Conversation Club Cards

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Give a card to pairs of students, they practice.

Cue students into giving some useful vocabulary to


Set a ‘word of the day’ for each of the conversations

that students should try to use, consider using a
word that is uncommon and easy to use.

Ss should never stop talking, Ss only stop once the

Tr asks them to.

Conversation Club
Use as energizers or warm-ups, they help a lot
setting the mood for talking and having a good time.

Parlour games should take at most 10 mins, they’re

used just to set the mood.

Conversation Club
Marker game
Set a marker on the floor, on the count of 3 Ss try to
grab it, Ss without a marker are losers and must
answer a question asked by Tr.

This is useful the first time they meet, Tr can ask

questions to have students introduce each other

Chinese whispering
Ss just pass a message to the front. Message
should be hard. E.g.:

-My favorite thing to do on a rainy afternoon is watch Lord of

the Rings and party like a hobbit

-Have you ever noticed that it only ever seems to rain when
you have to go somewhere?

-The only thing better than a tall, dark, and handsome man, is
one carrying a pizza box.
Would I lie to you?
Ss mention a thing about themselves, maybe
something true or something false, classmates
listen and question the person telling the story to try
to guess if they are lying or not. Tr should give an

Press conference
Sit a student in front of the board and behind him
write a personally. The rest of the Ss are journalists
asking questions to this personality. They know who
the interviewed is. Questions have clues in them for
the students in the chair to guess who they are.

Use characters from movies or actors or famous

people students might know.
Movie charades
Ss give 3 clues to their classmates about a movie,
they cannot talk, so they must act those clues out

Quite interesting
Tr should be prepared for this
Tr has an interesting fact at hand and mentions it to
Ss, Ss discuss about it.

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