Pitch Deck Format
Pitch Deck Format
Pitch Deck Format
Pitch Deck
123 Anywhere St.,
Any City, ST 12345
Team Name
Team members
Problem 1
Give a striking overview of the problem and
explain it briefly.
Problem 2
Elaborate on how this negatively impacts
people and their experiences.
Reason 2
What are the trends these days that make your
product or service possible?
Target Market 1
What are their profiles and visual personas?
Target Market 2
Visualize the people who will turn to you for solutions.
1.9 Billion
Size the Total Available Market (TAM)
53 M
Advanced Plan
Advantage 3 Advantage 4
What can you do better than your A company with strong competitive
competition? How will you advantages is likely to survive in the long
outperform them? term.
Approach 1
How will you set your company apart
Approach Approach 2
What's your path to reach your customers?
Approach 3
Events, partnerships, ads —
list the effective ways to reach them.
Business or Revenue Model
Show the ways your company plans to make money.
Chief Finance Officer
Future Roadmap
What are your next steps and goals?
How much support do you need from investors, and what will it get you?