Organizing A Fitness Event For A Target Health Issue or Concern

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Organizing a Fitness

Event for a Target

Health Issue or Concern
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

● Participate in an organized event that addr

esses health / fitness issues and concerns.
● Display initiative, responsibility and leaders
hip in fitness activities.
● Organize a fitness event for a target health
issue or concern.
● Prepare own fitness program.
What I Know?

Put a check (/) on the benefits of fitness activitie

____1. Body-fat weight loss
____2. It makes me tired
____3. Build more muscle
____4. Lost my appetite
____5. Improve flexibility
Activity1. Let’s Do This
Activity1. Let’s Do This

The pictures clearly suggest the different physic

al fitness activities that
you can engage with. From the pictures, select t
wo (2) activities that are suited
for you. Explain how the benefits of the chosen
activities help you physically,
socially and mentally.
Why do we have to
organize Fitness Ev
Why do we have to organize Fitness Event?

• Building healthy relationships and spending time with you

r family, friends, and others in your community can help imp
rove your mental wellbeing.
• Mental health and physical health are fundamentally linke
d, with positive mental well-being contributing to physical co
• Those at risk for serious mental health conditions are at i
ncreased risk for chronic physical conditions, which makes
having community support very important.
Why do we have to organize Fitness Event?

• Community-wide events bring people fro

m all walks of life together, strengthening th
e bonds between them
• Being physically active also offers benefit
s far beyond the obvious.
Fitness Facts
Fitness Facts Benefits

1. Exercise Boosts Brainpower.

2. Movement Melts Away Stress
3. Exercise Gives You Energy
4. It's Not That Hard to Find Time for Fitne
5. Fitness Can Help Build Relationships.
Fitness Facts Benefits

6. Exercise Helps Ward-Off Diseases.

7. Exercise Helps Ward-Off Diseases.
8. Exercise Lets You Eat More.
9. Exercise Boosts Performance
10. Weight Loss Is Not the Most Importa
nt Goal
How to Develop
a Fitness Event
How to Develop a Fitness Event?

1. A well-organized and planned event or activity is the key

to achieve the target and attain the best result.

2. Collaboration with the group and the spirit of openness wi

ll be important components to having a good result

3. Involving the whole team or group would be much better i

n gathering information and ideas that will serve as the ingr
edients of the best output.
How to Develop a Fitness Event?

Organize - - is making arrangements or preparations for an

event or activity which are often arranged in a systematic w
ay, especially on a large scale. Organizing an event or an a
ctivity is always associated with a plan.

Planning - is the process of making plans for something. It i

s the most important part of the success of every activity. Th
e planning process provides
the information.
Key Elements of
Effective Event
Key Elements of Effective Event Planning:

1. Understand the purpose of the event.

2. Know your audience.
3. Select the right venue is vital.
4. Choose a suitable timing.
5. Draft a plan and follow the timeline.
6. Create content that attracts your target audience.
7. Design the message you want to share through the event.
8. Lead capture mechanism.
Fitness event - an event in your day where the activi
ty is considered "fitness level" because it was perfor
med at a higher intensity than your normal, routine a

Participation - the action of taking part in something.

The greatest and widely accepted benefit of participa
tion is the increased work ownership of an individual.
An individual is better able to relate himself/herself wi
th his or her work and this improves performance an
d efficiency at work.
Initiative - the power or opportunity to act or take ch
arge before others do.

Initiative - the ability to be resourceful and work with

out always being told what to do. It requires resilienc
e and determination. People who show initiative dem
onstrate they can think for themselves and take actio
n when necessary. It means using your head, and ha
ving the drive to achieve. You can initiate any fitness
activity that will benefit not only you as an individual,
also for everyone, as well.
What’s More
Here are some of the suggested health and fitness a
ctivities that you can initiate:
1. Fun Run for a Cause - This is possible through partnership with
LGUs, and private organizations.

2. Zumba for a Cause - This is a Zumba dance exercise that can b

e held in an open area of your community to encourage more partici
pants. (e.g.plaza, gymnasium or basketball court)

3. Anti-Smoking Campaign - There are laws prohibiting smoking in

public places, but the implementation of these laws sometimes is co
nsiderably weak. With that, you can initiate campaign in order to stre
ngthen or strictly implement the anti-smoking law.
Here are some of the suggested health and fitness a
ctivities that you can initiate:

4. Sports Competition - This can be possible in coo

peration with the Sangguniang Kabataan officials. Yo
u, as a member of your Barangay, may ask the Sang
guniang Kabataan to hold different sports activities.
5. On the Spot Poster Making Contest – This can b
e possible in cooperation with the Sangguniang Kaba
taan officials.
Activity 2: SEL
Activity 2: SELF CHECK

1. You are chosen by the Municipal Government

to organize an event like “Run for A Casue”, a
5 km. Fun Run to be attended by all governm
ent employees and students of the locality.

How are you going to plan the activities? Prese

nt your plan of the program.
2. As you go to your Rural Health Unit, you learned t
hat many of your townmates are suffering from cardi
o-vascular disease and diabetes. Being a student of
P.E. class, how can you help them in addressing thei
r health
Activity 3: LET’
1. You were assigned by the Barangay Captain to organize
a Summer Sports Fest and Zumba Dance Clinic in your Bar
angay. The said sports fest will include Chess, Badminton,
Basketball and Volleyball for both men and women. And the
Zumba Dance Clinic to be participated in by the parents and
the elderlies. Being the chairman of the activity, prepare the
o Letter of request addressed to the Barangay Chairman,
o Your own plans and programs of the said Sports Fest,
o List of Committees. (Use the table on the next page)
D. Assimilation
What I have Learned?
Complete the following unfinished statements below.
1. I discovered that organizing an event is …
2. I discovered that in planning an event…
3. I can say that if an event or activity is well organize
4. I learned that initiating an activity will help me to…
5. Being the leader or organizer, my responsibility is

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

1. This process refers to making arrangements or preparati

ons for an event or activity in a systematic way, especially o
n a large scale.
A. Anti- Smoking Campaign
B. Camping
C. Organize
D. Plan
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

2. This is an event in your day where the activity is consider

ed "fitness level" because it is performed at a higher intensit
y than your normal, routine activity.
A. Anti- Smoking Campaign
B. Camping
C. Fitness event
D. Plan
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

3. It is the process of making plans for something and is the

most important part of the success of every activity.
A. Anti- Smoking Campaign
B. Camping
C. Organize
D. Planning
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

4. The action of taking part in something is called _______

A. Anti- Smoking Campaign
B. Camping
C. Participation
D. Plan
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

5. The ability to be resourceful and work without always bei

ng told what
to do.
A. Campaign
B. Initiative
C. Participation
D. Planning
Five of these are the Key Elements of Effective Event Planning. Please put
a check (/) on the space before their number.

___1. Understand the purpose of the Event

___2. Providing a lot of foods
___3. Know Your Audience
___4. Selection of right Venue is vital
___5. Suitable situations
___6. Draft a plan and follow the timeline
___7. Create content that attracts foreigner
___8. Design the message you want to share through the event
___9. Lead capturing images
__10. Promotions
The learners will write on their journal their personal insights
about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that _________________________________

I realized that ___________________________________
Thank You

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