Tissue physiology and the inflammatory response are summarized in 3 sentences:
Inflammation is the body's response to tissue damage, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function, as chemical mediators are released causing increased blood flow and permeability. This allows white blood cells and proteins to enter injured tissue, walling off pathogens while tissue repair occurs either through regeneration of same cell types or scar formation with loss of function. Tissue repair completes the healing process as granulation tissue develops through fibroblast activity and revascularization of the wound occurs.
Tissue physiology and the inflammatory response are summarized in 3 sentences:
Inflammation is the body's response to tissue damage, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function, as chemical mediators are released causing increased blood flow and permeability. This allows white blood cells and proteins to enter injured tissue, walling off pathogens while tissue repair occurs either through regeneration of same cell types or scar formation with loss of function. Tissue repair completes the healing process as granulation tissue develops through fibroblast activity and revascularization of the wound occurs.
Tissue physiology and the inflammatory response are summarized in 3 sentences:
Inflammation is the body's response to tissue damage, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function, as chemical mediators are released causing increased blood flow and permeability. This allows white blood cells and proteins to enter injured tissue, walling off pathogens while tissue repair occurs either through regeneration of same cell types or scar formation with loss of function. Tissue repair completes the healing process as granulation tissue develops through fibroblast activity and revascularization of the wound occurs.
Tissue physiology and the inflammatory response are summarized in 3 sentences:
Inflammation is the body's response to tissue damage, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function, as chemical mediators are released causing increased blood flow and permeability. This allows white blood cells and proteins to enter injured tissue, walling off pathogens while tissue repair occurs either through regeneration of same cell types or scar formation with loss of function. Tissue repair completes the healing process as granulation tissue develops through fibroblast activity and revascularization of the wound occurs.
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Tissue Damage and
Inflammation • Inflammation (flamma, flame) - response when tissues are damaged. - Agents that cause injury are microorganisms, cold, heat, radiant energy, chemicals, electricity and mechanical trauma - This response mobilizes the body’s defenses, isolates and destroys microorganisms and other injurious agents and removes foreign materials and damaged cells, so that tissue repair can proceed What are the events in acute inflammation?
1. Alteration in blood flow and vascular permeability
2. Migration of WBC to injured site 3. Phagocytosis and enzymatic digestion of dead cells 4. Repair of injury by regeneration • 5 clinical signs or manifestations of inflammation are: rubor - redness dolor - pain tumor - swelling calor – heat functio laesa – loss of function • Unpleasant may it seem but these processes usually aid in recovery • After a person is injured, chemical substances called chemical mediators are released/ activated in the tissues and the adjacent blood vessels • Examples of mediators are histamine, kinins, prostaglandins and leukotrienes Some mediators induce dilation of blood vessels and produce redness and heat. Dilation of blood vessels is beneficial because it speeds the arrival of white blood cells and other substances important for fighting infections and repairing the injury. Chemical mediators also stimulate pain receptors and increase the permeability of blood vessels. • The increased permeability allows materials such as clotting proteins and white blood cells to move out of the blood vessels and into the tissue, where they can deal directly with the injury • As proteins from the blood move into the tissue, they change the osmotic relationship between the blood and the tissue. Water follows the proteins by osmosis and the tissue swells, producing edema. • Edema increases the pressure in the tissue, which can also stimulate neurons and cause pain Increase in Permeability Leucocyte Adhesion • Clotting proteins present in blood diffuse into the interstitial spaces and form a clot. Clotting also occur by platelet aggregation in the injured blood vessels. • Clotting isolates the injurious agent and separates it from the rest of the body. Foreign particles and microorganisms at the site of injury are “walled off” from the tissues by clotting process. • Pain and limitation of movement resulting from edema and tissue destruction all contribute to disturbed function (functio laesa) Platelet Aggregation Platelet Plug • This disturbance is valuable in a sense that it warns the person to protect the injury from further damage • If the inflammatory response lasts longer or more intense, he or she can be given drugs to suppress the symptoms like antihistamines, aspirins (prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins and the anti-inflammatory drug) cortisone. • There will be times when the body’s inflammatory response is not enough to combat the effects of injury or fight off an infection and that is the only time when antibiotics is required Tissue Repair
• Tissue repair is the substitution of viable cells for
dead cells. • Tissue repair can occur by regeneration or replacement Regeneration – new cells are produce that are of the same type as those that were destroyed Replacement – a new type of tissue is produced as like producing a scar and causes loss of tissue function • Most wounds heal by regeneration and replacement which process dominates depends on the tissue involved and the nature and extent of the wound • 3 classifications of cells according to ability to regenerate; labile- continue to divide throughout life - adult stem cells, cells of mucus membranes hemopoietic and lymphatic tissues stable- low level of replication and can regenerate when signaled - connective tissue and glands, liver, pancreas donot divide after growth ceases but retain the ability to replicate and are capable of regeneration permanent- very limited ability to replicate and if killed a different type of cell will replace will replace it - neurons, muscles (skeletal and cardiac) - another factor is when the cell body is not destroyed, recovery is imminent - cardiac muscles and skeletal muscles have limited ability to regenerate unlike smooth muscles that readily regenerate Basic Pattern of Repair Primary union/ intention – if the wound is close together like an incision from a scalpel - wound edges have smooth borders and are in close vicinity - such wounds will heal within 6 – 8 days Events in Primary Union
• The wound fills with blood and a clot forms
• The clot contains the threadlike protein fibrin, which binds the edges of the wound together. • The surface of the clot dries to form a scab, which seals the wound and helps prevent infection • An inflammatory response induces vasodilation and takes more blood cells and other substances to the area. • Blood vessel permeability increases, resulting in edema (swelling). Fibrin and blood cells move into the wounded tissues because of the increased vascular permeability • Fibrin isolates and walls off micro organisms and other foreign matter. • Some of the white blood cells that move into the tissue are phagocytic cells called neutrophils (ingest bacteria, thus helping fight infection. Also they ingest tissue debris and clear the area for repair) • Neutrophils are killed in this process and can accumulate as a mixture of dead cells and fluid called pus Secondary union – if the edges are not close together or there is extensive loss - when a wound that cannot be stitched causes a large amount of tissue loss Repair by secondary union Because the wound edges are far apart, the clot may not close the gap completely, and it takes the epithelial cells much longer to regenerate and cover the wound Increased tissue damage means that both the degree of inflammation and the risk of infection are greater and there is more cell debris for the phagocytes to remove Much more granulation tissue forms, and the contraction of fibroblasts in the granulation tissue leads to wound contracture, resulting in disfiguring and debilitating scars It is advisable to suture a large wound, so that it can heal by primary rather than secondary union Fibrin Formation • Fibroblasts from surrounding connective tissue migrate into the clot and produce collagen and other extracellular matrix components. • Capillaries grow from blood vessels at the edge of the wound and revascularize the area and fibrin in the clot is broken down and removed • The result is the replacement of the clot by granulation tissue, a delicate, granular-appearing connective tissue that consists of fibroblasts, collagen and capillaries. revascularization • A large amount of granulation tissue is converted to a scar, which consists of dense irregular collagenous connective tissue • At first, a scar is bright red because numerous blood vessels are present. Later, the scar becomes white as collagen accumulates and the vascular channels are compressed • Healing is faster, with a lowered risk of infection and a reduced degree of scarring inflammation Wound healing FINISH