Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter Objectives
This chapter will describe the:
A. Foreign exchange market
B. International money market
C. International credit market
D. International bond market
E. International stock markets
Foreign Exchange Market
1. Allows for the exchange of one currency
for another
2. Exchange rate specifies the rate at which
one currency can be exchanged for another
History of Foreign Exchange
The system used for exchanging foreign currencies has
1. Gold Standard (1876 – 1913): each currency was
convertible into gold at a specified rate
2. Agreements on Fixed Exchange Rates: fixed exchange
rate between currencies. Governments would intervene
to prevent exchange rates from moving more than 1%
above or below the fixed rate
a. Bretton Woods Agreement 1944
b. Smithsonian Agreement 1971
3. Floating Exchange Rate System: boundaries were
removed and exchange rates were allowed to fluctuate
in accordance with market forces
Foreign Exchange Transactions
The average daily transaction volume in the
foreign exchange market is about $4 trillion, with
the $US involved in about 40% of the transactions
Historical data could be downloaded from :