Project Presentation "Intelligent Braking System"

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Project Presentation


Submitted By Under the supervision of

Farhan Er. Amit Sharma
B.Tech(ME) Head of Department
1547440029 Mechanical Engineering

1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Block diagram of intelligent braking system
4. Methodology
5. Component used
6. Working operation
7. Advantages
8. Application

 Most of the accidents in four wheeled vehicles

occur because of failure of braking systems.
Manual method of applying brakes is always
dangerous as it leads to accidents.
 Then a sensors used to detect the pulses and apply
brakes to the vehicle.
 The Hall sensor helps in find the speed of
movement of the vehicle and the ultrasonic sensor
senses the distance of the object in front.

 The rider while in action may drive in different

speeds depending on his needs and his mind
 This may lead to negligence of visual indication of
the speed that in his driving which may cause many
accidents that have been a major disaster in our
control unit and automatically stops the vehicle by
activating the solenoid valve.
Block diagram of Intelligent braking system

Power Control IR

IR Receiver

Transistor Relay

Supply shut Geared

down motor

The optical sensor uses infrared signals to detect

the distance and the obstacle. It has a transmitter
and receiver. Transmitter transmits the signals. If
any obstacle interrupts that signal then it has been
reflected towards the receiver. Then it gives to the
Component used

1. Sensor unit
2. Wheel
3. Geared motor
4. Transistor
5. Relay
6. IC-7809
7. Resistor
8. Diodes
9. Transformer
10. Motor
Working operation

 The IR TRANSMITTER circuit is to transmit the

Infra-Red rays. If any obstacle is there in a
path, the Infra-Red rays reflected. This
reflected Infra-Red rays are received by the
receiver circuit is called “IR RECEIVER”.
 The IR receiver circuit receives the reflected IR
rays and giving the control signal to the control
circuit. The control circuit is used to activate
the solenoid valve.
 If the solenoid valve is activated, the compressed
air passes to the Double Acting Pneumatic Cylinder.

 The compressed air activate the pneumatic

cylinder and moves the piston rod.If the piston
moves forward, then the breaking arrangement
 The breaking arrangement is used to break the
wheel gradually or suddenly due to the piston
movement. The breaking speed is varied by
adjusting the valve is called “FLOW CONTROL
 In our project, we have to apply this breaking
arrangement in one wheel as a model. The
compressed air drawn from the compressor in our

 Less skill technicians is sufficient to operate.

 It gives simplified very operation.
 Installation is simplified very much.
 Less time and more profit.

1. Used in cars and trucks.

2. Automatic braking system can be implemented in
institutional vehicles.
Thank you

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