchronous)

 Asynchronous (Google Forms)
• You will be answering questions from this platform with due
date given
• It will be a limited time mode test
 Test questions will be sent thru EDMODO media platform
 The confidentiality of the questions should be strictly
 Sending/posting the questions beyond the said venue shall be
dealt accordingly.
 Use one (1) account only.
Learning Modality
 Real time/live online
 Feed backing
 Oral Recitation
 Cellphones
 Oral Recitation 25% Prelim and 15%
Semi- Finals

 Quizzes/Test 25% Midterm and 25%

Final Exam

 Reports, 10%  

  60% 40%

TOTAL 100%



30% 30% 40% 50% 40% 10 100%

Academic Misconduct
• When academic misconduct has occurred, the instructor has
the responsibility of assigning an appropriate penalty. This
may include failure of the assignment or failure of the classes.

• Instructors must make certain to clearly state the

consequences of academic misconduct during Orientation.
 Thursday: 10 to 12 noon
 Subject to change with prior notice.
Other concerns:
• Paraphernalia
• Capping
• Clinical Uniforms
 View areas of maternal and child health
 Identify specific goals and philosophies of maternal and child
 Discuss theories related maternal and child nursing
 Discuss the WHO’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Bebelyn (premature
neonate) delivered at CDH
will be transported to
EVRMC Tacloban. Her
parents, Bing and Bong,
tell you they are worried
about their tiny daughter
being cared by strangers
miles away.
They are also concerned on how
they will able to pay the level of
care. Bing, 45 years old, feels too
exhausted after the Caesarean
Section and their 4 other children
has no one to take care of.

Obstetrics (obstare)- to keep watch

 Pregnant woman
 Child
 Family
 Family Centered
 Community Centered
 Evidence based
 A challenging role

Calista Roy – help patient adopt to change caused by illness

Dorothea Orem- Self care theory
Defining the concept of Family…
 group of people related by blood,
marriage or adoption living
 (US Census Bureau)
Defining the concept of Family…
 two or more people who live in the
same household, share common
emotional bond, perform certain
interrelated social task
( Allender and Spradley)
Family types
Family of orientation
born into oneself, mother, father and
siblings if any, grandparents,

Family of procreation family one

establishes, or oneself, spouse or
significant other and children
Dyad Family
consist of two people living together,
usually a woman and a man
without children.
Ex. Newly married
Cohabitation Family heterosexual
couples and children who live together
but remain unmarried
Nuclear Family traditional, composed
of husband and wife and children

 Ability to provide support to family

(small size)
Polygamous Family

 Marriage with
multiple wives
(Multigenerational) Family

 Includes not only the nuclear

family, but also other members
such as grandmothers,
grandfathers, aunts, uncles,
cousins, grandchildren
Single-Parent family
Single headed family
Blended Family

-Remarried or reconstituted family

-A divorced or widowed person with
children marries someone who also
has children
The Communal Family
 Formed by groups of people who
choose to live together as an
extended family.
 Motivated by social or
religious values rather than
kinship Ex. Cults, charismatic
Gay or Lesbian Family
 Homosexual union, individuals of
the same sex live together as

The Adoptive Family

- Types of families that adopt children
Foster Family

-Children whose parents can no longer

care for them maybe placed in a foster
or substitute home by child protection
Family functions and roles
 Financial manager
 Problem solver
 Decision maker
 Nurturer
 Health manager
 Environmentalist
 Culture bearer
 Gatekeeper
Family Tasks

 Physical Maintenance
 Socialization of Family members
 Allocation of resources
 Maintenance of order
 Division of labor
 Reproduction, recruitment and release of family members
 Placement of members into larger society
 Maintenance of motivation and morale
Family Stages and tasks
1. Marriage
 Establish mutually satisfying
 Relate well to other families of
 Engage in reproductive life
2. Early childbearing family
- Health education about well child
care and how to integrate a new
member into a family
3. Family with Pre-school child
 Demand great deal of time
 Safety considerations, avoiding
injuries/accidents is a major
4. Family with School aged child
 Monitoring child’s health,
immunization, dental care, safety
and encourage meaningful school
5. Family with Adolescent
 Allow more freedom and prepare
them for life of their own
 Violence, accidents, homicide and
suicide- major cause of death
 May become sexually active- STI
 Counseling on safety, safer sex
practice, dangers of chemical abuse
6. Launching Stage: Family with Young Adult
 Children leave to establish their
own household
 May result to loss of self esteem to
 Boomerang generation
 Counseling
7. Family with Middle Years
 Family returns to a two partner
 Empty nest syndrome
 Sandwich family- parents squeezed
into taking care of aging parents
and /raise young children returning
young adult and work full time
8. Family in Retirement or Older Age
- Struggle to meet young children’s
needs in relation to energy level
and finances
Family Assessment
Genogram- diagram that details
family structure, provides
information about the family’s
history and the roles of various
family member’s overtime through
several generations
Family APGAR- screening tool for
family environment
Eco map- diagram of family and
community relationships
Practice Questions:

The planning step of the nursing process includes which of the

following activities?
a. Assessing and diagnosing
b. Performing nursing actions and documenting them
c. Evaluating goal achievement
d. Setting goals and selecting interventions
When calling the nurse consultant about a difficult client-
centered problem, the primary nurse is sure to report the
a. Client’s concern about the current treatment
b. Length of time the current treatment has been in place
c. The spouse reaction to the client’s dressing change
d. Physician’s reluctance to change the current treatment plan
The following statements appear on a nursing care plan for a
client after a mastectomy. Incision site approximated; absence of
drainage or prolonged erythema at incision site; and client
remains afebrile. These statements are examples of:
a. Expected outcome
b. Long term goals
c. Short term goals
d. Nursing intervention
Activity 1

1. Genogram
2. Written OutputHandwritten (scanned), Encoded)
3. Long Bond Paper
4. Deadline: Monday before 5 pm (August 30, 2021)
5. To be submitted at Google Classroom

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