Indo-Russian Relations in Recent Times: - Manali Jain

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• Relations with India have always been and I am sure will be one of
the most important foreign policy priorities of our country. Our
mutual ties of friendship are filled with sympathy, and trust, and
openness. And we must say frankly that they were never
overshadowed by disagreements or conflict. This understanding -
this is indeed the common heritage of our peoples. It is valued and
cherished in our country, in Russia, and in India. And we are
rightfully proud of so close relations between our countries.

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The first major political initiative, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, between
India and Russia began with the Strategic Partnership signed between the two
countries in 2000. President Vladimir Putin stated in an article written by him, "The
Declaration on Strategic Partnership between India and Russia signed in October
2000 became a truly historic step". Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also
agreed with his counterpart by stated in speech given during President Putin's 2012
visit to India, "President Putin is a valued friend of India and the original architect of
the India-Russia strategic partnership".The Indo-Russian Inter-Governmental
Commission (IRIGC) is one of the largest and most comprehensive governmental
mechanisms that India has with any country internationally. Almost every
department from the Government of India attends it.

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• The Soviet Union was an important supplier of defence equipment for several decades, and this role has
been inherited by the Russian federation. Russia 68%, USA 14% and Israel 7.2% are the major arms
suppliers to India. In December 1988, an India–Russia co-operation agreement was signed, which resulted
in the sale of a multitude of defence equipment to India and also the emergence of the countries as
development partners as opposed to purely a buyer-seller relationship. In 1997, Russia and India signed a
ten-year agreement for further military-technical cooperation encompassed a wide range of activities,
including the purchase of completed weaponry, joint development and production, and joint marketing of
armaments and military technologies.
• Now, the co-operation is not limited to a buyer-seller relationship but includes joint research and
development, training, service to service contacts, including joint exercises. The last joint naval exercises
took place in April 2007 in the Sea of Japan and joint airborne exercises were held in September 2007 in
Russia. The seventh session of this Inter-Governmental Commission was held in October 2007 in Moscow.
During the visit, an agreement on joint development and production of prospective multi-role fighters was
signed between the two countries.

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