Vatican II
Vatican II
Vatican II
Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was Pope from 28 October 1958 to his death in 1963. Angelo
Giuseppe Roncalli was the fourth of fourteen children born to a family of sharecroppers that lived in a village in
Born: November 25, 1881, Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, Italy
Died: June 3, 1963, Vatican City
Full name: Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
Siblings: Francesco Zaverio Roncalli, Ancilla Roncalli, more
Parents: Marianna Giulia Mazzolla, Giovanni Battista Roncalli
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Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini, who on succeeding Bishop Albino Luciani, the future
Pope John XXIII took the name of Paul VI Pope John Paul I
Father Joseph Ratzinger, present as a
Bishop Karol Wojtyła, who became theological consultant, who became
Pope John Paul II Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican II formally opened under the pontificate of Pope John XXIII on 11 October 1962 and
closed under Pope Paul VI on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1965.