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Titien Pratiwi Adnas,S.IP,

“ Study Plan”
1.So please introduce yourself, education
background, occupation, and also your study plan
 Thank u sir, first of all, I‘d like to say thank you u so much for letting me
through to this interview phase. Well, let me intoduce myself my name is
Titien Pratiwi Adnas, so u can call me Titin.
 My background education is government policy from the Institute
Governance of Home Affairs or known as IPDN or STPDN.
 After graduated from IPDN I was given a task from president of Republic
Indonesia to work in the border, rural and outermost areas in Indonesia so
that I am currently working in Kendari as the Head of Public Order Section
in urban village office Bende.
 Furthermore, my main task is to conduct comprehensive environmental
surveillance and maintain security and social order in the community. This
is why i have a great interest in building cooperation and creating creativity
and innovation in my work environment.
 I would like to continue my study to Wageningen University and Research
taking master degree of Environmental Science with spesialisation of
government policy.
2. Why do you choose WUR ?
 Thank you sir, I choose Wageningen University and Research
because I want to get the most qualified and up-to-date
environmental education in the world and be involved in
research and improvement of environmental problems with
environmental experts. It is because Wageningen University
and Research is the only one campus which is very focused
on environmental science in the Netherlands so, this is why
WUR get the first ranks environmental campus in the world
and the Netherlands itself while, my chosen program is the
top rated program. While, Netherlands itself is a country that
is classified as advanced in managing the quality of its
environment such as sanitation and waste treatment.
3. Why do you have to go abroad?
 I understand sir, in gaining knowledge cannot be determined by what
school or institution we get the knowledge from, but how much our
effort to get knowledge is, However, the different things if I get the
opportunity to study abroad is an "experience" for example:
experience in solving environmental problems on an international
scale where I can discuss, analyze, and make problem solutions with
friends from various worlds who also have knowledge, experience as
well as different environmental problems. For example, many
environmental problems or impact of disasters that happen in abroad
but they are very responsive in strategic ways to handle it.
 Beside that, another thing that I can get is to learn more about
sustainable Technology Development in the field from Netherland as
the best country in managing their environment. So that my mindset
will be more open to solving problems in my own country.
4. Why choose these majors and
 I choose this majors sir because this department is a very appropriate course for solving
the various environmental problems in Southeast Sulawesi province while, this field of
science supporting my duties and main functions.
 Actually, This started with my placement of my "cross province" in the city of Kendari,
after a period of placement I experienced an incident in the form of a major flood disaster
that was touted as a provincial disaster because it involved six districts and cities. The
disaster caused huge material losses for the community and the government of around
670 billion, while causing many other problems such as increased of crime such as
robberies and massive demonstrations in the center of governeance in Kendari city by
students and the community.
 After I explored the cause of the disaster this happens because of the high activity of land
use change and forest area in addition, there were many mining business licenses that did
not have an appropriate Environmental Impact and Analysis (AMDAL) document, so this
caused severe environmental damage. While, Southeast Sulawesi itself is one of the
richest provinces in Indonesia in terms of mining but the presence of the mine does not
even have a significant impact on the region. Where the regional deposition only reached
Rp. 100 Billion from 393 Mining Business Permit holders compared to the damage that
reached 1 trillion.
 Therefore, I need deeper knowledge about the environment so that I am able to
provide appropriate environmental policy recommendations in representing the
community to formulate an Environmental Impact and Impact Analysis document,
facilitate public consultations and as a social and environmental supervisor so that
the community will no longer be disadvantaged in the future.
 Through Environmental Science specialization in environmental policy I will learn
innovative skills and maintenance solutions for challenges that support the
Environment. It means that I can learn to develop analytical tools and models, as
well as technology, to regulate socio-political and economic instruments in order to
prevent and control environmental problems and sustainability.
 Furthermore, I hope in the future with the knowledge that I get, I can provide
appropriate advice and recommendations from each policy formulation process so
that the Mining Business License that will later be issued by the related agencies is
really in accordance with its function. In addition, I and the community can carry
out continuous and ongoing evaluations if misuse of the Environmental Problems
and Impacts (AMDAL) document that will causes environmental damage.
5. Want to take a thesis about what?
 I plan to write a thesis "Strategies in Controlling Environmental
Damage through Enhancing Environmental-based and Sustainable
Mining Policies in Southeast Sulawesi Province," I chose mining
space because it is a major problem that needs to be analyzed and
resolved more deeply in the province of Southeast Sulawesi. The
Netherlands is a country that is very skilled in dealing with solving
various environmental problems, for example the Minister of
Religion in 2018 at Deen Haag offered the Coordinating Minister
for Maritime Affairs Mr. Luhut Panjaitan for Indonesia assistance
to oil palm farmers in order to carry out farming practices that are
environmentally sound and sustainable. which makes me feel very
appropriate in taking a thesis in an effort to extractive practices
environmentally friendly and sustainable, especially in the mining
6. Show us concretely what are the positive impacts for
Indonesia? Or What are the benefits of your thesis for
 Before going too far for my country the benefits of my thesis
later InshaAllah will be very useful for my area, especially
the Kendari city government and the Southeast Sulawesi
Provincial Government as a foothold in formulating
strategies in controlling and repairing the environmental
damage that has occurred which actually happened long ago
before I was assigned to work in Kendari . In addition, I
personally as part of a government institution will use this
thesis as a first step to synergize with the business sector and
the community in carrying out environmental improvements
and in the future as a basis for making environmental-based
mining business licenses in the future.
7. Who is the professor who will help you with
your thesis later?
 I have not had much interaction with professors at WUR
at this time because previously I got an Unconditional
LoA from the campus admission process officially by the
Student Cervice Center so for now I am just contact with
Environmental Science Study Adviser mom Suzane Tuju
8. What Is Your Study Plan?
 The first academic year in 2020 which will be full of lectures
on the Environmental Policy which has 104 ECTS (Credit
Transfer Systems Europe). in a two-year program consisting of
52 ECTS each semester. There are four categories of subjects
that are compulsory unless otherwise suggested, required for
thesis pathways, thesis pathways and free electives with a total
of internship and thesis courses as the closing of the second
year. one example of the type of knowledge that will help me
in analyzing environmental problems in my area is
Environmental Quality and Governance
 Furthermore, in February to September 2021i will focus on
thesis and internship starting
9. What makes you special to receive this scholarship?
What sets you apart from other applicants? why do you
deserve this scholarship?
 Hopefully, I understand that every person who applies for an LPDP scholarship has
great abilities, skills and desires. They are able to prove themselves have a strong
desire to become professionals with a long process to present themselves to the
region, family and country in the future. However, not all of us can make it and will
succeed, while I hope to be the one who can make it. I may not be able to say that I
am smarter and perform better than other people. Moreover, I really understand that
every LPDP fund comes from public money, for that certainty that I can offer is
 First, I am responsible and have unlimited potential for Indonesia. This is because,
outside of my profession as a civil servant that requires me to return to Indonesia, I
also have a great task, authority and responsibility to solve the environmental and
social problems that are happening at the place where I work.
 Second, although a woman I like to be a leader and influential to the community,
my passion is to build cooperation to improve myself, the region and the
community. I am a typical hard worker and not easily stressed when under pressure
or faced with a difficult problem or situation because I am used to it because my
profession as head of peace and order section of my community often resolves land
disputes and conflicts between members of the community which requires me to
take policy as quickly as possible, effective and efficient.
10. Are you sure you can finish on time? What if
there are obstacles that keep you from
 I believe I can finish on time because I have studied and found out how
routines, activities, methods or models of student learning in the Netherlands,
especially the Wageningen University and Research campus. I got this from
some of my friends who were studying there, they often told stories and
shared experiences that had to be prepared so that I was sure if we prepare
well and from as early as possible I could finish my study on time for two

 Meanwhile, if there are obstacles that make me hampered passing a test it has
become a common thing in the world of campus, but according to my friend,
my campus uses a very good method to help all of its students, so the lecturer
will teach students directly in which part that makes them fail and fix it. That
is one of the advantages possessed by the campuses in the Netherlands, so
even though they have a strict teaching and learning routine but the tutors
there are very friendly and have a lot of time to discuss with their students.
11. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

 I see myself in the next ten years to become a structural

leader which is also my biggest dream as a wise and
professional policy maker so that I am able to formulate
any policies that are appropriate and beneficial to the
people of Indonesia not the other way around.
12. What if you don't get a scholarship? what are
your next plans?

 basically I want a scholarship to finance my great interest

in studying environmental science which is closely related
to my main duties and functions and there are big
problems that are urgent to be solved together in Kendari
so as for the interviewers later they don't give me
recommendations for getting a scholarship then I will still
seek knowledge from various sources even though getting
knowledge in WUR is a big supporting factor but I must
keep moving forward.
13. what was your research in the undergraduate study? tell
us the formulation of the problems? what instrument did u

 My research when completing my bachelor degree was a poverty-

themed with title was "Evaluation of the Mandar Building Program
(Community-Based Independent Village Development Movement) in
West Sulawesi Province". Furthermore, my scription was evaluating
government programs that have a large budget with a variety of
activities to minimilize poverty in west Sulawesi province.

 I used a quantitative method by spreading the questionare in 5 districts

in West Sulawesi and accumulating it using SPSS then conducting
interviews with the leaders of the Regional Development Agency
(Bappeda), the Social and Manpower Office, the Community and
Village Empowerment Agency, the Program Facilitator and the
14.why do you want to continue higher
education? What for? is that not enough what you
have now?
 I want to continue my master's education in environmental
policy to support my current type of work so that later the
knowledge I take is relevant to what I will do. I have a
background in government policy education but in terms
of environmental policy formulation I do not yet have
deeper knowledge for that I want to continue my
education in this field so as not to give the wrong policy
15. What is your contribution so far for Indonesia? What
have you done? What are the positive effects?

 I cannot say that I have done great things for Indonesia such as
making a big discovery that can finally help my brothers in
Papua or make a material contribution to Indonesia. But so far
I have contributed to my country by pursuing my profession as
a government employee in serving the people and working
with them to develop our territory and community. While on
the other hand maybe my friends my age still enjoy the young
age to adventure, gather and look for my own identity since six
years ago has devoted myself to the Indonesian people. In total,
I already have work experience in ten different places in
Indonesia, from remote to urban centers such as West Java,
Central Java, Banten and Sulawesi.
16.What is your greatest achievement?

 Yes sir. From my point of view that achievement is not quantitative

or can be measured by numbers like when we won 1st place in the
International Mathematical Olympiad or got a GPA of 4.0 but in my
opinion my greatest achievement is if I benefit many people so for
example I am smart but with my intelligence I can help others so I
am not selfish, for example, at this time, I am very happy to
participate in developing small and medium business units in
Bende. In February I collected several types of MSMEs in my
village, legalized them, provided further training and promoted their
results at every exhibition event in our village, the events of the
mayor and the province of Southeast Sulawesi so that their spirits
felt needed, they benefited and feel useful in the community itself.
17. What was your preoccupation / line of work before?
What is your duty?

 Before I worked in Kendari I had worked in the village offices in Ciamis, Tasikmalaya,
Tangerang and Ampel ivory, each in the provinces of West Java, Banten and Central Java. My
job as a staff in the field of government and community empowerment. I do government
services especially in rural areas but from here also for the first time I see and learn a lot about
small and medium enterprises which are widely spread in villages and villages in the West
Java region like when I was in Tasikmalaya I did the promotion of SMEs in the veil and
Muslim clothes, while in the Kadugenep area, many are MSME leather bags.
 I also worked for the Department of Housing, Settlement and Land Services, once I resolved a
land conflict between the indigenous people of Mandar and the government who wanted to
manage land as a landfill and end peacefully while the indigenous people of Mandar were very
famous for mystical matters. and against the government. We do this by conducting good
socialization and mediation with all parties. In this service I also learned a lot about technical
matters, for example in making basic sanitation for the poor and the house renovation program
because actually in Majene district itself is located on the seashore and many still do not have
healthy basic sanitation, for example they sometimes still pooping on the beach.
 The Human Resources and Human Resources Agency in Mamuju City and Kendari City at
that time I learned a lot in knowing basic things about staffing, transfer, development and
18. How is your attitude in dealing with coworkers who
work not according to Standard Operating Procedures?

 if I have a friend or colleague who does not work according to

operational standards I will reprimand him but before
reprimanding I like to doing personal approach and his reasons
why he not following the operational standards in our office, for
example, late coming to the office because even though I myself
am very obedient to the regulations and work standards that apply
at my office likes to approach the family of my fellow colleagues
because I never know the problems faced by others ".
 However, in the future if he does not have a critical case that
makes him violate the operational standards of the office, I always
consult with my superiors, so my superiors who reprimand him, if
there things happen, our own agency has a disciplinary department
that will provide written warning to the employees .
19. What is the concrete relationship between the
S2 field you are in and the 18 LPDP priority
themes? (Environment. Economy)
 The field of environmental science specialization
Environmental policy has a concrete relationship with the
priority areas of the LPDP scholarship namely
environment and economy. Studying this field of study
will be very useful in improving the quality of the
environment in my area which is currently experiencing
heavy damage after natural disasters and potential
pollution due to mining activities. Meanwhile, if the
quality of the environment will get better, there will be no
more state losses incurred in the future and the potential
for environmental management that is beneficial to the
people of Indonesia will be further increased.

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