Chapter 8 Training - Development

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Human Resource Theory & Practice

Chapter # 8

Training & Developing Employees

Dessler, G. (2017) Human Resource Management, 15 edition, Pearson education.
Chapter Objectives
⮚Proper Understanding about the Orientation

⮚Recognize the difference between training and development

⮚Understand the Training Process

⮚Determine when employees need training and the best type of training given a

company’s circumstances

⮚Recognize the characteristics that make training programs successful

⮚Design job aids as complements or alternatives to training

⮚Understand how to socialize new employees effectively

Purpose of Orientation

Orientation serves many purposes to company’s new employees

such as;
• To make them feel welcome
• To make them understand what the organization culture is
• To make them understand what their work and behavior should
• To begin their socialization process
• To make them understand company’s policies and expectation
The Orientation Process
Information related Company
to organization and
Employee benefits operations

Personnel Employee Safety measures

policies Orientation and regulations

Facilities Daily
tour routine
Employee Orientation Checklist
Employee Name: Mr. Alberta Enthusia
Designation: Manager
Department: Finance
Joining Date: 12/6/2015

Assignments Instructions/Details Overview

Duty Hours
Department Function
Goal & Objectives
Staff Introduction
Office Desk Place
General Behavioral Instructions
Department Safety Procedures
Record Keeping Procedures
Equipment and Tools
General Training
Job Training
Weekly Overtime Policy
Transport Guidance
General Contract Overview

Employee Signature/date
June 12. 2015
Supervisor Name Mr. Karen Elexander
Supervisor Signature
The Training Process
• The process of teaching new employees or current
employees basic skills that are required to perform their
jobs effectively.

Training’s Strategic Context:

• The aim of company’s training program is to align work
performance and company’s strategic goals
Steps in Training Process
The Five-Step Training Process

1 Needs analysis
2 Instructional design
3 Program implementation
4 Evaluation
5 Validation
Training programs consist of four steps.

1.In the needs analysis step, identify the specific knowledge and
skills the job requires, and compare these with the prospective
trainees’ knowledge and skills.

2.In the instructional design step, formulate specific, measurable

knowledge and performance training objectives, review possible
training program content (including workbooks, exercises, and
activities), and estimate a budget for the training program.
3. Implement the program, by actually training the targeted employee
group using methods such as on-the-job or online training.

4. In the evaluation step, assess the program’s success (or failures)

5. There are certain skills needed by the organization and for that, there
will be a certification training process provided to the employees
which makes them certified in the skills needed.
Steps in Training Process
Training Needs

Task Analysis: Performance Analysis:

Assessing new employees’ Assessing current employees’
training needs training needs
Steps in Training Process
Specialized Software
Assessment Center Performance
Results Appraisals
Methods Job-Related
Individual Diaries
for Identifying Performance Data
Attitude Surveys Needs Observations

Tests Interviews

Can’t-do or Won’t-do?
Training Methods: On the Job Training
1. Apprenticeship training 8. Vestibule Training
2. Informal learning 9. Video Conferencing
3. Job instruction training (JIT) 10.Computer Based
4. Lectures Training
5. Programmed Learning
6. Behavior Modeling
7. Audiovisual-based training
Off the Job Training Methods:
1. Case Study Method
2. Management games
3. Role playing
4. In-house development center
5. Executive coaches
6. Seminars
7. Behavior modeling
8. Development Centers within the Organization
Development Methods in the Organization
1. Need a research based work.
2. Implement the knowledge of Behavioral Science
3. Make the direction clear for the employees in the
4. Job Rotation
5. Hired the Consulting firm for advanced training
6. Check and Balance
7. Motivate employees on their performance level
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