Electron Microscopy: by Dr. Kaustab Ghosh
Electron Microscopy: by Dr. Kaustab Ghosh
Electron Microscopy: by Dr. Kaustab Ghosh
Dr. Kaustab Ghosh
Differences from optical
Wavelength of accelerated electrons is very
much smaller than the wavelength of visible or
UV photons.
• Greater resolution for electron imaging.
Electrons interact much more strongly with
matter than photons.
• Thus all optical paths in an electron microscope
must usually be under a vacuum of at least 10-4
Electrons are charged particles and may thus be
focused by magnetic or electric fields.
E-beam generation
• Thermionic emission - Thermal energy is
used to overcome the surface potential
barrier (work function) of a solid source
and so allow extraction of electrons from
the conduction band of an emitter.