NTCC of Srabana
NTCC of Srabana
NTCC of Srabana
Submitted To
For the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award Degree of Masters of Travel and Tourism
Contact: To
Address: E - 43/1, Profile in which I
contact them,
Organisation: Pocket D, Okhla was appointed: As
Working Days: 05 customers can
Navyush Travel Phase II, Okhla a Trainee Working Hours: 4
Days a Week email at
Experiences pvt. Industrial Estate, (Itinerary making PM – 7 PM
(Monday – Friday) [email protected]
Ltd. New Delhi, Delhi and S.O.P making m
110020 for Uttarakhand) OR call at (+91)
• I worked under Mr. Puneet Saxena, the owner
the company from New Delhi. He taught me
punctuality, timely work ethics, making of
packages, client handling strategy, etc. I would
like to thank him again as my training guide who
gave me productive ideas, so I could complete
this internship and the final report effectively.
• My summer internship at Navyush Travel
Experiences pvt. Ltd was a wonderful
experience. This report will firstly give the
viewpoint of the missions completed during the
training period with all practical aspects. This
report was made after the internship at the
organization under the supervision of Mr. Puneet
Saxena, the founder of the company, whom I met
during the online sessions and my internship
mentor, Mr. Sunil Kumar Vohra.
• The objective to work as a fresher in any organisation to gain industrial knowledge about
the current scenario in the industry, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. These
training sessions help us to know the different working structures of the firm or a tourism
organisation that is to know the divergent segments of a travel agency like Itinerary
making, S.O.Ps, visa, foreign exchange, international and domestic packages, operations,
handling different travellers’ needs maintain the medical protocols, and many more.
To gain knowledge about the working of tourism industry. (especially after COVID-19)
To gain an enriching experience in this field
To gain assertiveness in client handling system
To give a perfect tourism product to the customers.
Learn how to plan the itinerary, professionally, to assure that the traveller visits all the
famous places and does all activities that the destination has to offer.
To have broad minded ideas for my future working strategies.
To learn the procedures of a traveller travelling round the world be it international travel
or a domestic one.
To gain detailed knowledge about a destination.
I made the itinerary and S.O.P of Uttarakhand in the company (Navyush Travel
Experiences pvt. Ltd.). In this internship I had an exciting experience learning about the
working procedure, ethics and services and the products they provide to the clients for
a happy go lucky and a comfortable travel to the destination they aspire to visit. I learnt
how to present a new company and its services and products in my own way. I learnt
the techniques used by the company to promote the company in the travel industry.
WORK The motivation to work in this company was to learn about the products and services of
the organisation (itineraries, S.O.Ps, destinations etc.). The handling of the travellers
was also learnt and all the procedures involved in smooth running of the organisation.
The strategies of the research for the development of a tourism product. The basics of
the research of the product development. The company has the most skilled working
staffs and have the experience of working in the industry for making of the packages
and suggesting best visiting places to the travellers for an enriching experience.
We worked with the help of secondary data as well as bit of primary data, as the
pandemic is going on.
• In this internship I learnt a foremost thing that, to make
itineraries or S.O.Ps one needs to have a crystal clear idea
about the destination, they are making the packages. The
research that you undergo gives you an insight of how to
use the organisational skills in the firm to shape it better.
The research methods you use for promotion of any
product of the company helps you know the leadership
capabilities you have , the self-judgement skills you
possess , research teaches you how to deal with time
constraint projects that the company gives you. I learnt
how to put forth the given data to operate in the
organisation. I also learnt about hierarchy of travel
companies. I also learnt about customer satisfaction and
how it is attained and also learnt about presenting a
destination in its raw form, but in a very colourful way.
We discussed about tourism and its related products and
services extensively and shared about our point of views
on different topics.
Specialized understanding of Rural Tourism and Organization Workforce
Sustainability Competition
Understanding the changing trends in Tourism
Evolving Lifestyle Unusual Occasions
Government Regulations The Pandemic
• I would suggest this company to anyone who loves travelling because they are a growing company which provides
unique and customisable tourism products. They have good work ethics. So I am thankful to Amity University, Noida
and Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism for providing this opportunity in the first year of the course. I learnt, I
practised, I learnt to solve problems. It was an amazing experience for me. I got a real view of the Tourism industry. I
am waiting eagerly to gain more experiences.