Endogenic Process
Endogenic Process
Endogenic Process
Heat –seen energy from the
motion of the molecules of the
bodies, such as Earth that may
be transferred by conduction,
convection, or radiation. Such
heat drives that many internal
processes of the planet.
There are three main sources of heat
on Earth:
1. Heat from the accretion of Earth
during its formation.
2. Frictional heating, caused by the
sinking of core materials to the
center of the planet.
3. Heat from the decay of radioactive
Much of the planets primordial heat from
when Earth first accreted and developed
its core has been retained due to the slow
conduction of heat through
nonconvecting layers such as Earths
plates at the surface.
The descent of the dense iron material
into the core also produce heat at about
3000 degree Fahrenheit.
The degree of het radioactive
decay contributes is uncertain as
the amount of radioactive
elements deep on Earth is not
VOLCANISM – the eruption of the
molten rock called magma onto Earths
surface through a vent.
It includes all phenomena associated
with the creation and discharge of
magma within the mantle to rise
through the crust, forming volcanic
rocks on the surface.
The heat of the planet is trapped
underneath. The temperature
increases with depth. In the upper
crust, the rate of temperature
change averages at 20 degrees to
30 degrees Celsius per kilometer.
This change in temperature is
called the geothermal gradient, a
result of the residual heat of
primordial Earth.
Magma is generated when the
right conditions are met. These
condition include the addition of
heat, decrease in pressure, and
change in composition of the
The addition of heat can be generated within the lithosphere at
the subduction zone. The subduction zones are the long,
narrow zones where one lithospheric plate descend beneath
another, specifically, when an oceanic lithosphere thrusts into
the mantle along a convergence. Heat in the crust and upper
mantle is added as huge slabs of crust slide past each other at
the subduction zones by friction, when crustal rocks descend at
the subduction zone, and when hot mantle rocks rises and
intrudes crustal rocks.
Melting of the minerals within Earth causes the
atoms to be disordered, making them move freely
and take up more space. In the case of magma, it
occupies about 10 percent more volume than the
rock that formed it. When a rock is melted on the
surface, it can do so readily because there is little
pressure against its expansion.
In the asthenosphere, the high pressure would
prevent a rock from expanding even if the
temperature condition would allow it to melt.
However, when the pressure decreases, large
volumes of rocks would melt within the
asthenosphere. The melting caused by decreasing
pressure is called pressure-release melting.
The amount of water in a rock has an effect
on its melting point. The addition of water
to a rock that is close to its melting point
can cause the rock to melt. Certain tectonic
processes add water to the rocks of the hot
asthenosphere to form magma.
The generation of magma is one of the process in the rock
cycle. The rock cycle shows the transformation of one
rock type into another. Metamorphic rocks are produced
by preexisting igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic
rocks. Through metamorphism, the texture and mineral
components of rocks change. Volcanic eruptions
contribute to the recycling of rocks in the plane and the
degree of metamorphism is reflected in the rocks texture
and mineral composition.
A volcano is a vent in the surface of Earth where
magma is expelled during a volcanic eruption.
It is sometimes referred to as igneous activity
because the rock being formed is an igneous rock.
Lava is the primary material extruded from a
volcano in addition to volcanic rocks, ash, and dust
during volcanic eruptions.
Volcanic eruptions can cause changes to earths
surface in many ways. Eruptions could trigger
mudflows, avalanches, and cracks or fissures on
Earths surface.
Practical Science:
Basalt as Massage Stones
Most of Earths basalt is produced at divergent plate
boundaries on the mid-ocean ridge system. Basalt is a dark-
colored, fine-grained, igneous rock composed mainly of
plagioclase and pyroxene minerals. It most commonly
forms as an extrusive rock, such as a lava flow, but can also
form in small intrusive bodies, such as an igneous dike or
thin sill. It has a composition similar to gabbro. The
difference between basalt and gabbro is that basalt is a fine-
grained rock while gabbro is coarse-grained rock.
Basalt massage stones are
the most popular stone used
in the massage therapy
industry. Giving a full body
massage with basalt ensures
they will retain their heat,
and provide the deepest
relaxation possible.
As the plates continue to move due to the
convection of earths layers, rocks
continuously exposed to stress.
When rocks are subjected to stress, the rocks
will eventually undergo strain or deformation.
Deformation refers to any change in the shape
or size of a rock as a response to the stress.
The deformation may occur by either folding
or faulting.
Folding in rocks occur when they
are subjected to tectonic forces
from opposite sides. Compressional
stress causes squeezing, tensional
stress causes stretching, and
shearing stress causes side-to-side
movement. Folding in rocks often
result in the appearance of physical
folds called anticline and syncline.
With enough pressure exerted on a rock
layer, it will eventually result in a fracture. If
there are no movement on either side of the
fracture, it is called a joint. If there is any
movement on one or both sides of the
fracture, it is called a fault.
Faulting is the result of the fracture or
displacement of rock layer or strata along a
fault plane. A fault shows a displacement of
the two sides of a nonvertical fault: the
hanging wall and the footwall. There are
different types of faults based on the relative
movement of these sides.
Dip-slip faults show vertical
movement of the hanging wall and
the footwall. Examples of dip-slip
faults are the normal fault (caused by
tension) and reverse fault (caused by
compression). Strike-slip fault shows
horizontal and parallel displacements
of the fault planaes. A transform
fault, which is caused by shear strain,
is an example of a strike-slip fault.
Sci Bit
The San Andreas Fault is a transform fault that
extends roughly 1300 km through California, USA.
It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific
and North American plates, with a right-lateral
strikes-slip movement. The fault is divided into
three segments, each with its own characteristics
and earthquake risk – the most significant being the
southern segment, which passes within about 56
km Los Angeles, California.
The fault was first identified in 1895 by Andrew
Lawson from University of California in
Berkeley who discovered the northern zone. The
fault is named after San Andreas lake situated
between the two plates. Following the 1906 San
Francisco Earthquake, Lawson concluded that
the fault extended all the way southern
California. In 1953, geologist Thomas Dibblee
astounded the scientific community with his
conclusion that the next lateral movement could
affect hundred miles along the fault.