Haemoglobin: Biochemistry and Genetics
Haemoglobin: Biochemistry and Genetics
Haemoglobin: Biochemistry and Genetics
MBBS, PGDM, FMCPath (Haem), MSc.
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• Haemoglobin (Hb) is the red pigment contained in the red cells.
• It is a complex molecule made up of protein and iron with a MW of
68,000 D.
• It constitutes about a third of the red cell mass.
• Its oxygen-binding capacity is about 1.34 mL O2/g.
• This satisfies the average adult consumption of about 250 mL/min.
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Structure of Haemoglobin
• Hb has a heme and a globin component.
• Hb has 4 polypeptide chains joined together by disulphide bridges.
• Located at the centre of the chain is a heme group which contains
iron and it is capable of binding one molecule of oxygen.
• Ferrous iron is attached to a Nitrogen atom in each of the Pyrrole
• The globin chain has 4 sub-units. In the normal adult Hb (Hb A), this is
constituted by two α chains of 141 amino acids each and two β
chains of 146 amino acids each.
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• The polypeptide chains are coiled up with hydrophilic R groups
outwards interacting with H2O via hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic
ends inwards making it soluble.
• 4 haem units are attached to one globin unit.
• Thus, one Hb molecule contains 4 iron atoms in Fe2+ form which is
capable of binding 4 oxygen molecules.
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Synthesis of Haemoglobin
• Haem synthesis occurs in virtually all cells but most importantly in the
liver (for cytochromes), muscles (for myoglobin), and red cell
• The synthesis of the haem molecule and the globin chains occurs at
two different sites in the cell but in an organised manner.
• The Globin chains are produced in the ribosomes.
• Haem is produced in the mitochondria.
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Steps in haem synthesis
• 1.Glycine and succinate condense to form 5-aminolaevulinate in the presence
of Pyridoxal phosphate. This step is energy-dependent and rate-limiting
catalysed by ALA synthase.
• 2. Condensation of 2 molecules of ALA forms Porphobilinogen (PBG) a
monopyrrole. This and other reactions occur in the cytoplasm.
• 3. Four of PBG then forms Uroporphyrinogen, a tetrapyrrole with 2 isomers I
and III. III is the major pathway.
• 4. The following are then formed in succession: Corproporphyrinogen III which
enters the mitochondria forming Protoporphyrinogen IX and Protoporphyrin
• Ferrous iron, Fe2+ is added to Protoporphyrin IX to form Haem.
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Disorders of haem synthesis: The Porphyrias
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Classification of Porphyrias
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Globin synthesis
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Succession of globin chains
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Hemoglobins in normal adults
a b a g a d
b a g a d a
Hb A
Hb F
1% HbA
Hb A2
3.5% 2
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Major functions of haemoglobin
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Haemoglobin-Oxygen dissociation curve
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The Hb-O2 dissociation curve
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Factors affecting the position of the curve
• 1. Structure of haemoglobin.
• 2. pH
• 3. Concentration of CO2 in the red cells.
• 4. Concentration of 2,3 DPG in the red cells.
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Causes of a right shift
• 1. Haemoglobin S
• 2. High CO2
• 3. High H+
• 4. High 2,3-DPG.
• 5. High temperature.
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Causes of a left shift
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Hb transport of CO2: The Bohr effect
• The Bohr effect explains the major gas exchange mechanism in the
• Hb’s O2-binding affinity is inversely related both to acidity and CO2
• The release of oxygen at the level of the capillaries in the tissues
facilitates binding of CO2 to haemoglobin.
• In the lungs, the release of CO2 facilitates the binding of O2 to
• About 23% of CO2 is transported this way.
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Bohr effect contd.
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Nonfunctional hemoglobins
• Carboxyhemoglobin
• Oxygen molecules bound to heme are replaced by carbon monoxide.
• Slightly increased levels of carboxyhemoglobin are present in heavy smokers and as a result of environmental
• Can revert to oxyhemoglobin.
• Methemoglobin
• Iron in the hemoglobin molecule is in the ferric (Fe3) state instead of the ferrous (Fe2) state.
• Incapable of combining with oxygen.
• Can occur as a result of strong oxidative drugs or to an enzyme deficiency.
• Can revert to oxyhemoglobin
• Sulfhemoglobin
• Hemoglobin molecule contains sulfur.
• Caused by certain sulfur-containing drugs or chronic constipation.
• Cannot revert to oxyhemoglobin and may cause death.
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