Advertising Society: Economics
Advertising Society: Economics
Advertising Society: Economics
The effects of advertising on our
The effects of advertising on our society
Our attempts to manage those effects
Power or Information?
Market Power Market Information
Advertising Advertising
Persuades consumer to Increased consumer knowledge
purchase one brand over
another more often More substitute products
Excess brand profits consumers can consider
Higher barriers to entry Lower barriers to entry
and more market power by new brands
More advertising leads to Reduced market power for
greater brand loyalty any individual brand
Reduce quality/raise price Better pricing/distribution
Reduced consumer more product innovation
sovereignty Optimal brand profits, consumer
Monopoly choice, and price benefits
What do you think?
Advertising = Market Power
Or both?
Some Economic Questions:
How does advertising affect the
price of a new car?
How does advertising affect the
price of a latté from Starbucks?
How does advertising affect the
way that you spend your money?
Some Economic Questions:
Can ads make people buy things
they don’t want or need?
Can ads make people more
Are the benefits of advertising
worth the annoyance?
An Ethical Debate
Ads destroy Ads give consumers
freedom of choice more choices