Ethics Training
Ethics Training
Ethics Training
Dianne Klayman
What is Ethics?
How is ethics related to economics.
The role of markets and market system.
Meaning of business ethics. (ch 03 Rezaee)
Governance, ethics and wellbeing
Ethics from Islamic perspective
Views of al-Ghazzali on Ethics
Present the definition of ethics in general and business
ethics in particular.
Recognize the need for a code of ethics that is upheld
especially by setting the right “tone at the top.”
Understand the board’s role in setting the company’s
ethical codes.
Recognize the benefits of and need for an ethical
Identify incentive programs and their roles in promoting
an ethical workplace.
Factors influencing the ethical behavior
Ethical problems may vary from one person to another according to the
factors influencing the Ethical Behavior:
■ Ethics is the branch of philosophy that focuses on morality and the way in which moral
principles are applied to everyday life. Ethics has to do with fundamental questions
such as “What is fair?” “What is just?” “What is the right thing to do in this situation?”
Ethics involves an active process of applying values, which may range from religious
principles to customs and traditions.
What is Ethics?
Ethics may be defined as the set of moral principles that distinguish what is right from
what is wrong.
Ethics has a twofold objective: it evaluates human practices by calling upon moral
• Customer privacy
• Money handling
• Customer relations
• Employee behavior
What is business ethics?
■ Business ethics focuses on what constitutes right or wrong behavior in the world of
business. Corporate business executives have a responsibility to their shareholders and
employees to make decisions that will help their business make a profit. But in doing
so, businesspeople also have a responsibility to the public and themselves to maintain
ethical principles.
Do Not Steal or Waste Resources
> Stealing is > Wasting resources costs the company
■ illegal money
■ unethical > Recycle items such as:
> Do not take items such as: ■ paper products
■ cash ■ grease
■ property ■ oil
■ office supplies
■ food
■ toiletries
Work Ethics
> Work Ethics for an Employer > Work Ethics for an Employee
■ To provide a safe work environment ■ To show up on time
for staff and employees ■ To tend to company business the
■ To treat employees with dignity and whole time while at work
respect ■ To treat the company’s resources,
■ To provide a fair wage for the equipment and products with care
services rendered ■ To give respect to the company by
■ To handle all business transactions working with honesty and integrity
with integrity and honesty
The Relationship Between Law and
■ The law is an expression of the ethical beliefs of our society.
■ Law and ethics are not the same thing. The question, “Is an act
legal?” is different from the question, “Is an act ethical?” The
law cannot codify all ethical requirements. Therefore, an
action might be unethical, yet not necessarily illegal. For
example, it might be unethical to lie to your family, but it is not
necessary illegal.
What is ethics?
■ Ethics is the branch of philosophy that focuses on morality and the way in which moral
principles are applied to everyday life. Ethics has to do with fundamental questions
such as “What is fair?” “What is just?” “What is the right thing to do in this situation?”
Ethics involves an active process of applying values, which may range from religious
principles to customs and traditions.
What is business ethics?
■ Business ethics focuses on what constitutes right or wrong behavior in the world of
business. Corporate business executives have a responsibility to their shareholders and
employees to make decisions that will help their business make a profit. But in doing
so, businesspeople also have a responsibility to the public and themselves to maintain
ethical principles.
Factors influencing the ethical behavior
Ethical problems may vary from one person to another according to the
factors influencing the Ethical Behavior:
conflicts of interest,
quality control issues,
discrimination in hiring and promotion,
misuse of proprietary information,
abuse of company expense accounts,
misuse of company assets,
drug and alcohol abuse,
environmental pollution, environmental destruction,
What are the attributes of an ethical culture?
• Higher profitability: Your company’s bottom line is protected from fines that result from unethical
behavior. In addition, you may avoid plummeting stock prices that happen as a result of negative
• Reduced risk: With ethical behavior, you can reduce actions that may put your business in
jeopardy, financially or otherwise.
• Increased engagement: Employees value working for companies that focus on ethical behavior.
This results in lower turnover and higher retention.
Questions to Keep in Mind
> Is it fair? > Am I confident in > Does it make
> Does it uphold the my decision? anyone
values of the > Will it be valid for uncomfortable?
organization? years? > Does it convey
> Can I tell my > Is it legal? respect for
decisions to my > Will it hurt
employer, my family anyone? > Have I involved
and others? others by asking
> Does it positively their viewpoint?
> How would others represent the
regard the details if company?
Business Ethics
Flexibility Teamwork
Honestly Reliability
Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
benefits and