Musical Notation Symbols
Musical Notation Symbols
Musical Notation Symbols
Bunakan Madridejos,cebu
Submitted to;
This is the bass (pronounced 'base' ) staff. The bass clef, also
known as the F clef because it locates the line known as F, is on
the far left. The bass clef uses the same musical alphabet as
treble, but the letters start in different places. Instead of an E, the
bottom line is a G, and the letters proceed logically from there.
Again, simple mnemonics can be used to remember the names of
the notes. The lines on the bass cleft, from bottom to top are: G,
B, D, F, A (Good Boys Don't Fight Anyone), and the spaces are
A,C,E,G (All Cows Eat Grass).
C clef
Ledger lines extend above and below the staff, allowing for
higher or lower notes to be shown than would otherwise fit on
the staff. These lines follow the same musical alphabet pattern
as the staff does. Think of them as just extra lines and spaces
on the end of the staff.
The stems of notes on ledger lines extend either up or down
towards the middle line.
Note Durations
All notes have length. However, the number of beats they get
depends on the time signature, so only relative note
durations will be discussed here.
Note Durations
All notes have length. However, the number of beats they get depends on
the time signature, so only relative note durations will be discussed here.
Whole note
Quarter rest
half note
Eight rest
Dotted half note
Half rest
Quarter note
Eight note Naturals
It derives from the broken circle that represented "imperfect" duple meter
in fourteenth-century mensural time signatures.
-the lower and higher quality of vocal
This symbol is
piano, it means
play softly.
This symbol is
fortissimo, it means
play very loudly.