E.E Cummings L (A, A Leaf Falls With Loneliness',: Postmodern Poetry Herjin Fadil Abdullah
E.E Cummings L (A, A Leaf Falls With Loneliness',: Postmodern Poetry Herjin Fadil Abdullah
E.E Cummings L (A, A Leaf Falls With Loneliness',: Postmodern Poetry Herjin Fadil Abdullah
e cummings
Postmodern Poetry
Herjin Fadil Abdullah
e.e. cummings
* Transcendentalism was a philosophical movement in the 1800s that protested the state of
culture and society overall, and in particular, the state of intellectualism at Harvard University
and the doctrine of the Unitarian church at Harvard Divinity School. Transcendentalists
believed that people are essentially good and that society and its institutions (organized religion
and political parties) corrupt people. They valued self-reliance and individualism.
Studied Latin and Greek.
Is known for the lack of use in punctuation,
capitalization, spelling, and structure.
He is the second most read poet in the United States
interested in modern poetry that ignored proper
grammar and syntax
influenced by writers such as Amy Lowell, Dada,
Ezra Pound, and Gertrude Stein (author of Sister
Bernadette's Barking Dog)
The brevity of the text causes the reader to feel a sense of emptiness
ll at the lack of completion. This effect directly relates to the words
that seem to exist within the poem on their own in a state of
s) complete and utter loneliness. Thus, the meaning of the poem is
created in the feeling it renders to its readers. The lack of completion
one of words and the use of incomplete phrases allows the reader to feel
an absence. It is this absence that Cummings sought to embody in
the poem. For these reasons, ‘l(a (A Leaf Falls with Loneliness)’
Iness holds an important place within the minds of many lovers of poetry.
When glancing over the text, the word “loneliness” can be made out. It exists outside of the
parenthesis. It is one word by itself. There are no other words to complete the thought. It stands
alone, and is the word “loneliness”. The phrase “a leaf falls” can be found inside of the
parenthesis. This creates an image of emptiness and solitude and reflects the written “loneliness”
that runs parallel to it. This leaf falls by itself and is not with other leaves.
The image of a leaf falling also implies death. The life of the leaf is over for the season. The cold
of the winter is soon to come and the chill of the fall has rendered the leaf lifeless. Thus, it falls to
the ground by itself. This image is one of loneliness. The phrase existing inside of the word
“loneliness” allows the reader to feel the emptiness mention here.
The poem also functions visually. The words inside the parenthesis look like a leaf as it sways
back and forth in the wind as it falls to the ground. Thus, this is more than just a poem. It is also a
work of art made from a few words. The visual qualities of the text allow the reader to experience
not only the imagery created by the description of the leaf falling to the ground in loneliness but
also to experience the imagery created by the words and the way they are arranged.
Thank You