Concepts Underlying The Design of Health Programs
Concepts Underlying The Design of Health Programs
Concepts Underlying The Design of Health Programs
maintain a healthy and economically productive life so as to realize the birth right of each individual, by
the people for maintaining a healthy life style and behavior, prevent epidemics, control communicable
and non communicable diseases, addressing the social, economic and cultural determinants influencing
health and disease, and also organizing a personal care and public health service for caring the sick and
to deliver health promotion, prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases as a comprehensive
package along with essential public health services which is to be universally available, equitably distributed and
accessible to all the individuals and the community in need at an affordable cost, through intersectoral coordination,
• "Public health is the Science and Art of (1) preventing disease, (2) prolonging life, and (3) promoting health and
efficiency through organized community effort for:
(d) the organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of
disease, and
(e) the development of social machinery to ensure everyone a standard of living adequate for the maintenance
of health, so organizing these benefits as to enable every citizen to enjoy his birth right of health and
(Quoted in Institute of Medicine. The future of public health. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1988)
In the community Health is not perceived the same way
by all members including various professional groups,
the biochemical scientists, social scientists, health
administrators and ecologists have given the concept of
i. Biomedical Concept
• Traditionally, health has been viewed as an "absence
of disease", and if one was free from disease, then the
person was considered healthy.
MAN Environment
Quality of Life
iii. Psychosocial Concept
• Contemporary developments in social sciences revealed
• National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke
• National Programme for the Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE)
• All tasks identified are given the highest priority, and they serve as the basis for the development of detailed
plans of action and various programmes to be implemented at all levels by individual sectors. Flexibility is
one of essential features of the NHP. The Programme can be further modified, individual targets and tasks
changed, their number extended or limited according to arising needs and health problems.
• It should be also stressed that while developing the present version of the NHP an attempt has been made
to define more precisely expected outcomes of actions planned with the aim to attain the policy objectives
and expected health gain.
• In addition, much concern has been given to monitoring and evaluation of the outcomes of individual
actions and programmes
• Public health programs succeed and survive if organizations and coalitions address 6 key
• insufficient political commitment can all cause public health programs to fail.
• Implementation can succeed and be sustained if
organizations and coalitions effectively address 6 key areas:
• innovation,
• a rigorously established technical package,
• management,
• partnerships,
• communication, and
• political commitment.