Reflection & Empathy
Reflection & Empathy
Reflection & Empathy
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Both participants should be able to pick up cues and reflect upon their meaning.
However good you think your listening skills are, the
only person who can tell you if you have understood
correctly or not is the speaker. Therefore, as an
extension of good listening skills, you need to develop
the ability to reflect words and feelings and to clarify
that you have understood them correctly.
It is often important that you and the speaker agree
that what you understand is a true representation of
what was meant to be said.
Reflecting is the process of paraphrasing and restating both
the feelings and words of the speaker.
1) Mirroring
2) Paraphrasing
Mirroring a conversation partner’s gestures,
expressions, posture, vocal pitch or tone can
reflect rapport or a desire to please, research
shows. It is seen most often between romantic
partners, but it happens at work, too, in
networking sessions, meetings and
conversations with colleagues.
It is a common experience: You’re deep in
conversation with someone and suddenly realize
you’re both holding the same pose, leaning forward
and propping an elbow on the table. Or you notice
you’re suddenly starting to pick up the other person’s
Southern accent or fast, loud speech. mirroring can
help you create powerful connections with others.
This behavior, often called “the chameleon effect,”
often causes others to like and trust you more.
Professional networkers, negotiators and salespeople
say they use mirroring to help them engage more
deeply in a conversation and understand the person
they’re talking with.
It is often the case that people 'hear what they expect to hear'
due to assumptions, stereotyping or prejudices.
"Empathy is intuitive, but is also something you can work on, intellectually."
Tim Minchin
Importance of empathy
Elements of Empathy
Daniel Goleman identified five key elements of empathy :
i. Understanding Others
ii. Developing Others
iii. Having a Service Orientation
iv. Leveraging Diversity
v. Political Awareness
Types of Empathy
• Cognitive empathy,
• Emotional empathy
• Compassionate empathy.