Lesson 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS On Line 2021
Lesson 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS On Line 2021
Lesson 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS On Line 2021
Physical fitness
Flexibility – the range of motion available in the joint.
Body Composition – the relative percentage of muscles, fat, bones, and other
tissues of which the body is composed
Bone Integrity - soundness of the bone associated with density and absence of
symptoms of deterioration.
Sports related components
Thighs Knees Calves Forearms
Muscular fitness
Muscular Fitness –is a general
term that describes the general
health, strength, and endurance of
one's muscles. It is when a group of
muscles are able to contract
continuously without beginning to
Partial Curl-Ups – according to
tandfonline.com, it has been
recommended as a better test of
abdominal muscular endurance,
replacing the one‐minute speed sit‐
up with anchored
Purpose - To test the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscle. Strong abdominal
muscles are important for maintaining good posture, hip alignment and in preventing low back
Equipment- mat or towel
(a.) Pupil lies flat on the floor, knees bent with heels about 6 inches from the buttocks, feet
slightly apart and held down firmly on the floor by his partner;
(b.) Pupil with straight elbows places hands on knees an holds himself up by holding firmly to
his knees. This is the starting position.
(c.) He lowers himself slowly until the tips of his middle fingers are about an inch from the top
of his knees;
(d.) He raises himself until he assumes the starting position and without resting, he repeats
the movement as many times as he can. The maximum counts for beginners boys: 50, girls 30.
(e.) The curl-up should be performed slowly at the
rate of one second in going down and one second in
going up (call out the cadence by using a stopwatch
or counting “one thousand and one, one thousand
and two” for one completed curl-up);
Procedure- (a.) The pupil lies face down on the floor with the
hands on the floor and the thumbs in line with the
(c.) Keeping his legs and back straight, the pupil pushes off the
floor and assumes the starting position;
(d.) Pupil bends his elbows and lowers himself until his arms are
(e.) He repeats the movement for maximum of 50 for
boys and 30 for girls
(b)Jumping jack – do it for 50 counts or as you wish. This test the
whole-body coordination, a high intensity that keeps your heart
rate up and activates all muscles group. Do it in moderate
Scoring- Record the time in minutes and seconds.
Purpose - To measure the explosive strength and
Standing power of the leg muscles. Leg power is important
Long Jump is for most athletic events that involve running,
jumping and throwing. Most identification tests
also called a to utilize the vertical jump to measure leg power.
Broad Jump a The standing long jump is adopted in this test
battery for convenience of testing.
common and • Equipment- A tape accurate to 0.1 centimeters
easy to at least three (3) meters long and placed firmly
on the floor; and a tri-square
administer test • Procedure- (a.) The pupils stands behind the
of explosive take-off line, about six (6) inches
leg power. • To the left of the tape, and making sure that
the tip of his shoes do not go beyond the
take-off line;
Standing long jump
B)He crouches, swings his arms backward and jumps forward as far forward
as he can, and upon stepping down on the floor without stopping his forward
momentum. Swinging the arms back and forth is not allowed.
(c.) The tester marks where the back of the heels of the pupil landed;
procedure noting the mark closed to the take-offline if he landed with heels not together;
(e.) The tester, using the tri-square lines this up with the tape
and notes
• Scoring- the further
Record distance
the score in oftotwo
meters and trials.0.1 centimeters.
the nearest
5 meters sprint is a test measures the participant’s time in which
they can run 40 meters it’s a very good and effective way to see
how fast you are