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CSE Unit 4 - Nyquist Plot

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Control System Engineering

Dr. Sankata Bhanjan Prusty

Associate Professor
Dept. of ECE
MITS, Madanapalle
Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion

F(s)-1 represents loop transfer function G(s)H(s). Hence, contour of F(s)-1 is same as contour
of G(s)H(s). F(s)-plane is G(s)H(s)-plane.

Therefore, the encirclement of -1+j0 point of G(s)H(s)-contour in the G(s)H(s)-plane can be

used to determine the stability of closed loop system. The Nyquist stability criterion have
been proposed based on this concept.
Nyquist Stability Criterion
In order to investigate the presence of poles of G(s)H(s) on the right half s-plane, a contour C is
chosen such that it encloses the entire right half s-plane as shown in the figure. Such a contour C
is called Nyquist contour.
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion states that

If the G(s)H(s) contour in the G(s)H(s)-plane corresponding to Nyquist contour in the s-

plane encircles the point -1 + j0 in the anticlockwise direction as many times as the
number of right half s-plane poles of G(s)H(s), then the closed loop system is stable.
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Plot

Given that
Nyquist Plot

The open loop transfer function has a pole at origin. Hence, the Nyquist contour on s-plane
enclosing the entire right half plane except the origin is shown in the below figure.

The Nyquist contour has four sections C1, C2,

C3 and C4. The mapping of each section is

performed separately and the overall Nyquist
plot is obtained by combining the individual
Nyquist Plot

Mapping of Section C1:

In section C1, ω varies from 0 to +ꝏ. The mapping of section C1 is given by the locus of
G(jω) H(jω) as ω is varied from 0 to ꝏ. This locus is the polar plot of G(jω) H(jω).

Given that

The open loop transfer function is .

The sinusoidal transfer function is obtained by replacing s by jω and is given by

Nyquist Plot
When the locus of G(jω) H(jω) crosses real axis, the imaginary term will be zero and the
corresponding frequency is the phase crossover frequency ωpc.
Nyquist Plot

Mapping of Section C2:

The mapping of section C2 from s-plane to G(s)H(s)-plane is obtained by considering

in G(s)H(s) and varying θ from +π/2 to - π/2 .

Since s→R ejθ and R→ꝏ, then (1+sT) ≈ sT in G(s)H(s).

Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Plot
Mapping of Section C3:

In section C3, ω varies from -ꝏ to 0. The mapping of section C3 is given by the locus of
G(jω) H(jω) as ω is varied from -ꝏ to 0. This locus is the inverse polar plot of G(jω) H(jω) .
The inverse polar plot is given by the mirror image of polar plot with respect to real axis.
Nyquist Plot

Mapping of Section C4:

The mapping of section C4 from s-plane to G(s)H(s)-plane is obtained by considering

in G(s)H(s) and varying θ from -π/2 to + π/2 .

Since s → R ejθ and R→0, then (1+sT) ≈ 1 in G(s)H(s).

Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Plot

Complete Nyquist Plot:

The complete Nyquist plot in G(s)H(s)-plane is obtained by combining the mappings of

individual sections.
Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Plot

Complete Nyquist Plot:

Nyquist Plot

Stability Analysis:

When -0.00417K = -1, the contour passes through (-1+j0) point and corresponding value of
K is the limiting value of K for stability.
Limiting value of K = 1/0.00417 = 240
Nyquist Plot
When K < 240:
When K is less than 240, the contour crosses real axis at a point between 0 and -1+j0. On
travelling through Nyquist plot along the indicated direction it is found that the point -1+j0 is
not encircled. Also the open loop transfer function has no poles on the right half s-plane.
Therefore the closed loop system is stable.
Nyquist Plot
When K > 240:
When K is greater than 240, the contour crosses real axis at a point between -1+j0 and - ꝏ. On
travelling through Nyquist plot along the indicated direction it is found that the point -1+j0 is
encircled in clockwise direction two times. Since there are two clockwise encirclement and no
right half open loop poles, the closed loop system has two poles on right half s-plane.
Therefore, the closed loop system is unstable.

The value of K for stability is 0 < K < 240.

Nyquist Plot

Given that

The open loop transfer function has three poles at origin. Hence, the Nyquist contour on s-plane
enclosing the entire right half plane except the origin is chosen and is shown in the below figure.

The Nyquist contour has four sections C1, C2, C3 and

C4. The mapping of each section is performed

separately and the overall Nyquist plot is obtained by
combining the individual sections.
Nyquist Plot

Mapping of Section C1:

In section C1, ω varies from 0 to +ꝏ. The mapping of section C1 is given by the locus of
G(jω) H(jω) as ω is varied from 0 to ꝏ. This locus is the polar plot of G(jω) H(jω) .

Given that

The open loop transfer function is .

The sinusoidal transfer function is obtained by replacing s by jω and is given by

Nyquist Plot
When the locus of G(jω) H(jω) crosses real axis, the imaginary term will be zero and the
corresponding frequency is the phase crossover frequency ωpc.
Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Plot

Mapping of Section C2:

The mapping of section C2 from s-plane to G(s)H(s)-plane is obtained by considering

in G(s)H(s) and varying θ from +π/2 to - π/2 .

Since s→R ejθ and R→ꝏ, then (1+sT) ≈ sT in G(s)H(s).

Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Plot
Mapping of Section C3:

In section C3, ω varies from -ꝏ to 0. The mapping of section C3 is given by the locus of
G(jω) H(jω) as ω is varied from -ꝏ to 0. This locus is the inverse polar plot of G(jω) H(jω) .
The inverse polar plot is given by the mirror image of polar plot with respect to real axis.
Nyquist Plot

Mapping of Section C4:

The mapping of section C4 from s-plane to G(s)H(s)-plane is obtained by considering

in G(s)H(s) and varying θ from -π/2 to + π/2 .

Since s → R ejθ and R→0, then (1+sT) ≈ 1 in G(s)H(s).

Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Plot

Complete Nyquist Plot:

The complete Nyquist plot in G(s)H(s)-plane is obtained by combining the mappings of

individual sections.
Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Plot
Complete Nyquist Plot:
Nyquist Plot

Stability Analysis:

When -2K = -1, the contour passes through (-1+j0) point and corresponding value of K is the
limiting value of K for stability.

Limiting value of K = 1/2 = 0.5

Nyquist Plot
When K < 0.5:

When K is less than 0.5, the contour crosses real axis

at a point between 0 and -1+j0. On travelling through
Nyquist plot along the indicated direction it is
observed that the point -1+j0 is encircled in clockwise
direction two times. Since there are two clockwise
encirclement and no right half open loop poles, the
closed loop system has two poles on right half s-plane.
Therefore, the closed loop system is unstable.
Nyquist Plot
When K > 0.5:
When K is greater than 0.5, the contour crosses real
axis at a point between -1+j0 and -ꝏ. On travelling
through Nyquist plot along the indicated direction it
is observed that the point -1+j0 is encircled in
clockwise and anticlockwise direction one time.
Hence, the net encirclement is zero. Also, the open
loop transfer function has no poles on the right half
s-plane. Therefore the closed loop system is stable.

The system is stable when K > 0.5.

Nyquist Plot
Nyquist Plot
Polar Plot
Types of Systems

Minimum Phase System:

The minimum phase systems are system with minimum phase transfer functions. In minimum
phase transfer function, all poles and zeros will lie on the left half of s-plane.
The phase angle is always within -90o.

Non-Minimum Phase System:

A transfer function which has one or more zeros in the right half s-plane is known as non-
minimum transfer function.
Types of Systems

All-Pass Systems:
The all pass systems are systems with all pass transfer functions. In all pass transfer functions,
the magnitude is unity at all frequencies and the transfer function will have anti-symmetric
pole-zero pattern (i.e., for every pole in the left half s-plane, there is a zero in the mirror image
position with respect to imaginary axis).
There may be more poles and zeros in the left half s-plane.

The phase angle is in between -90o to -180o , but not exceed -180o.
Types of Systems
Stability Analysis

Stability analysis based on ωgc and ωpc :

1. If ωpc > ωgc , then the closed loop system is stable.

2. If ωpc < ωgc , then the closed loop system is unstable.

3. If ωpc = ωgc , then the closed loop system is marginally stable.

Stability Analysis

Stability analysis based on Gain Margin and Phase Margin:

1. If GM is greater than 1 and PM is positive , then the closed loop

system is stable.

2. If GM is less than 1 and PM is negative , then the closed loop system

is unstable.

3. If GM is equal to 1 and PM is zero degree , then the closed loop

system is marginally stable.

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