Final Version MPA 626 Group 2 Presentation
Final Version MPA 626 Group 2 Presentation
Final Version MPA 626 Group 2 Presentation
MPA 626
1. Outline
Internal Auditing Standards for
the Philippine Public Sector
● Article IX-D of the 1987 Constitution - vests the Commission on Audit (COA)
the exclusive authority to promulgate auditing rules and regulations.
● Internal Auditing Research and Development Committee (IARDC)
● IARDC - developed IASPPS (Internal Auditing Standards for the Philippine Public
○ provides guidance for the professional practice of internal auditing to improve the
effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes in all agencies
of the government
Philippine Internal Auditing Framework for Public Sector
A. Mission
1. Supplemental PAG
- outlines additional modifications or
updates on the PAG.
E. Code of Ethics
The purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit service (IAS) must be
formally defined in an internal audit charter, consistent with the Mission of Internal Audit,
the Core Principles, the Code of Ethics, the Internal Auditing Standards for the Philippine Public
Sector (IASPPS), and the Definition of Internal Auditing. The head of internal audit must
periodically review the internal audit charter; present it to the senior management, for additional
input/ enhancement, if any; and submit, for approval, to the head of agency or the governing
body/audit committee.
- The nature of assurance services must be defined in the internal audit charter.
- The nature of advisory services must be defined in the internal audit charter.
The nature of the Core Principles, the Code of Ethics, the Internal
Auditing Standards for the Philippine Public Sector (IASPPS), and the
Definition of Internal Auditing must be reflected in the internal audit
charter. The head of internal audit should discuss the Mission of Internal
Audit and the elements of the Philippine Internal Auditing Framework for
Public Sector with senior management, and the head of agency or the
governing body/audit committee.
Independence and Objectivity
The head of internal audit must report to a level within the agency that allows the
internal audit service (IAS) to fulfill its responsibilities. The head of internal audit
must confirm to the head of agency or the governing body/audit committee, at least
annually, the organizational independence of IAS.
The IAS must be free from interference in determining the scope of internal auditing,
performing work, and communicating results. The head of internal audit must
disclose such interference to the head of agency, or the governing body/audit
committee, and discuss the implications.
Direct Interaction with the Head of Agency or the Governing Body/Audit Committee
- allows them to give insights directly to the head of internal audit on new
and emerging issues and concerns facing the agency.
Roles of the Head of Internal Audit Beyond Internal Auditing
Where the head of internal audit has or is expected to have roles and/or
responsibilities that fall outside of internal auditing, safeguards must be in
place to limit impairments to independence or objectivity.
- The agency’s processes are immature, and the head of internal audit has the
most appropriate expertise to introduce risk management principles in the
● Internal auditors must refrain from assessing specific operations for which they
were previously responsible. Objectivity is presumed to be impaired if an
internal auditor provides assurance services for an activity, for which the
internal auditor had previous responsibility within the previous year.
● Assurance engagements for functions over which the head of internal audit has
responsibility must be overseen by a party outside the internal audit service
● IAS may provide assurance services where it had previously performed advisory
services, provided the nature of the advisory did not impair objectivity, and provided
individual objectivity is managed when assigning resources to the engagement.
● Internal auditors may provide advisory services relating to operations for which they had
previous responsibilities.
A responsibility of the Head of Internal Audit and each Internal Auditor. The head of
internal audit ensures that persons assigned to each engagement collectively
possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and other competencies to conduct the
engagement appropriately.
Engagement - A specific internal audit assignment, task, or review activity, such as
an internal audit, control self-assessment review, fraud examination, or advisory.
QAIP is designed to enable an evaluation of the IAS’s conformance with the IASPPS and
whether internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics. It assesses the efficiency and
effectiveness of the IAS and identifies opportunities for improvement. The head of internal
audit should encourage oversight by the head of agency or the governing body/audit
committee on the quality assurance and improvement program.
1. Internal Assessments
2. External Assessments
3. Communication of QAIP Results
4. Proper Use of a Conformance Statement
5. Disclosure of Nonconformance
Indicating that the internal audit service (IAS) conforms with the
IASPPS is appropriate only if supported by the results of the quality
assurance and improvement program.
The IAS conforms with the Code of Ethics and IASPPS when it achieves the outcomes described therein.
QAIP = results of internal + external assessments.
IAS in existence for at least (5) years = results of external assessments.
Standard 1322
Disclosure of Nonconformance
The IAS adds value to the agency and its stakeholders when it
considers strategies, objectives, and risks; strives to offer ways to
enhance governance, risk management, and control processes; and
objectively provides relevant assurance.
Adds Value - when it provides/contributes or intend to improve to the
abovesaid factors, except management responsibility
Standard 2010
The head of internal audit must establish a risk-based plan to determine the
priorities of the internal audit service (IAS) consistent with the agency’s
● How?
1. Seeks advice from the senior management, and the head of agency or the governing
body/audit committee;
2. Obtains an understanding of the agency’s strategies, key operation objectives, associated
risks, and risk management processes
3. Review and adjust the plan, as necessary, in response to changes in the agency’s risks,
operations, programs, systems, and controls.
Factors to consider in developing the internal audit plan
The head of internal audit must ensure that internal audit resources are
appropriate, sufficient, and effectively deployed to achieve the approved
● Appropriate - mix of knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform the plan.
● Sufficient - quantity of resources needed to accomplish the plan.
● Effectively deployed when resources are used in a way that optimizes the achievement of
the approved plan.
Standard 2040
Policies and Procedures
● The form and content of policies and procedures are dependent upon the size and
structure of the IAS and the complexity of its work.
Standard 2040
Policies and Procedures
The internal audit service (IAS) must evaluate and contribute to the
improvement of the agency’s governance, risk management, and
control processes using a systematic, disciplined, and risk-based
approach. Internal audit credibility and value are enhanced when
auditors are proactive and their evaluations offer new insights and
consider future impact.
Standard 2110
The internal audit service (IAS) must evaluate the effectiveness and
contribute to the improvement of risk management processes.
Risk - possibility of an event occurring to have impact on the
achievement of the objective.
● Key responsibility of the senior management, HOA, Audit committee
● Determining whether risk management processes are effective is a judgment resulting
from the internal auditor’s assessment
● Risk management processes are monitored through ongoing management activities,
separate evaluations, or both.
Standard 2130
The internal audit service (IAS) must assist the agency in maintaining
effective controls by evaluating their effectiveness and efficiency, and
by promoting continuous improvement.
Control - any action taken by (M, HOA, GB/AC + other parties) to manage (mitigate) risk and
increase likelihood of the achievement of goals/objectives
Main Goal - to prevent losses to the agency arising from the different hazards in government
Standard 2200
Engagement Planning
Internal auditors must develop and document an engagement plan and work
program for each engagement, including the engagement's objectives, scope,
timing, and resource allocations. The plan must consider agency’s strategies,
objectives, and risks relevant to the engagement.
Engagement - a specific internal audit assignment, task, or review activity (ex. internal audit,
control self-assessment review, fraud examination, or advisory)
1. Strategies and objectives of the activity being reviewed, and the means by which
the activity controls its performance
2. Significant risks to the activity’s objectives, resources, and operations; and the
means by which the potential impact of risk is kept to an acceptable level
3. Adequacy and effectiveness of the activity’s governance, risk management, and
control processes compared to a relevant framework or model;
4. Opportunities for making significant improvements to the activity’s governance,
risk management, and control processes.
Standard 2210
Engagement Objectives
1. Internal (e.g., policies and procedures of the agency)
2. External (e.g., laws and regulations imposed by statutory bodies)
3. Leading practices (e.g., industry and professional guidance).
Standard 2220
Engagement Scope
Internal auditors must develop and document work programs that achieve the
engagement objectives.
- Work programs must include the procedures for identifying, analyzing,
evaluating, and documenting information during the engagement. The work
program must be approved prior to its implementation, and any adjustments
approved promptly.
-Work programs for advisory engagements may vary in form and content
depending upon the nature of the engagement.
Internal auditors must document sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information to support
the engagement results and conclusions.
The head of internal audit must
- control access to engagement records. The head of internal audit must obtain the
approval of senior management, legal counsel, or head of agency prior to releasing
such records to external parties, as appropriate
- develop retention requirements for engagement records, regardless of the medium in
which each record is stored. These retention requirements must be consistent with the
agency’s guidelines and any pertinent regulatory or other requirements
- develop policies governing the custody and retention of advisory engagement records,
as well as their release to internal and external parties. These policies must be
consistent with the agency’s guidelines and any pertinent regulatory or other
Engagements must be properly supervised to ensure objectives are achieved,
quality is assured, and staff is developed.
- The extent of supervision required will depend on the proficiency and experience of
internal auditors and the complexity of the engagement. The head of internal audit
has overall responsibility for supervising the engagement, whether performed by or
for the internal audit service (IAS), but may designate appropriately experienced
members of the IAS to perform the review. Appropriate evidence of supervision is
documented and retained.
Internal auditors must communicate the results of engagements.
- the head of internal audit also should understand the expectations of the head of
agency or the governing body/audit committee, regarding communication related
to engagement results.
- the workpapers will indicate which results will be communicated verbally, and
which will be communicated in writing.
- the internal auditor is encouraged to consult legal counsel in matters involving
legal issues.
Communications must be accurate, objective, clear, concise,
constructive, complete, and timely.
❏ Accurate communications are free from errors and distortions, and are
faithful to the underlying facts.
❏ Objective communications are fair, impartial, and unbiased and are the
result of a fair-minded and balanced assessment of all relevant facts and
❏ Clear communications are easily understood and logical, avoiding
unnecessary technical language and providing all significant and relevant
❏ Concise communications are to the point and avoid unnecessary elaboration,
superfluous detail, redundancy, and wordiness.
❏ Constructive communications are helpful to the auditee and the agency, and
lead to improvements, where needed.
❏ Complete communications lack nothing that is essential to the target
audience, and include all significant and relevant information and
observations to support recommendations and conclusions.
❏ Timely communications are opportune and expedient, depending on the
significance of the issue, allowing management to take appropriate corrective
When nonconformance with the Code of Ethics or the Internal Audit Standards for the
Philippine Public Sector (IASPPS) impacts a specific engagement, communication of
the results must disclose the following:
- Principle(s) or rule(s) of conduct of the Code of Ethics or the IASPPS with which
full conformance was not achieved;
- Reason(s) for nonconformance; and
- Impact of nonconformance on the engagement and the communicated engagement
The head of internal audit must communicate results to the appropriate parties. He/She is responsible
for reviewing and approving the final engagement communication before issuance, and for deciding
to whom and how it will be disseminated. When the head of internal audit delegates these duties, he
or she retains overall responsibility.
- If not otherwise mandated by legal, statutory, or regulatory requirements, prior to releasing results to parties
outside the agency, the head of internal audit must ensure the following:
●Assess the potential risk to the agency;
●Consult with senior management and/or legal counsel as appropriate; and
●Control dissemination by restricting the use of the results.
- During advisory engagements, governance, risk management, and control issues may be identified. Whenever
these issues are significant to the agency, they must be communicated to senior management, and the head of agency
or the governing body/ audit committee.
- Results are given due considerations
Disseminating Result
Communications Outside the Agency
- The internal audit charter, laws, regulations, agency policies, or the engagement
agreement may contain guidance related to reporting information outside the agency. If
such guidance does not exist, the head of internal audit may facilitate adoption of
appropriate policies.
- In certain situations, it may be possible to create a special-purpose report based on an
existing report or information to make the report suitable for dissemination outside
the agency
When an overall opinion is issued, it must take into account the strategies, objectives, and risks of
the agency; and the expectations of senior management, the head of agency or the governing body/
audit committee, and other stakeholders. The overall opinion must be supported by sufficient,
reliable, relevant, and useful information.
The communication will include the following:
i. The scope, including the time period to which the opinion pertains;
iii. Consideration of all related projects, including the reliance on other assurance providers;
iv. A summary of the information that supports the opinion;
v. The risk or control framework, or other criteria used as bases for the overall opinion; and
vi. The overall opinion, judgment, or conclusion reached.
The reasons for an unfavorable overall opinion must be stated.
The head of internal audit must establish and maintain a system to monitor the
disposition of results communicated to management.
- The head of internal audit must establish a follow-up process to monitor and ensure
that management’s actions have been effectively implemented or that senior
management, and the head of agency or the governing body/audit committee has
accepted the risk of not taking action.
- The internal audit service must monitor the disposition of results of advisory
engagements to the extent agreed upon with the auditee.
– is an integral process
that is effected by an
agency’s management
and personnel and is
designed to address
risks and to provide
reasonable assurance
that in pursuit of the
agency’s mission, the
general objectives are
being achieved.
Per Section 123, Presidential Decree No. 1445
(Government Auditing Code of the Philippines),
11 June 1978, as amended.
Internal control
“is the plan of organization and all the coordinated methods and
measures adopted within an organization or agency to safeguard its
assets, check the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, and
encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies.”
B. Importance of Internal Control
❏ Profitability or sustainability
❏ Observance of management policies
❏ Safeguarding of assets or resources
❏ Prevention and detection of fraud and error
❏ Accuracy and completeness of accounting records
❏ Timely preparation of reliable financial information
❏ Protection of staff members and other stakeholders against
C. Limitations of Internal Control Effectiveness
Consistently Comprehensive,
functioning according reasonable, and
Appropriate Cost-effective
to plan throughout the directly related to the
period control objective
Principles of the control activities component
3 Segregation of Duties
7 Reviews of operating performance 11 Physical controls over vulnerable
Vestibulum congue
ntr ongue
o ls e
Co ecc tiv
tecm co s
Control activities can be designed and executed in the following
Automated Manual
Control Control
Activities Activities
Principles of the control activities component
Management designs
Management designs an
appropriate type of control
effective information
activities to help ensure
system and use of
complete and accurate
information technology
information processing
Three Phases of a processing cycle
Operating Unit
Refers to a government
Function 4 institution/unit charged with
Refers to a program, project, carrying out specific substantive
activity or process in the functions or which directly
government agency. implements program, activity, and
project of a government agency.
Philippine Government Internal
Audit Manual (PGIAM 2020)
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Legal Bases
● The creation of the IAS was first mandated under RA No. 3456 (Internal Auditing Act of
1962), as amended by RA No. 4177, s. 1965.
● With the reorganization of the Executive Branch of government under Presidential
Decree (PD) No. 1, s. 1972, the IAS was effectively abolished.
● Thereafter, the Administrative Code of 1987, as amended, mandated the creation of the
present IAS and provided the corresponding internal audit functions, making the same
as an integral part in the organizational structure of the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH).
● It was subsequently adopted and applied across other departments, agencies,
government-owned or -controlled corporations (GOCCs) and local government units
(LGUs) through various executive issuances.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Scope of Internal Audit
● The scope of internal audit involves all matters relating to operations audit
and management control.
Types of Internal Audit
Compliance audit
● evaluation of the degree of compliance of supervision or control with laws,
regulations, managerial policies, systems and processes of government,
including compliance with accountability measures, ethical standards and
contractual obligations.
● covers the determination of whether or not all other internal control
components are well designed and properly implemented.
● This type of audit is a necessary first step to, and part of, management and
operations audits.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Compliance Audit Flow Diagram
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Types of Internal Audit
Management audit
Management Audit Flow Diagram
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Types of Internal Audit
Operations audit
Operations Audit Flow Diagram
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Principles of Internal Auditing
Professional Competence
Principles of Internal Auditing
● The head of agency should authorize internal auditors to have full, free and
unrestricted access to all functions, premises, assets, personnel, records, and other
documents and information that the IAS/IAU head considers necessary in
undertaking internal audit activities.
● All records, documentation and information accessed in the course of undertaking
internal audit activities are to be used solely for the conduct of these activities. The
internal auditor should respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the
course of performing the audit activities
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Principles of Internal Auditing
Evidence-based Approach
● As public servants, internal auditors are bound by the Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees in the performance of their
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Principles of Internal Auditing
Principles of Internal Auditing
Principles of Internal Auditing
● is the plan of organization and all the coordinated methods and measures
adopted within an organization or agency to safeguard its assets, check the
accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, and encourage adherence to
prescribed managerial policies.
● The most basic competence that an internal auditor must possess is the
knowledge of internal controls.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Internal Control Framework
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Roles and Responsibilities on Internal Control
Roles and Responsibilities on Internal Control
Administrative Relationships
● relationship between a department and the bureaus under it. This includes
the authority to act directly whenever a specific function is entrusted by law or
regulation to a subordinate; direct the performance of duty; restrain the
commission of acts; review, approve, reverse or modify acts and decisions of
subordinate officials or units; determine priorities in the execution of plans
and programs; and prescribe standards, guidelines, plans and programs
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Administrative Relationships
Administrative Supervision
Administrative Relationships
Organizing the Internal Audit
Purpose, Authority
Purpose, Authority and
and Functions of the Fu1. of
In government, the authority to establish an IAS/IAU, including its purpose,
organization, programs, activities, and functions, should be pursuant to the
Administrative Code of 1987, as amended, this Manual and or other
applicable legal basis
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Reporting Lines for the IAS/IAU and Fu1. of
In departments, the IAS shall report directly to the DS.
In the case of a regular agency attached to a Department for policy and
program coordination, the IAU shall report to the HoA. For multi-
headed attached agencies (e.g., commission, council, or board), the IAU
may report directly to the GB. The GB may opt to organize an
AuditCom from among its members to which the IAU shall report
3. In the case of GOCCs/GFIs, the IAS/IAU shall report to the AuditCom
of the GB of the corporation.
4. For SUCs, the IAU shall report to the GB, which may also opt to
organize an AuditCom from among its members to which the IAU shall
report directly.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Roles and Responsibilities on Internal and
Audit Fu1. of
Pursuant to Section 124 of the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines,
the direct responsibility to install, implement and monitor a sound system of
internal control rests with the DS/HoA or the GB/AuditCom. However, the
DS/HoA/GB/AuditCom may task the IAS/IAU to undertake the appraisal of
the internal control system within the department, agency or GOCC/GFI or
Purpose, Authority
Roles and Responsibilities on Internal and
Audit Fu1. of
the IAS/IAU As the assigned unit in the appraisal of the internal
control system within the organization, the IAS/IAU
IAS/IAU head is accountable to the DS/HoA or the
GB/AuditCom, as the case may be, for the efficient and
effective operation of the internal audit function.
Principals DS/HoA/GB/AuditCom
External stakeholders
must always deal with
1. Internal stakeholders include those the principal and not
within the sector (e.g., CSC, Office of directly with the
the Ombudsman, and other review and
Key oversight bodies)
Stakeholders 2. External stakeholders, on the other
hand, pertain to those outside the
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
➔ The financial aspect of internal control system, “to safeguard its assets” and “check the
accuracy and reliability of its accounting data,” is carried out by the COA in keeping with its
constitutional mandate “to examine, audit, and settle all accounts pertaining to the revenue and
receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds and property” and to “promulgate accounting and
auditing rules and regulations, including those for the prevention and disallowance of irregular,
unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or unconscionable expenditures, or uses of government
funds and properties.”
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
➔ The IAS/IAU head can liaise on behalf of, and with authority
from, the DS/HoA or the GB/AuditCom, with other external
reviewers as part of the organization’s governance
arrangements. It is critical that these activities are performed
with authority from the DS/HoA or the GB/AuditCom.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
➔ It is important that the internal auditors are abreast with
professional and industry developments, and use networking
opportunities to assist in their continuing professional
development. They must continually update themselves on new
frontiers of internal auditing and respond to developments
affecting their profession, subject to applicable laws and
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Structure of
Figure 1 – Organizational Placement of the IAS in the OSEC the IAS/IAU
The IAS of a Department in the Executive Branch, which shall be a service-level entity, directly reports to the
DS. The organizational placement of the IAS in the Office of the Secretary (OSEC) and in the Department
proper is provided in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Structure of
Figure 2 – Organizational Placement of the IAS in the Department Proper the IAS/IAU
In the case of regular agencies attached to a Department for policy and program coordination, their
respective board/council shall determine the propriety of establishing a separate unit for the purpose or avail
of the services of the IAS of the Department.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Structure of
Figure 3 – Organizational Placement of the Internal Audit
Department in the GOCC/GFI the IAS/IAU
GOCCs/GFIs which have original charters or those created through the Corporation Code shall likewise
establish their respective IAS/IAU, which shall be a department-level entity or its equivalent organizational
unit. The IAS/IAU shall report to the respective AuditCom of the GB of the corporation, as shown in Figure 3.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Structure of
Figure 4 – Organizational Placement of the IAU in the SUC
For SUCs, its IAU, the level of which shall depend on its levelling per DBM-Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) Joint Circular (JC) No. 1, s. 2016 176 , shall report to the AuditCom of the GB of the SUC, as shown
in Figure 4.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Structure of
Figure 5 – Organizational Chart of an Internal Audit
Service/Department the IAS/IAU
The IAS/IAU in Departments and agencies concerned shall consist of two divisions – an Operations Audit
Division and a Management Audit Division as shown in Figure 5. The Divisions shall be headed by an Internal
Auditor V (SG 24).
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Head of the IAS/IAU
and Fu1. of
The IAS/IAU head is responsible for ensuring that the internal audit function and engagement are delivered
efficiently and effectively toward the attainment of the IAS/IAU objectives. In doing so, the IAS/IAU head
should maintain utmost commitment to public interest and the highest degree of excellence, professionalism,
intelligence and skill.
Standards for the
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Head of the IAS/IAU
and Fu1. of
The IAS/IAU head is responsible for the following:
a. Ensuring the efficient and effective operation of the internal audit function;
b. Developing strong professional relationships with the DS/HoA or
GB/AuditCom and key stakeholders;
c. Leading the development of the internal audit strategic plan and annual
work plan that outlines the objectives, priorities and proposed internal audit Responsibilities
plan; and
d. Liaising with other policy and regulatory bodies in developing internal
audit plans for the review and approval by the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
To operate effectively, the IAS/IAU head requires a broad range of skills and
specific personal qualities which are critical to the credibility and acceptance
of the internal audit function that he/she leads. These include intellectual,
interpersonal, communication, and information technology skills. Other skills
and qualities that could be expected of the IAS/IAU head include the
a. Clear understanding of the internal audit’s contribution to effective
b. Ability to develop plans and programs that contribute to the achievement Skills
of mandated objectives;
c. Strong management acumen and the ability to anticipate and assess
management control;
d. Ability to build a strong network and credibility with the DS/HoA or
GB/AuditCom and senior management; and
e. Consistent observance of ethical principles.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Staffing of theAuthority
IAS/IAU and Fu1. of
➔ The rank and salary grades of the IAS/IAU staff are stipulated in
Section 4.1.3 of DBM BC No. 2004-4, and Annex A thereof.
➔ The general policies and related rules on qualification standards are
provided in Rule VIII of CSC Resolution No. 1800692, 2017 Omnibus
Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (Revised
July 2018) dated 3 July 2018.
➔ In particular, CSC MC No. 12, s. 2006, “Qualification Standards for
IAS Positions” provides the minimum qualification standards to be
followed for the IAS/IAU positions, namely, Internal Auditor I-V (SG-11
to SG-24), and Internal Auditing Assistant (SG-8).
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Qualification Standards and
for the IAS/IAU Fu1. of
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
➔ To provide an effective internal audit function, it is important
that the budget is sufficient to implement the role expected of
the IAS/IAU and, in particular, responds to the priorities and
requirements of the approved strategic and annual work plan.
The DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom approves the internal audit
➔ If the approved budget is less than the proposed, the IAS/IAU
should review the audit plan and prioritize the activities that
can be undertaken for the year. Other activities may be
rescheduled in the succeeding years.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Chapter IV
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Performance Monitoring and Fu1. of
and Evaluation
➔ Periodically assessing performance and addressing
opportunities for improvement can help maximize the
efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audit function.
Measuring performance is also the means whereby the internal
audit’s own performance is assessed and internal audit is held
accountable for the use of its resources.
➔ Since the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom is responsible for
reviewing the performance of internal auditors, the
performance indicators must be mutually agreed upon between
the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom and the IAS/IAU head.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Internal Audit Performance and Fu1. of
Performance assessment has three (3) interrelated elements, to wit:
a. Performance measurement, which refers to the systematic
analysis of performance against targets taking account of the reasons
behind the performance and the influencing factors;
b. Rating, which refers to the judgment of progress - good or bad -
based on indicators; can also include rating another performance
dimension; and
c. Key performance indicators (KPIs), which are used to verify if
progress towards results has taken place.
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Internal Audit Performance and Fu1. of
➔ Management information systems and processes should be
established to record and report the required performance data
in a cost-effective way.
➔ Principal and key stakeholders’ surveys at the end of an audit
are useful and well-accepted ways of measuring the level of
satisfaction with internal audit services.
➔ It is expected that the views of the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom
will be sought periodically, and at least once annually
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Internal Audit Annual Performance and
Report Fu1. of
The report should contain:
a. Comments on the internal audit activities and any variance from
approved plans;
b. Progress in the implementation of the internal audit strategic and
annual work plan;
c. Highlights and challenges during the period;
d. Overall contribution of internal audit in managing the
organization’s internal control deficiencies; and
e. Issues that may require attention in relation to the internal audit
Part II
Chapter I
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
the IStrategic
Annual Work Plan Planning - is the
-Contains the prioritized audit areas from the Strategic Plan
and approved of identifying
by the he type and approachthe
of thekey
or GB/AuditCom which will focus on a one-year period,
audit, andstrategic direction
the timelines of the same. of the Part II
IAS/IAU for a three-year period. Practices
AS/IAU Chapter I
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter II
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Purpose, Authority
Audit Engagement Planning and Fu1. of
the IStrategic Planning - is the
process of identifying the key
audit strategic direction of the Part II
IAS/IAU for a three-year period. Practices
AS/IAU Chapter II
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Audit Sampling
Types of Sampling
Audit Execution
involves performing
the audit techniques
and procedures
enumerated in the
audit engagement
plan to gather data
and pieces of Part II
evidence to achieve
the stated audit Practices
Chapter II
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Audit Reporting Authority and Fu1. of
the IStrategic
represents the
culmination of the Planning - is the
audit execution
and the
of identifying the key
audit strategic direction of the
analysis and
Part II
made during the
audit. for a three-year period. Practices
AS/IAU Chapter II
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
• the IAS/IAUofmayidentifying
conduct compliance the audit ofkey
submission of the SALN, DBIFC, and IDR in
audit strategic
government direction
service of public of theto
officials and employees
Part II
determine whether or not such documents have been
IAS/IAU for a pursuant
properly accomplished three-yearto RA No. 6713period.
and its
IRR, as amended, RA No. 3019, and other related laws
and jurisprudence. Chapter II
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
a. The IAS/IAU must be able to establish not only the facts and
circumstances but also the why’s, the what’s and the how’s of the non-
compliance. (Albert v. Gangan G.R. 126557, 6 March 2001)
B. “Prima facie requires a degree of quantum of proof greater than probable cause. It
denotes evidence, if unexplainable or uncontrollable, is sufficient to sustain a
prosecution or establish the facts as to counterbalance the presumption of innocence
and warrant conviction” (Cometa v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126005, 21 January
1999, De Lima v. Guerrero, G.R. 229781, 10 October 2019)
The audit findings supported by substantial evidence are deemed admitted by the
Part II
auditee if not converted by any evidence to overcome the same, the burden of proof is
the duty of a party to present evidence on the facts in issue necessary by law, burden of
Chapter I
proof never shifts (Supreme Court A.M. No. 19-08-15-SC Proposed Amendment of
the Revised Rules of Evidence” 8 October 2019)
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
The DBM is responsible for the efficient and sound utilization of funds and
revenues. Pursuant to this mandate, it “shall assist the President in the preparation of a
national resources and expenditures budget, preparation, execution and control of the
National Budget, preparation and maintenance of accounting systems essential to the
budgetary process, achievement of more economy and efficiency in the management
of government operations, administration of compensation and position classification
systems, assessment of organizational effectiveness and review and evaluation of
Part II
legislative proposals having budgetary or organizational implications.
The Administrative Code of 1987, ad amended, also empowers the DBM to
Chapter III
evaluate agency performance and to monitor budget performance and assess the
effectiveness of the agencies’ operations, including IAS/IAU, to wit:
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
In the conduct of compliance audit, the IAS/IAU may find some violations
by the auditee of compliance with rules and regulations and/or DBM Circulars
Administrative Code
and management matters, the same may be elevated to the BDM having vested
of 1987 (Executive
with the power to promulgate their own rules and regulations, if a violation of
Order 292)
their rules has been committed by an agency.
The Congress has endowed administrative agencies like DBM with the Chapter 2, Section 6
power to make rules and regulations to implement a given legislation and Authority and
effectuate its policies (G.R. No. 153266 dated March 18, 2010 Gutierrez v. Responsibility of the
DBM) Secretary
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
Part II
Chapter III