Customercentricity 110207032221 Phpapp02
Customercentricity 110207032221 Phpapp02
Customercentricity 110207032221 Phpapp02
• Business decision-maker
• End-user of product or service
• Procurement function
Customer Survey
• Environment of trust
• Establishing expectations with
• Managing anecdotes
Involving Customers
This can be done by means of the following:
1. Focus Group: For obtaining information
through discussion with a group of
participants, taking cognizance of
commonality in demographics, attitudes or
purchase patterns.
2. Customer Board of Advisors: For holding
periodic meetings with selected number of
senior executives from firm’s customer
database. Factors that determine selection of
customers include strategic importance,
level of complexity/sophistication in use of
products or service, diversity of industries
which the firm represents.
Analyzing information
➢ Newsletter
➢ E-mail
➢ Website
➢ E-zine
➢ Instituting the update as a component of firm’s
account management practices
➢ Using interactive sessions of forum or board of
➢ Responding immediately to participants during
Common Pitfalls of CRM
Solution Mindset ➢Narrow distribution of customer value ➢ Broad definition of customer value proposition
proposition ➢Bundles that combines products, services and
➢ Off-the-shelf products knowledge
➢ Top-down design ➢Bottom-up, designed on the front lines
Customer Interface ➢Centrally driven ➢Innovation and authority at the front line with
➢Limited decision-making power in field customer
➢Incentives based on product economics and ➢Incentives based on customer economics
individual performance and team performance
Business Processes ▪ “One size fits all” processes ▪ Tailored business streams
▪ Customization adds complexity ▪ Balance between customization and complexity
▪ Complexity isolated within the system
Aerospace ▪Aerospace “We sell high- ▪Application/Design “We can reduce your
Components Fasteners performance fasteners” support operational costs”
Utilities ▪ Electricity “We provide electricity ▪Energy asset “We can help you reduce
reliability” maintenance total energy costs”
Chemicals ▪ Lubricants “We sell a wide range of ▪Usage and “We can increase your
lubricants” application design machine performance and
▪ Lubricant up-time”
Pharmaceuticals ▪ Drugs “We sell pharmaceuticals” ▪ Product support “We can help you better
▪Outcomes-driven manage your patient base”
information database
➢ Customer segmentation
➢ Engagement process
➢ Escalation process
➢ Response planning, analysis and
➢ Managing customer experience through
➢ Internal management review
Factors to Consider When Crafting Message