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• Bed making is one of the important nursing
techniques to prepare various types of bed for
patients or clients to ensure comfort and useful
position for a particular condition. The bed is
especially important for patients who are sick. The
nurse plays inevitable role to ensure comfort and
cleanliness for ill patient. It should be adaptable
to various positions as per patient’s need because
they spend varying amount of the day in bed.
Types of Bed Making in Hospital:
• Nursing staff make different types of bed
according to patient condition those are listed
1. Simple bed or unoccupied bed
2. Occupied bed
3. Surgical Bed
Basic Principle of Bed Making in Hospital:
• It is important to learn that how to make a bed in such a way where least amount
of energy and time is required.
• During bed-making, use good body movement and make each step purposeful.
• Keep everything ready on bed side before starting bed-making.
• Change bed linen frequently to assure cleanliness.
• To ensure the patient need by providing a safe and comfortable bed.
• It should have a finished appearance.
• To make bed tight and free from wrinkles, place all linen straight line on the bed.
• Prevent complications of prolonged bed ridden patient such as pressure sore.
• Soiled linen or linen whether clean or dirty should not be thrown on the floor, but
it is should be kept in a dirty linen box.
• After cleaning bed, dump soap water and disinfectant properly.
• Try to prevent cross infection of microorganism during bed-making.
• Ensure all bed-making in a nursing unit alike for uniformity of appearance.
Remember During Bed Making in Hospital:
• During bed-making, bed position keep elevated and ensures nursing staff’s
good body alignments
• During the procedure, the nurse should study her movements so as to avoid
waste of time and energy.
• After completing, bed should be lower position.
• During occupied bed making, confirm patient safety and comfort.
• Wash hands before and after bed making and use gloves during bed-making.
• Maintain privacy while making bed.
• Keep soiled linen away from uniform which may have germs.
• Do not shake dirty linen to prevent germs spread around room.
• Do not mix soiled and clean linen during bed-making.
• For bed ridden patient, mattress must be turned air and ensure free of lumps
and fold.
Occupied Bed Making Purposes
• An occupied bed is making the bed where the patient
physically available in the bed or the bed is being
retained for patient. Soiled linen is infectious to patient.
If patient is unable to move or leave the bed, you will
need to change the bed sheets while the patient is
occupied in bed. Occupied bed making is tough for the
one person. This is best bed accomplished by two
nurses. Before starting procedure, make sure all
supplies are ready beforehand to streamline the
process as much as possible.
Purpose of Occupied Bed Making:
• he main purposes of occupied bed making have listed in the

• To provide a neat and clean bed.

• To refresh the patient who is confined to the bed.
• To change the linen with the least possible disturbance to the
• To draw or fix the sheets under the patients very firmly so that
it would not wrinkle.
• To remove crumbs from the bed.
• To make patient feel comfortable.
Remember During Occupied Bed Making in
• Maintain privacy as situations requires.
• Carefully turn the patient to prevent over exertion and feeling insecurity.
• Carefully observe the patient skin to identify any sign of bedsore.
• If patient wear glasses, ask for removing to prevent broken and injury.
• Ensure enough space for the patient to roll without smacking nose on a side rail.
• Ensure patient’s arm on the bed is not in an awkward position when patient is rolled.
• Ensure bed in flat position and rise to appropriate working height.
• Remove patient’s personal items from bed and disconnects call devices.
• Carefully checks that no tubes (such as IVS pole, Foley catheter, oxygen tube, gastric tube, NG tube, drain) are entangled in the
bed linens.
• Apply diaper when patient in side position.
• Do not place clean linen on another patient’s bed or furniture.
• Keep side rails up when patient turn.
• Keep bed sheet smooth and wrinkles free to prevent friction.
• Ask patient help if patient can participate.
• Place all dirty linens in laundry bag or hamper without contaminating uniform.
• Never put soiled linen on the floor or on the other surfaces.
• Return bed in low and safe position and keep side rails up.
• After occupied bed making, attaches call light within patient’s reach.
• Re-position bedside table and over bed table within patient reach.
Purpose of Unoccupied Bed Making

• To meet patient’s need by providing a safe and

comfortable bed.
• For neatness and tidiness.
Principles of Bed Making
• Have everything ready on hand before starting.
• Remember that the bed is made for use, for durability and comfort and it should
have a finished appearance
• Place all linen on perfectly straight line on the bed, otherwise it would be
impossible to make bed tight and free from wrinkles.
• All comes should look neat, smooth and firm
• Throughout the procedure, the nurse should study her movements so as to avoid
waste of time and energy
• When finished inspect the bed and see if it measures to the highest standard of
health and comfort of the patient’s economy of time, effort and materials and
smooth finished appearance.
• Wash hands before proceeding.
• All beddings must be clean
• Protect mattress, pillows, rubber sheets from getting in contact with pateient’s
• Avoid contact of beddings with floor and other patient’s Unit.
• Remove each piece of linen separately so that the valuables will not be
accidentally discarded.
• Make under bedding smooth, tight and securely tucked in.
• Place upper bedding high enough to cover patient’s shoulder comfortably.
• Secure to bedding at foot so that it will stay in well and be loose over the feet.


• Bring all equipment to bed at one time.
• Remove all used equipment at one time.
• Avoid unnecessary trips around the bed by placing each piece on bed before going
to far side of bed.
• Sure accurate movements will make it unnecessary to pat and straighten linen.
• Smooth tight bed with well-made corners
• Smooth flat pillows with cases evenly fitted.
• Keep unit orderly during the procedure.
• Check unit for standard equipment and see the patient’s personal effects are in
good order.
Purpose and Procedure of Postoperative Bed
• What is a Postoperative Bed?
• A postoperative bed or surgical bed is
prepared for the patient who returns from the
operating room or from another procedure
that requires transfer into bed from stretcher
and sometimes from a wheelchair. The bed
should be in flat position. The bottom sheet
may be covered with a cotton bath blanket
that is tucked tightly beneath the mattress.
Definition of Postoperative Bed Making:

• Postoperative bed or surgical bed is a special

type of bed made for the patient who is
coming from the operation theatre or from
another procedure that requires anesthesia.
The bed is made in such a way as to make it
easy to transfer the unconscious or weak
patient from a stretcher to the bed.
Purpose of Postoperative Bed Making:
• To protect the patient from immediate comply anesthesia or
• To lift or transfer the patient easily into bed from stretcher.
• To provide warmth and comfort for the patient.
• To observe and prevent patient complications.
• To save time, effort and materials.
• To arrange the bed and other furniture in order to facilitate the
transfer of the patient from stretcher to bed.
• To combat postoperative complication and shock.
• To protect mattress and other linen from blood, vomits and
other discharge.

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