Ethics OF CROP Biotechnology: Reported by Drigo M. Urmin
Ethics OF CROP Biotechnology: Reported by Drigo M. Urmin
Ethics OF CROP Biotechnology: Reported by Drigo M. Urmin
Reported by
Drigo m. urmin
Bioethics is the branch of biotech sciences
which deals with the issue rises due to the
advancement biological tools and techniques.
It is the application of ethics in field of mass
production and healthcare and specifically in
biotechnical processes.
Ethical Issues of Crop Biotechnology
There is a need to
raise agricultural
productivity to deal
with problems of
poverty and food
Genetic engineering
allows the production of
plants with desired traits
speedily and at low costs.
Religion and
Biotechnology, in particular, becomes an issue
when it entails a discourse on food. Any GM crops
must meet the general criterion of halalan
tayyiban which means “permissible from the
shariah perspective (halal) and of good quality
(tayyib)”. In Malaysia, there is a fatwa (religious
decree) that states that GM foods with DNA from
pigs are haram (not permissible) for Muslims to
eat. (MABIC, 2004).
Religious issues
Religious scholars have criticized the use of crop
biotechnology techniques. Some religions have taken the
issue of genetic modification technology very serious.
project was very severe. It is often argued by religious
people that biotechnological interventions are not natural,
or that they go against some divine or natural order of
Playing God.
Genetic modification is said to involve human
intervention into creation and hence, is an unnatural act.
Environmental issues
Genetically engineered plants have also reduced the need of Fertilizers thus minimized t
pesticide pollution to rivers and costal waterresources.However the biotechnological tools an
products caused many defects in environment.
The benefits of a particular biotechnological intervention in the environment typically accr
directly to the sponsor, often a commercial interest. However, the harms that may result fro
such interventions typically do not remain confined to those interests or the individua
responsible for introducing them, but instead may propagate throughout the environment an
affect the general public. A gene that protects a food crop from certain pests benefits t
farmer and the seed company directly, but should that genecross into a noxious species, it m
well create problems for the general public. For example environmental risk also increased.
Ethical Issues of Crop biotech
GM crops are associated with a sense of “unnaturalness”. It is wrong in itself
to alter the “essence” of species or to interfere with the natural order.
Environmental risks
Genes can flow from modified plants to wild plants leading to potential
threat in biodiversity.
Health risk:
Because of the possible harmful health effects of GM foods, GM foods
should be properly labelled to allow people to choose whether to consume
or not to consume GM foods.
Biotechnology and the Environment
● Beneficial traits to humans - But the environment?
● GM crops have been controversial since their production for many
● Concerns expressed to GM plants are:
○ Possibility of horizontal gene transfer of transgenic DNA and the
potential to create new viruses and bacteria that cause diseases .
○ Effect of synthesised substances on non-target organisms.
○ Unintentional generation of superweeds and superbugs by
○ Concerns related to food safety.
The ethics of biotechnology entails both a
reflection on the immediate consequences
of its use, and on the underlying social and
cultural conditions of which it is a part. All
technology modifies our relationship to our
environment, to our work,and to ourselves,
but biotechnology strikes much closer to
home, enabling us to modify life itself.
Bless you and God