Thermodynamics Introduction: Dr. Asiri Indrajith
Thermodynamics Introduction: Dr. Asiri Indrajith
Thermodynamics Introduction: Dr. Asiri Indrajith
Thermodynamic systems
What is thermodynamics
• The science of energy that concerns with the ways in which the energy is
stored within a body.
• Energy transformation- mostly involve heat and work movement
• The fundamental law is the conservation of energy principle: energy cannot
be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to
Thermodynamic systems
Thermodynamic systems
• Microscopic thermodynamics:
• All the atoms and molecules of the system are considered and the summation of all the and
molecules are used. It is statistical approach of thermodynamics
• Macroscopic thermodynamics
• When matter are considered as continuos function of space variable. It is classical approach of
thermodynamics, which requires simple mathematical formula for analyzing the system .
Collection of matter within prescribed and identifiable boundaries
Open system
System in which there is a transfer of mass across the boundaries
Most pressure gauge devices care calibrated the value relative to the
atmospheric pressure. Therefore, that gives the gauge pressure
A vacuum gauge is connected to a chamber which reads 0.2 Bar at a location where
the atmospheric pressure is 1.02 Bar. Determine the absolute pressure in the chamber.
Systems properties
Systems properties
Is defined as the product of a force and the distance moved in the direction of the
force. When the boundary of a closed system moves in the direction of the force
acting on it, then the surroundings do work on the system.
When the boundary is moved outwards the work is done by the system on the
surrounding. The unit of the work is Nm.
Systems properties
Heat and work are transitory energies and must not confused with intrinsic energy
possessed by a system. For example, when a gas contained in a well lagged cylinder is
compressed by moving the piston to the left, the pressure and temperature of the gas
are observed to increase, and hence the intrinsic energy of the gas increases. The
intrinsic energy increase in the gas has been caused by the work done by the piston on
the gas.
Systems properties
Consider a gas contained in a rigid container and heated, since the boundaries of the
system are rigidly fixed then no work is done on or by the system. The pressure and
temperature of the gas are observed to increase, and hence the intrinsic energy of the
gas will increase. The increase in intrinsic energy has been caused by the heat flow to
the system
Thermodynamic systems
Thank you