The document discusses diseases of the lens, including cataracts. It describes the anatomy and structure of the lens, including the lens capsule, epithelium, fibers, nucleus, and cortex. It then covers different types of cataracts such as congenital, age-related, and traumatic cataracts. For congenital cataracts, it discusses etiology, management, and specific types like rubella cataract. For age-related cataract, also known as senile cataract, it discusses the mechanisms, maturation process involving the cortex and nucleus, and associated risk factors like age, UV exposure, and diabetes.
The document discusses diseases of the lens, including cataracts. It describes the anatomy and structure of the lens, including the lens capsule, epithelium, fibers, nucleus, and cortex. It then covers different types of cataracts such as congenital, age-related, and traumatic cataracts. For congenital cataracts, it discusses etiology, management, and specific types like rubella cataract. For age-related cataract, also known as senile cataract, it discusses the mechanisms, maturation process involving the cortex and nucleus, and associated risk factors like age, UV exposure, and diabetes.
The document discusses diseases of the lens, including cataracts. It describes the anatomy and structure of the lens, including the lens capsule, epithelium, fibers, nucleus, and cortex. It then covers different types of cataracts such as congenital, age-related, and traumatic cataracts. For congenital cataracts, it discusses etiology, management, and specific types like rubella cataract. For age-related cataract, also known as senile cataract, it discusses the mechanisms, maturation process involving the cortex and nucleus, and associated risk factors like age, UV exposure, and diabetes.
The document discusses diseases of the lens, including cataracts. It describes the anatomy and structure of the lens, including the lens capsule, epithelium, fibers, nucleus, and cortex. It then covers different types of cataracts such as congenital, age-related, and traumatic cataracts. For congenital cataracts, it discusses etiology, management, and specific types like rubella cataract. For age-related cataract, also known as senile cataract, it discusses the mechanisms, maturation process involving the cortex and nucleus, and associated risk factors like age, UV exposure, and diabetes.
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Diseases of Lens
• Shape, transparency and location. The lens is a
transparent, biconvex, crystalline structure placed between iris and the vitreous in a saucer shaped depression, the patellar fossa. • Diameter is 9–10 mm. • Thickness varies with age from 3.5 mm (at birth) to 5 mm (at extreme of age). • Surfaces. Anterior surface is less convex (radius of curvature 10 mm) than the posterior (radius of curvature 6 mm). These two surfaces meet at the equator. • Total dioptric power is about 18 D (range 16–20D). • Accommodative power of lens varies with age, being 14–16 D (at birth); 7–8 D (at 25 years of age) and 1–2 D (at 50 years of age). Lens consists of: 1. Lens capsule. It is a thin, transparent, hyaline membrane surrounding the lens. 2. Anterior epithelium. It is a single layer of cuboidal cells which lies deep to the anterior capsule. In the equatorial region these cells become columnar, are actively dividing and elongating to form new lens fibres throughout the life. There is no posterior epithelium, as these cells are used up in filling the central cavity of lens vesicle during development of the lens. 3. Lens fibres. The epithelial cells elongate to form lens fibres which have a complicated structural form. As the lens fibres are formed throughout the life, these are arranged compactly as nucleus and cortex of the lens. Lens structures Nucleus. It is the central part containing the oldest fibres. It consists of different zones, which are laid down successively as the development proceeds. Depending upon the period of development, the different zones of the lens nucleus include: • Embryonic nucleus. It is the innermost part of nucleus which corresponds to the lens upto first 3 months of gestation. • Fetal nucleus. It lies around the embryonic nucleus and corresponds to the lens from 3 months of gestation till birth. • Infantile nucleus corresponds to the lens from birth to puberty, and • Adult nucleus corresponds to the lens fibres formed after puberty to rest of the life. Cortex. It is the peripheral part which comprises the youngest lens fibres. Suspensory ligaments of lens (Zonules of Zinn), also called as ciliary zonules, consist essentially of a series of fibres passing from ciliary body to the lens. These hold the lens in position and enable the ciliary muscle to act on it. Cataract refers to an opacification of sufficient severity to impair the vision. A. Etiological classification I. Congenital and developmental cataract II. Acquired cataract 1. Senile cataract 2. Traumatic cataract 3. Complicated cataract 4. Metabolic cataract 5. Electric cataract 6. Radiational cataract 7. Toxic cataract e.g., corticosteroid-induced cataract 8. Cataract associated with skin, osseous and miscellaneous diseases B. Morphological classification 1. Capsular cataract. 2. Cortical cataract. It involves the major part of the cortex. 3. Nuclear cataract. It involves the nucleus of the crystalline lens. 4. Polar cataract. It involves the capsule and superficial part of the cortex in the polar region. Congenital cataracts occur due to some disturbance in the normal growth of the lens. When the disturbance occurs before birth, the child is born with a congenital cataract. Therefore, in congenital cataract the opacity is limited to either embryonic or foetal nucleus. Etiology I. Idiopathic. About 33% cases are sporadic and of unknown etiology. II. Heredity. About one-third of all congenital cataracts are hereditary. III. Maternal factors 1. Infections. Maternal infections like rubella are associated with cataract in 50% of cases. Other maternal infections associated with congenital cataract include toxoplasmosis and cytomegalic inclusion disease. 2. Drugs ingestion. Congenital cataracts have also been reported in the children of mothers who have taken certain drugs during pregnancy (e.g., thalidomide, corticosteroids). 3. Radiation. Maternal exposure to radiation during pregnancy may cause congenital cataracts. Rubella Cataract • Rubella cataract-typically, the child is born with a ‘pearly white’ nuclear cataract. It is a progressive type of cataract. • Cataractous nucleus may harbor the virus up to two years of age. Therefore, removal of such a cataract is usually followed by a severe inflammatory reaction (uveitis or even endophthalmitis) probably due to liberation of retained viruses. Rubella Syndrome. Congenital rubella cataract may occur alone or as part of the classical rubella syndrome which consists of: 1. Ocular defects. Congenital cataract, salt and pepper chorioretinopathy, microphthalmos, cloudy cornea and poorly dilating pupil. 2. Ear defects. Deafness due to destruction of organ of Corti 3. Heart defects. Patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary stenosis and ventricular septal defects. Management of congenital cataract 1. Ocular examination should be carried out with special reference to: • Density and morphology of cataract. • Assessment of visual function. • Associated ocular defects which need to be noted include microphthalmos, glaucoma, PHPV, foveal hypoplasia, optic nerve hypoplasia, and rubella retinopathy etc. 2. Laboratory investigations should be carried out to detect following systemic associations in nonhereditary cataracts: ■Intrauterine infections viz. toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes virus by TORCH test. ■Galactosemia by urine test for reducing substances, red blood cell transferase and galacto kinase levels. ■Hyperglycemia by blood sugar level. ■Hypocalcemia by serum calcium and phosphate levels and X-ray skull. Surgical procedures. Childhood cataracts (congenital, developmental as well as acquired) can be dealt with extra capsular cataract extraction technique. Intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is the method of choice for correcting aphakia. ‘Age-related cataract’ also called as senile cataract is the commonest type of acquired cataract affecting equally persons of either sex usually above the age of 50 years. The condition is usually bilateral, but almost always one eye is affected earlier than the other. Etiology 1. Age. As mentioned above it usually occurs after the age of 50 years. When it occur before 45 years of age, the term pre-senile cataract is used. By the age of 70 years, over 90% of the individuals develop senile cataract. 2. Ultraviolet irradiations. More exposure to UV irradiation from sunlight have been implicated for early onset and maturation of senile cataract in many epidemiological studies. 3. Dehydrational crisis. An association with prior episode of severe dehydrational crisis (due to diarrhoea, cholera, etc.) and age of onset and maturation of cataract is also suggested. 4. Smoking has also been reported to have some effect on the age of onset of senile cataract. 5. Diabetes mellitus. Age-related cataract occurs earlier in diabetics. Mechanism of loss of transparency. In this the usual degenerative changes are intensification of the age-related nuclear sclerosis associated with dehydration and compaction of the nucleus resulting in a hard cataract. It is accompanied by a significant increase in water insoluble proteins. However, the total protein content and distribution of cations remain normal. There may or may not be associated deposition of pigment urochrome and/or melanin derived from amino acids in the lens. Maturation of the cortical type of senile cataract 1. Stage of lamellar separation. The earliest senile change is demarcation of cortical fibres owing to their separation by fluid. These changes are reversible. 2. Stage of incipient cataract. In this stage, early detectable opacities with clear areas between them are seen. Two distinct types of senile cortical cataracts can be recognised at this stage: a. Cuneiform senile cortical cataract. It is characterised by wedge- shaped opacities with clear areas in between. These extend from equator towards centre and in early stages can only be demonstrated after dilatation of the pupil. Since the cuneiform cataract starts at periphery and extends centrally, the visual disturbances are noted at a comparatively late stage. b. Cupuliform senile cortical cataract. Here a saucer-shaped opacity develops just below the capsule usually in the central part of posterior cortex, which gradually extends outwards. Cupuliform cataract lies right in the pathway of the axial rays and thus causes an early loss of visual acuity. 3. Immature senile cataract (ISC). In this stage, opacification progresses further. The cuneiform or cupuliform patterns can be recognised till the advanced stage of ISC when opacification becomes more diffuse and irregular. The lens appears greyish white but clear cortex is still present and so iris shadow is visible. 4. Mature senile cataract (MSC). In this stage, opacification becomes complete, i.e., whole of the cortex is involved. Lens becomes pearly white in colour. Such a cataract is also labelled as ‘ripe cataract’. 5. Hypermature senile cataract (HMSC). When the mature cataract is left in situ, the stage of hypermaturity sets in. In some patients, after maturity the whole cortex liquefies and the lens is converted into a bag of milky fluid. The small brownish nucleus settles at the bottom, altering its position with change in the position of the head. Such a cataract is called Morgagnian cataract. Sometimes in this stage, calcium deposits may also be seen on the lens capsule. Maturation of nuclear senile cataract. Progressive nuclear sclerotic process renders the lens inelastic and hard, decreases its ability to accommodate and obstructs the light rays. These changes begin centrally and spread slowly peripherally almost up to the capsule when it becomes mature; however, a very thin layer of clear cortex may remain unaffected. The nucleus may become diffusely cloudy (greyish) or tinted (yellow to black) due to deposition of pigments. In practice, the commonly observed pigmented nuclear cataracts are either amber, brown (cataracta brunescens) or black (cataracta nigra) and rarely reddish (cataracta rubra)in colour. Symptoms. 1. Uniocular polyopia (i.e., doubling or trebling of objects). It is also one of the early symptoms. 2. Coloured halos. These may be perceived by some patients owing to breaking of white light into coloured spectrum due to presence of water droplets in the lens. 3. Black spots in front of eyes. 4. Image blur, distortion of images and misty vision may occur in early stages of cataract. 5. Deterioration of vision. It is painless and gradually progressive in nature. • Patients with central opacities (e.g., cupuliform cataract) have early loss of vision. These patients see better when pupil is dilated due to dim light in the evening (day blindness). • In patients with peripheral opacities (e.g., cuneiform cataract) visual loss is delayed and the vision improves in bright light when pupil is contracted. • In patients with nuclear sclerosis, distant vision deteriorates due to progressive index myopia. Signs. 1. Visual acuity testing. Depending upon the location and maturation of cataract, the visual acuity may range from 6/9 to just PL +. 2. Oblique illumination examination. It reveals colour of the lens in papillary area which varies in different types of cataracts. 3. Test for iris shadow. When an oblique beam of light is thrown on the pupil, a crescentric shadow of pupillary margin of the iris will be formed on the greyish opacity of the lens, as long as clear cortex is present between the opacity and the pupillary margin. 4. Distant direct ophthalmoscopic examination. A reddish yellow fundal glow is observed in the absence of any opacity in the media. 5. Slit-lamp examination should be performed with a fully-dilated pupil. The examination reveals complete morphology of opacity (site, size, shape, colour pattern and hardness of the nucleus). Complications 1. Phacoanaphylactic uveitis. Lens proteins may leak into the anterior chamber in hypermature cataract. These proteins may act as antigen and induce antigen-antibody reaction leading to phacoanaphylactic uveitis. 2. Lens-induced glaucoma. It may occur by different mechanisms: i. Phacomorphic glaucoma is caused by intumescent (swollen and cataractous) lens. It is a type of secondary angle closure glaucoma. ii. Phacolytic glaucoma. Lens proteins are leaked into the anterior chamber in cases with Morgagnian type hypermature cataract. These proteins are engulfed by the macrophages. The swollen macrophages clog the trabecular meshwork leading to increase in IOP. iii.Phacotopic glaucoma. Hypermature cataractous lens may subluxate/dislocate and cause glaucoma by blocking the pupil or angle of anterior chamber. 3. Subluxation or dislocation of lens. It may occur due to degeneration of zonules in hypermature stage. Diabetic cataract. Diabetes is associated with two types of cataracts: 1. Senile cataract in diabetics appears at an early age and progresses rapidly. 2. True diabetic cataract. The classical diabetic cataract is also called ‘snowflake cataract’ or ‘snowstorm cataract’. It is a rare condition, usually occurring in young adults due to osmotic over hydration of the lens. Such opacities may resolve spontaneously or mature within a few days. Cataract due to error of copper metabolism. Inborn error of copper metabolism results in Wilson’s disease (hepatolenticular degeneration). ■‘Sunflower cataract’ characterised by yellowish brown dots may be observed rarely in such patients due to the deposition of cuprous oxide in the anterior lens capsule and subcapsular cortex in a stellate pattern. ■‘Kayser-Fleischer ring’ (KF ring) i.e., a golden ring due to deposition of copper in the peripheral part of Descemet’s membrane in the cornea, is a more commonly observed ocular feature of Wilson’s disease. Sunflower cataract and Kayser-Fleischer ring Complicated cataract refers to opacification of the lens secondary to some other intraocular disease. Some authors use the term secondary cataract for the complicated cataract. On the other hand, many authors use the term secondary cataract to denote after cataract. Etiology. The lens depends for its nutrition on intraocular fluids. Therefore, any condition in which the ocular circulation is disturbed or in which inflammatory toxins are formed, will disturb nutrition of the crystalline lens, resulting in development of complicated cataract. 1. Inflammatory conditions. These include iridocyclitis, choroiditis, hypopyon corneal ulcer and endophthalmitis. Anterior uveitis is the most common cause of complicated cataract. 2. Degenerative conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa and other pigmentary retinal dystrophies and myopic chorioretinal degeneration. 3. Retinal detachment. Complicated cataract may occur in long- standing cases. 4. Glaucoma may sometimes result in complicated cataract. The underlying cause here is probably the embarrassment to the intraocular circulation, consequent to the raised pressure. Clinical features. Typically, the complicated cataract starts as posterior subcapsular cortical cataract (PSC). The opacity is irregular in outline and variable in density. In the beam of slit-lamp the opacities have: • ‘Breadcrumb’ appearance. • ‘Polychromatic luster’ i.e., appearance of iridescent coloured particles of reds, greens and blue is a very characteristic sign (Rainbow cataract). • Diffuse yellow-haze is seen in the adjoining cortex. • Slowly the opacity spreads in the rest of the cortex, and finally the entire lens becomes opaque, giving dirty white or chalky white appearance. • Deposition of calcium is common in the later stages. Corticosteroid-induced cataract. Posterior subcapsular opacities are associated with the use of topical as well as systemic steroids. Prolonged use of steroids in high doses may result in cataract formation. Further, intermittent regimes should be preferred over regular therapy and whenever possible steroids should be substituted by NSAIDs. Management of cataract in adults. Treatment of cataract essentially consists of its surgical removal. However, certain nonsurgical measures may be of help, in peculiar circumstances, till surgery is taken up. 1. Treatment of the causative disease, many a time, may stop progression and sometimes in early stages may cause even regression of cataractous changes and thus defer the surgical treatment. Some common examples include: • Adequate control of diabetes mellitus, when discovered. • Removal of cataractogenic drugs. • Removal of irradiation (infrared or X-rays). • Early and adequate treatment of ocular diseases like uveitis may prevent occurrence of complicated cataract. Preoperative evaluation and workup. I. General medical examination of the patient to exclude the presence of systemic diseases. II. Ocular examination. 1. Visual status assessment should include: ■Visual acuity. ■Perception of light (PL) must be noted. Absence of PL indicates nil visual prognosis. ■Projection of light rays (PR). It is tested in a semi-dark room with the opposite eye covered. A thin beam of light is thrown in the patient’s eye from four directions (up, down, medial and lateral) and the patient is asked to look straight ahead and point out the direction from which the light seems to come. 2. Pupils should be examined to check for: light reactions and ability of the pupils to dilate adequately before surgery. 3. Anterior segment evaluation by slit-lamp biomicroscopy. ■Cornea should be examined to note any scarring, endothelial status. ■Keratic precipitates (KPs) noted at the back of cornea suggest management of subtle uveitis before the cataract surgery. ■Cataractous lens should be evaluated for morphology and maturity of cataract and for grade of nuclear sclerosis. ■Other signs to be particularly looked for include posterior synechiae, pseudoexfoliation, pigments over the anterior lens capsule, and anterior chamber depth. 4. Examination of lids, conjunctiva and lacrimal apparatus. Search for local source of infection should be made by ruling out conjunctival infections, meibomitis, blepharitis and lacrimal sac infection. 5. Intraocular pressure (IOP) should be measured in each case, preferably by applanation tonometry. 6. Fundus examination, wherever possible, should be carried out with special attention on macula, to rule out other causes of decreased vision. 7. Macular function test: colour perception indicates that some macular function is present and optic nerve is relatively normal. 8. Objective test for evaluating retina are required if some retinal pathology is suspected. These tests includes ultrasonic evaluation of posterior segment of the eye; electrophysiological studies such as ERG (electroretinogram), and VER (visually evoked response); 9. Keratometry and biometry to calculate power of intraocular lens (IOL). Extracapsular cataract extraction by phacoemulsification along with foldable posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in the bag is the procedure of choice for cataract surgery. Displacements of the lens from its normal position (in patellar fossa) results from partial or complete rupture of the lens zonules. Clinico-etiological types I. Congenital displacements. These may occur in the following conditions: 1. Marfan’s syndrome. It is an autosomal dominant mesodermal dysplasia. In this condition, lens is displaced upwards and temporally (bilaterally symmetrical). Systemic anomalies include arachnodactyly (spider fingers), long extremities, hyperextensibility of joints, high arched palate and dissecting aortic aneurysm. 2. Weill-Marchesani syndrome. It is condition of autosomal recessive mesodermal dysplasia. Ocular features are spherophakia, and forward subluxation of lens which may cause pupil block glaucoma. Systemic features are short stature, stubby fingers and mental retardation. II. Traumatic displacement of the lens is usually associated with concussion injuries. III. Consecutive or spontaneous displacement results from intraocular diseases. Subluxation is partial displacement in which lens is moved sideways, but remains behind the pupil. It results from partial rupture or unequal stretching of the zonules. Clinical features are as follows: • Defective vision • Uniocular diplopia may result from partial aphakia. • Anterior chamber becomes deep and irregular. • Iridodonesis is usually present. • Edge of the subluxated lens is seen as dark crescent line on distant direct ophthalmoscopy. • Phacodonesis, i.e., trimulousness of lens may be seen. • Retinoscopy reveals hypermetropia in aphakic area and myopia (index) in phakic area. Management. Spectacles or contact lens correction for phakic or aphakic area (whichever is better) is helpful in many cases. Surgery is controversial and usually associated with high risk of retinal detachment. Lensectomy with anterior vitrectomy may be performed in desperate cases. Coloboma of lens. It is seen as a notch in the lower quadrant of the equator. It is usually unilateral and often hereditary.