CSE Unit 4 - Nyquist Plot
CSE Unit 4 - Nyquist Plot
CSE Unit 4 - Nyquist Plot
F(s)-1 represents loop transfer function G(s)H(s). Hence, contour of F(s)-1 is same as contour
of G(s)H(s). F(s)-plane is G(s)H(s)-plane.
Given that
Nyquist Plot
The open loop transfer function has a pole at origin. Hence, the Nyquist contour on s-plane
enclosing the entire right half plane except the origin is shown in the below figure.
In section C1, ω varies from 0 to +ꝏ. The mapping of section C1 is given by the locus of
G(jω) H(jω) as ω is varied from 0 to ꝏ. This locus is the polar plot of G(jω) H(jω).
Given that
In section C3, ω varies from -ꝏ to 0. The mapping of section C3 is given by the locus of
G(jω) H(jω) as ω is varied from -ꝏ to 0. This locus is the inverse polar plot of G(jω) H(jω) .
The inverse polar plot is given by the mirror image of polar plot with respect to real axis.
Nyquist Plot
Stability Analysis:
When -0.00417K = -1, the contour passes through (-1+j0) point and corresponding value of
K is the limiting value of K for stability.
Limiting value of K = 1/0.00417 = 240
Nyquist Plot
When K < 240:
When K is less than 240, the contour crosses real axis at a point between 0 and -1+j0. On
travelling through Nyquist plot along the indicated direction it is found that the point -1+j0 is
not encircled. Also the open loop transfer function has no poles on the right half s-plane.
Therefore the closed loop system is stable.
Nyquist Plot
When K > 240:
When K is greater than 240, the contour crosses real axis at a point between -1+j0 and - ꝏ. On
travelling through Nyquist plot along the indicated direction it is found that the point -1+j0 is
encircled in clockwise direction two times. Since there are two clockwise encirclement and no
right half open loop poles, the closed loop system has two poles on right half s-plane.
Therefore, the closed loop system is unstable.
Given that
The open loop transfer function has three poles at origin. Hence, the Nyquist contour on s-plane
enclosing the entire right half plane except the origin is chosen and is shown in the below figure.
In section C1, ω varies from 0 to +ꝏ. The mapping of section C1 is given by the locus of
G(jω) H(jω) as ω is varied from 0 to ꝏ. This locus is the polar plot of G(jω) H(jω) .
Given that
In section C3, ω varies from -ꝏ to 0. The mapping of section C3 is given by the locus of
G(jω) H(jω) as ω is varied from -ꝏ to 0. This locus is the inverse polar plot of G(jω) H(jω) .
The inverse polar plot is given by the mirror image of polar plot with respect to real axis.
Nyquist Plot
Stability Analysis:
When -2K = -1, the contour passes through (-1+j0) point and corresponding value of K is the
limiting value of K for stability.
All-Pass Systems:
The all pass systems are systems with all pass transfer functions. In all pass transfer functions,
the magnitude is unity at all frequencies and the transfer function will have anti-symmetric
pole-zero pattern (i.e., for every pole in the left half s-plane, there is a zero in the mirror image
position with respect to imaginary axis).
There may be more poles and zeros in the left half s-plane.
The phase angle is in between -90o to -180o , but not exceed -180o.
Types of Systems
Stability Analysis