C03 (2020 - 03 - 21 23 - 59 - 55 Utc)
C03 (2020 - 03 - 21 23 - 59 - 55 Utc)
C03 (2020 - 03 - 21 23 - 59 - 55 Utc)
1985-1990 1990-1998
t 27, 1991, Table B, p. 11. The employment compensation component of unit labor costs includes both direct and indirect payments to employees. Direct payments include wages and salaries (also encompassing compensation to corpora
The present expansion has been accompanied by
increasing attacks on unions; growth of
"nonstandard employment" (in which part-time
and other contingent employment constitutes a
bigger and bigger portion of total employment);
longer work hours; and cutbacks in state spending
for human welfare. In this battle to lower the floor,
U.S. capital has played the leading role and its
major competitors are increasingly moving in the
same direction
According to the dominant corporate consensus,
the struggle against domestic labor is at one with
the struggle with other capitalist blocs, and with
the struggle against already superexploited third-
world labor. In each and every case, the goal is a
narrow pursuit of low production costs, widening
profit margins, increased capital gains, and global
monopoly power—at the expense of all other
interests and values