What Should Your 3-5 Year Olds Should Do

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What should your

3-5 year olds should

do this summer?
Do puzzles
• Children can gain fine motor skills as they
move puzzle pieces and place them in the
correct spots. Look for puzzles with pieces
that have pegs to make it easy for little hands
to use them. This activity also teaches
patience, a key attribute at all stages in life.
Do a color hunt
• Another basic ability that preschoolers should
understand is to identify the colors of the rainbow.
Instead of simply pointing to things and asking
your children what color they are, have a
scavenger hunt! Send your kiddos around the
house to find something from every shade of the
rainbow. Soon they'll come back with a purple ball,
red bike, yellow leaf and more. It's a fun way to
get kids into their environment while thinking
about color identification.
Feed the birds
• You can simply feed the
birds some seeds and water
or Invite summertime birds
to your house with a DIY
bird feeder. To make it,
simply coat sticks with
butter/honey and roll them
in birdseed. It’s the perfect
opportunity to teach kids
about nature and animals.
At home-picnic
• You can host a picnic lunch
without leaving your
house! Choose a mealtime
destination, whether it’s a
dinning table or blanket in
the garden. Prepare picnic
snacks like sandwiches,
load them into a basket,
and enjoy dining. Bon
Paint the stones
• The next time you do on a
outing, have your children
collect rocks. At home,
they can decorate the
stones with paint, stickers,
markers, glitter, and other
art supplies. Display the
finished products around
the house, use them as
paperweights, or give
them to relatives!
Talk about the seasons!
• Kids often love going outside no matter the
weather! Make use of this to teach your children
about the seasons. Talk about what happens as
spring turns to summer or winter snow falls. Ask
what your kids notice, like the temperature
changing or leaves falling. The seasons are an
important subject to understand and may even
make getting your little ones dressed to head to
preschool easier as they know why a coat or rain
boots are necessary!
Watch movies!
• Movies are a great source
of education and
entertainment. A child’s
brain understands visuals
better and watching a
movie is a great chance to
do that. Watch movies like
taare zameen par with
your kids. Let them watch
animated movies about
animals and let them grow.
Read a lot of stories
• From bedtime stories to noon tales,
read stories with your child. Stories let
kids imagine and builds thoughts in a
fresh mind. narrate them good moral
stories and teach them
Volunteer and Donate
• Social service will let your child be a good
citizen in the future. You can teach them
donating thins to the needy. You can also
volunteer with them to clean a nearby park, or
donate water bottles to poor people who
don’t have a shelter.
Engage in art and craft
• Painting, sketching,
drawing, box decorating,
bead stringing, pottery,
and more. Let your kids
color and draw and you
might build the roots for
their future profession.
This will develop your kids
mind and let them be
Make them Read
• Spending an hour daily in reading activities
will improve their reading skills. It will help
them gain knowledge and improve their
vocabulary. By reading, their speaking,
listening and writing skills improve as well. So
make them read alphabets, small words and
help them identify letters.
Teach them rhymes
• Poems and rhymes is yet another source of
knowledge. It will improve their speech as
well. By singing rhymes it will be easier to
learn and use words. Singing is the best way to
memorize and help them adapt new vocab.
Treasure hunts
• Keep your kids entertained for hours with a
fun and educational outdoor scavenger hunt!
Hide their toys, give them clues and make
them find things. This is an exercise for young
brains and will save them from getting bored.
Play with them
• Build a fort, play doctor
with dolls, play with
boxes. You can have
activities like best of
waste and paper mash.
You can teach them to
make things from clay. It
will keep them busy and
also improve their motor
Cook with them
• They might be too young to cook but you can
ask them to peel fruits and vegetables. Teach
them rinsing plates and bowls. They can make
salads and make funny figures with dough.
Make them learn certain things
• Your kids must know your name, your address
and who to contact when in an emergency.
Teach them the difference between good and
bad. It might take time but it will help a lot in
time of emergencies. Teach your child to find
help in certain situations.
Mini concerts and parties
• Organise mini concerts and parties. Let them
sing and dance and play with them.
Physical activities
• It might be a long break for them, so make
sure to make them engage in physical
exercises. This a developing time for a toddlers
body and they need to do physical work and
play, run, jump a lot.
Socialize them with relatives
• Make them talk to their
grand parents, aunts, cousins
and more. This will help
them recognize people, their
roles and help them bond
with them. They can also
play and perform activities
with your kids to keep them
busy and entertained.
Spend time with them
• Talk to your kids, ask them how was their day.
Ask them who they play with and who they
met today. Make them remember all the
important things taught and narrate them
funny stories or incidents.

(Ph.D in English)

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