Adolescent Pregnancies Among Girls in Public Secondary Schools in Dodoma City
Adolescent Pregnancies Among Girls in Public Secondary Schools in Dodoma City
Adolescent Pregnancies Among Girls in Public Secondary Schools in Dodoma City
• Teenage pregnancy denies girls educational opportunities as
it results in them dropping out of school. In 2015, a total of
251 primary school girls dropped out of school due to
pregnancy. Some from as early as school Standard 4, when
they would normally be aged between 10 and 12. In
secondary school, pregnancy accounted for a total of 3,439
drop outs (President Office – RALG, 2O16), It also lead to
economic insecurity and continued poverty, a higher risk of
contracting HIV/AIDS or STIs, inability to have a career of
their choice, risk of miscarriage, maternal mortality and/or
infant mortality, verbal, physical, sexual and emotional
abuse, lack of autonomy and psychological distress (URT-
MoH ,2017).
Statement of the problem cont.….....
• Teenage pregnancy is one of the major socio-economic
challenges facing Dodoma Region (TDHS – MIS
2O15/16). It is leaving children with many adverse
consequences including dropping out of school and
other social, economic and health risks. Dodoma is
among the five most affected regions in Tanzania in
relation to both child marriage and teenage pregnancy.
Over half (51%) of young women are affected by child
marriage, and well over a third (39%) are affected by
teenage pregnancy (URT, TDHS – MIS 20 15/16).
Statement of the problem cont….....
Specific objectives
a) To assess the sexual reproductive health education
and information to girls in public secondary school
in Dodoma City.
b) To determine the social cultural factors contributing
to early pregnancy among girls in Dodoma city.
c) To investigate economic factors associated with
early pregnancy among girls in public secondary
schools in Dodoma city
1 What is the sexual reproductive health • Knowledge of reproductive health
education and information given to girls issues
• Girls empowerment
in public secondary schools in Dodoma • Gender inequality
2 • Parent socialization
What are the social cultural factors • Attitude and behavior
contributing to early pregnancy among • Cultural practices
girls in public secondary schools in • Lack of Parental Guidance
• Peer Pressure
Dodoma City?
3 What are the economic factors • Family economic status
• Access to contraceptives methods
associated with early pregnancy among • Lack of Necessities
girls in public secondary schools in
Dodoma city?
Study area
Dodoma Municipal Council is located at the geographical centre of
the country on the vital Central Railway line; and on major
crossroad of the National East West trunk road and the famous
Great North Road (Cape Town to Cairo), which passes in Tanzania
through Mbeya, Iringa, Dodoma, Babati and Arusha. It is 486
kilometres west of Dar es Salaam and 441 kilometres south of
Dodoma urban district is selected for this study because it is one
among the areas where high rate of school dropout has been
reported due to teenage pregnancies. There is a need to examine
in depth and understand the factors contributing to teenage
pregnancy in secondary school girls in Dodoma urban District. This
study will focus on two wards namely Miyuji and Mnadani. These
wards, are selected for the study because are the parts of Dodoma
urban district where teenage pregnancies cases were reported.
Data types and source
• Both Secondary and primary data collection will be used in
exploring the case towards achieving the study objectives
• The data will be obtained from the field under study and
government offices these includes, ward offices. Primary data
will be collected from respondents in the field while
Secondary data will be obtained from different sources both
published and unpublished documents and relevant
literatures such as reports, journals, pamphlets, newspapers,
publications and internets. These documents will be sourced
from libraries, different governmental and non- governmental
institutions, offices and other books related to the study.
Research design and sample frame
Research design
• This study will use exploratory research design. This design helps to
have an in-depth understanding about the phenomenon. Also,
exploratory design provides the basic information relating to the
subject matter of the study. The researcher will use this design with a
view to clarify and define the existence and nature of a problem. This
design is considered appropriate for this study because it saves time,
expenses and the amount of quality information yielded is valid.
Sample frame
• In this study the research targets will be female students from two
different secondary schools from Dodoma urban district as well as
parents, secondary school teachers and education officers. All two
Schools will be sampled randomly for this study.
Sampling unit
• In this study the sampling unit encompasses the
students from selected public secondary
schools of Dodoma municipality and key
Sample size
• a sample size will be determined using model
below in which an acceptable standard error
(S.E.) term of 10 per cent is assumed. Sample
size is given by the following formula;
n= N
1+N (e) 2
Research methodology cont….
Sampling procedures
• The study will use both probability and non-probability sampling
• With probability sampling, simple random sampling will be used in
which two secondary schools will be randomly selected from these
wards. In this technique, all members of the population will have an
equal chance of being selected to form a sample.
• with non-probability sampling Purposive sampling technique will be
used to select two wards in Dodoma Urban District where the rate of
teenage pregnancy incidents had mostly been reported. Moreover,
purposive sampling will be used to select teachers. This is because not
all teachers are assigned to make follow up of teenage pregnancies at
Research methodology cont….
Data collection method and tools
• Chaleunvong (2009) opined that data-
collection techniques allow us to systematically
collect information about the subjects of study
(people, objects, phenomena) and about the
settings in which they occur. In the conduct of
this study, two major instruments of data
collection will be used: written questionnaires
and interviews.
Data processing, analysis and presentation
Data processing
• In this study the data collected will be carefully, summarized, edited to
eliminate inconsistencies, and coded for easy classification in order to
facilitate tabulation and interpretation.
Data analysis
• The data collected will be analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively.
data pertaining to quantification will be computed using a computer
software Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) by using
descriptive methods, dimension reduction specifically factors analysis
and multiple responses. In addition, data from interview and focus
group discussion will be analysed and interpreted from such analysis as
established by the researcher (manually) during the interview and
finally, SPSS computer software package will be used as well.
Data presentation
• The results of the analysis will be presented and interpreted by use of
frequency tables, percentages and other measures of central tendency
(mean, mode and standard deviations).
Research methodology cont.….
Data collection methods and tools
End of Presentation