CB - Unit 1

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A. Difference between Customer and Consumer
• Customer
– A person / an individual who buys the product

• Consumer
– A person / an individual who uses the product
B. What is Consumer Behaviour
• Consumer behaviour is the study of the process involved
when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or
dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to
satisfy needs and desires.


• The term consumer behaviour is defined as the

behaviour that consumers display in searching for,
purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products
and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.
• Consumer behaviour focuses on available resources like
– Time
– Money
– Effort
• What they buy?
• When they buy it?
• Why they buy it?
• Where they buy it?
• How often they buy it?
• How often they use it?
• How they evaluate it after the purchase ?
• The impacts after the evaluations on the future purchase and
• How they dispose it?
• Consumers plays a vital role in the economy
– Local
– National
– International

• The impact of Consumers purchasing decisions on

various products and services

• Understanding Consumer Behaviour is the key to the

growth of the companies.

• Consumer vs. Media

C. Role of consumer behaviour in Marketing

• The development of the Marketing concept

– Production concept

– Product concept

– Selling concept

– Marketing concept
Assumptions of the Production Concept

• Consumer are mostly interested in product

availability at low prices

• Its implicit marketing objectives are cheap

• Efficient production and intensive distribution

• Consumers are more interested in obtaining the

product than for specific features in product
Assumptions of the Product concept

• Consumers will buy the product that offers

them the highest quality, the best
performance and the most features

• More product orientation rather than

consumer orientation which leads often to
Marketing Myopia
Selling Concept
• Focus is on selling the product

• Persuading customers to buy aggressively

i.e. Hard sell approach

• It fails to consider customer satisfaction

The Marketing Concept
• The field of consumer behaviour is rooted
in marketing strategy that evolved in the
late 1950s.

• Consumer oriented marketing philosophy

which is known as ‘’Marketing Concept’’
articulated much earlier by Alfred sloan in
Implementation of Marketing concept

• Consumer Research and Marketing


• Importance of STP –
– Segmenting
– Targeting
– Positioning
The Marketing Mix
 Product (features, designs, brands, packaging,
warranties etc.)

 Price (list price including discounts, allowances,

payment methods)

 Place (distribution of the product/service through specific

stores / non store outlets)

 Promotions (advertising, sales promotion, public

 Customer value

 Customer satisfaction

 Customer retention

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