Direct Memory Access (DMA)

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Introduction of

Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Why is DMA?
• It is wasteful to feed data into a controller
register 1 bytes at a time. (PIO)
• The DMA unit is word.
• In the high loading environment, a system
with DMA has better improvement.
DMA transfer
1. device driver told to transfer disk
data to buffer at address X
2. device driver tells disk controller to
5. DMA controller transfers bytes transfer C bytes from disk to buffer at
to buffer X, increasing memory address X
address and decreasing C until C=0 cache
6. when C=0, DMA interrupts CPU
to signal transfer completion DMA/bus/ X
interrupt CPU memory bus Memory buffer

PCI bus

3. disk controller initiates

IDE disk DMA transfer
controller 4. disk controller sends each
byte to DMA controller

disk disk

disk disk
DMA Progress
• To initiate a DMA transfer, the host writes a
DMA command into memory:
– A pointer to the source of a transfer
– A count of the number of bytes to be transferred
– ……..
• The CPU writes the address of the DMA
command block to the DMA controller.
DMA Progress (cont.)
• The DMA controller proceeds to operate the
memory bus directly without CPU help.
• Handshaking exists between DMA
controller and device controller.
• When the entire transfer is finished, the
DMA controller will interrupts the CPU.
• DMA-request and DMA_acknowledge
– When a word of data is available, the device
controller places a signal on the DMA-request
– The signal causes the DMA controller to seize
the memory bus,
• To place the desired address on the memory-address
• To place a signal on the DMA-acknowledge wire
Handshaking (cont.)
• When the device controller receives the
DMA-acknowledge signal,
– it transfer the word of data to memory
– and remove the DMA_request signal.

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