9physics Rigid
9physics Rigid
9physics Rigid
• Physics enables object to be controled by of the force which exist in
the real world, such as gravity, velocity, and acceleration.
• Rigidbodies enable your GameObjects to act under the control of
• The Rigidbody can receive forces and torque to make your objects
move in a realistic way.
• Any GameObject must contain a Rigidbody to be influenced by
gravity, act under added forces via scripting, or interact with other
objects through the NVIDIA PhysX physics engine.
RigidBody Component properties
• Mass: it indicates mass of an object in kg(s). it is used to increase and
decrease the weight of a game object
• Drag/Damping: Indicates resistance to linear velocity. It is used to
slow down the motion of game object
• Angular Drag: indicates resistance to angular velocity. It is used to
slow down the rotation of a game object
• Use gravity: Indicates whether this game object is affected by gravity
or not
• Is kinematic : Indicates whether this game object is affected by
phiysics or not but it does affect surrounding game objects
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Freeze position: used to enable or disable motion along x,
y or z axis
Freeze rotation: used to enables or disable rotation around
x, y or z axis
Interpolate: corrective feature, used solve jittery motion
As physics at fixed frame rate; some time graphics and characters and character
movement does not match, you find jitter motion; especially when camera follows
the main character, then you enable interpolate to solve jittery motion.
Collision detection: is a corrective feature; used to solve collision miss error on
very fast objects
Discrete: default
Continuous: set to object to which fast object hits(wall)
Continuous Dynamic: set to fast object(bullet)