Giving and Asking or Direction - Kelas 6

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Direction and

6th Grade – 1st Semester
Asking Direction and Location, yaitu ungkapan yang digunakan

untuk meminta petunjuk dan arah suatu tempat

Giving Direction and Location, yaitu ungkapan yang digunakan

untuk memberikan petunjuk dan arah suatu tempat

Expression of Asking
Direction / Location
• Excuse me, can you help me to show the nearest Japanese restaurant near here?
• Please tell me the way to get the bank here?
• What is the quickest way to reach the 21 theatre?
• Where is Multi-Q School?
• How can I get the post office?
• Tell me the best way to get Bali Zoo?
• Please show me the way to the airport from Kuta?
• Which is the way to reach the hospital from here?
Expression of Giving Direction /

Follow this street, you have to … (ikuti jalan ini, kamu harus …)
Go straight on ( Lurus saja)
• Turn left (belok kiri)
• Turn right (belok kanan)
• You will meet Pelita street and then you have to … (kamu akan bertemu jalan Pelita dan lalu kamu harus
• Pass the intersection, you have to turn left (lewati perempatan, kamu harus belok kiri)
• Pass the T-junction, you have to turn right ( lewati pertigaan, kamu harus belok kanan)
• Keep straight on Pramuka road (tetap luruh di jalan Pramuka)
• It is on the corner of …. (di pojok/ disudut)
• It is in front of … (di depan ..)
Negative Response
• Sorry, I don’t know.

• I can’t tell you anything.

• Forgive me, I am new comer.

• You’d better ask another guys because I am not villager here.

• Pardon me, I do not know.

• The police can tell you clearly

Where are they?
Mention the place
they visited!
Please write a dialogue about asking and giving direction
Type it in Ms. Word and send to Miss Lita’s WA
Last at 12
Thank You

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