TLE 7 Vegetable Growing

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Planning a Vegetable Garden

Ways of Growing Vegetables

Organic gardening –
avoiding the use of
manufactured pesticides,
herbicides or synthetic
What are the benefits? (
1. Tastes so good! 1. You get to share
2. Saves you it
money 2. It’s a good
3. It is clean exercise
4. It’s good for the 3. It’s a stress
planet reliever
5. It’s good for the 4. It’s good for
economy your health
6. It’s good for the 5. Earn by selling
What is Urban Gardening?
Way of growing vegetables in the city

Container gardening
Urban horticulture
Urban agriculture

Gardening Tools
1. Pick matttock
2. Hoe
3. Shovel
4. Bolo
5. Garden rake
6. Hand towel
7. Hand cultivator
8. Sprinkler
9. Water hose
11.Water pail
12.Wooden box
Where to grow the vegetables?
1. Locate the best site for your garden
sunlight, shade, good soil drainage, soil
fertility (loam
soil, clay soil, sandy soil), good air
2. Thoroughly prepare the soil before planting
3. Fertilize the soil with compost
basket composting and trench composting
4. Plans and records
vegetable beds, no-dig vegetable growing,
Organic Vegetable Growing
Organic matter is used as soil conditioners.
Organic garden soil provides plants with
water, air, and nutrients
Use close spacing
Choose a variety of vegetables
Consider controlled and uncontrolled factors
(planting time, soil condition or marketing
outlets, availability of organic seed, soil type,
rainfall, market quality requirement)
Harvesting and Storing

Marketing Vegetables

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