Itnroduction To Tourism: Presentation On The Topic

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Understand what tourism is and its many

 Learn the component of tourism and tourism
 Knows the benefits and costs of tourism

 Tourism is the leader in the production of new

 jobs.
 Tourism has developed an important part of
 the economic foundation of many countries.
 Growth rate of services sector faster than any
 other.

Myths Realities
The majority of tourism in the world is Tourism in the world is predominantly
domestic (people traveling their own
country).Domestic tourism accounts for
Most tourism journeys in the world are by about 80% of tourist trips
air as tourists jet-set from country to country.
The majority of trips are surface transport
Tourism is only about leisure holidays. (mainly by car).
Employment in tourism means substantial Most employment in tourism is in the
travel and the chance to learn language. hospitality sector and involve little travel.
The vast majority of tourism enterprises in
every destination are SMEs

Four different perspectives of tourism can be They also consider the foreign exchange
identified: receipts from international tourism as well as
The tourist: The tourist seeks various psychic and the tax receipts collected from tourist
physical experience and satisfactions. The nature of expenditures, either directly or indirectly. The
these will largely determine the destinations chosen government can lay an important role in
and the activities enjoyed. tourism policy, development, promotion and
The business providing tourist goods and services: implementation.
Business people see tourism as an opportunity to
make a profit by supplying the goods and services The host community: Local people usually see
that the tourist markets demand. tourism as a cultural and employment factor. Of
The government of the host community or area: importance to this group, for example, is the
politicians view tourism as a wealth factor in the effect of the interaction between large numbers
economy of their jurisdiction. Their perspective is of international visitors and residents. This
related to the income their citizens can earn from this effect may be beneficial or harmful, or both

Tourism defined as “ the activities of persons

traveling to and staying in place outside their
usual environment for not more than one
consecutive year for leisure, business and
other purpose”

Tourism can be divided by four category:

1. International tourism
 Inbound tourism: Visits to a country by nonresidents
 Outbound tourism: Visits by residents of a country to
another country
 Internal tourism : Visits by resident and non
residents of the country of reference
 Domestic tourism : Visits by residents of a country
to their own country
 National tourism : Internal tourism plus outbound
All types of travelers engaged in tourism are described as
 International visitors are persons who travel for a period not
exceeding twelve months to country other than the one in which
they generally reside and whose main purpose is other than
exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.
 Internal visitors are persons who travel to destination within
their country, that is outside their usual environment, for a
period not exceeding twelve months.
 All travelers are subdivided into two  Tourist: Visitors who travel to and stay in
further places
 categories:  outside their usual environment for more
 Same-day Visitors: Visitors who do not than
spend  twenty-four (24) hours and not more than
 for the night in a collective or private one
 accommodation in the country visited.
 consecutive year for leisure, business and
E.g. A other
 cruise ship passengers spending four hours
 purposes not related to the exercise of an
in a activity
 port or days-trippers visiting attraction.  remunerated from within the place visited
Organised mass tourists – These people have little or no
influence over their travel experience other than to purchase
one package or another. They commonly travel in a group,
view the destination through the windows of a tour bus, and
remain in preselected hotels. Shopping in the local market
often provides their only contact with the native population.
Individual Mass Tourist – These people are similar to the
previous category but have somewhat more control over their
itinerary. E.g. The tourist may rent an auto to visit attractions
Explorers – These people plan for their own itinerary and make
their own reservations. They tend to be sociable people who
enjoy interacting with people at the destination.
Drifters – These people, the backpackers group, will seldom, if
ever be found in a a traditional hotel. They may stay out at the
youth hostels with friends or camp out. They tend to mix with
lower-socio-economics native groups and are commonly found
riding third-class rail or bus. Most tend to be young
Visiting Friends or Relatives (VFR) – These people are stay in
the homes of friends and relatives.
Business Travelers – This often encompasses any form of
business including conventions, trade shows, job seeking and
many other reasons

Pleasure travel – This too is a very wide and all-encompassing

classification .
Business and pleasure travelers – many convention and
business travelers plan to incorporate a period of relaxation
prior to or after their business.
Tag-along visitors – Members of the family are common
“tagalong” visitors. The presence of tag-along children has
a sub industry of child care and entertainment.
Grief travel – Family and friends attending funeral services.
This types of tourist will increase in importance as society ages.
Education and Religious travel – This group includes student,
those on a pilgrimage, missionaries and a host of others.
Pass-through tourist – The visitors who travel through the city
without staying in place or just stop by.
This group of person are not include as a
visitors at all:
 Transit passengers
 Immigrant
 The army who are work at the borders
 The ambassador of each country

Business Visiting Friends or Relatives

Primary activities Primary activities
 Conventions  Socialising
 Consultations  Dining in
 Inspection  Home entertainment
Secondary activities Secondary activities
 Dining out  Dining out
 Recreation  Physical recreation
 Shopping  Shopping
 Sight seeing  Sight-seeing
 VFR  Urban entertainment
Other personal business Pleasures
Primary activities Primary activities

 Shopping  Recreation

  Sight-seeing
Religious visit
 Dining out
 Medical appointment
Secondary activities
Secondary activities
 Dining out
 Convention
 Business
 Shopping
 The component of tourism including:  The Built Environment
a. The Tourist a. Cultural
b. The Host b. Infrastructure
c. Natural resources and environment c. Technology
d. Information
e. Governance
Operating sectors of the Tourism industry
a. Transportation
b. Accommodation
c. Food services
d. The attraction
e. The events
f. Adventure and Outdoor recreation
g. The entertainment
h. Tour operator
i. Travel agent

 Tourism brings both economic and non-economic  The costs including:

 benefits and costs to host communities.  a) Develop excess demand for resources
  The benefits including:  b) Create social problems
 a) Provides employment opportunities, both skilled and  c) Degrades the natural physical environment and
 unskilled, because it is labor-intensive industry.  create pollution.
 b) Generates a supply of needed foreign exchange
 d) Degrades the cultural environment
 c) Increase income
 e) Increase the incidence of crime, prostitution and
 d) Creates increased gross national product
 gambling
 e) Reinforces preservation of heritage and tradition
 f) Commercialize culture, religion and the arts
 f) Develops an infrastructure that will also help
 stimulate local commerce and industry
 g) Creates conflict in the host community
 g) Can be develop with local product and resources  h) Contributes to disease, economic fluctuation
 h) Spreads development  and transportation problems
Thank You!
Submitted to- Dr. Kunal Seth
Submitted by: Khushboo Wadhawan

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