Training of Trainer Programme:: National Certification Scheme For Energy Auditors and Managers in Pakistan
Training of Trainer Programme:: National Certification Scheme For Energy Auditors and Managers in Pakistan
Training of Trainer Programme:: National Certification Scheme For Energy Auditors and Managers in Pakistan
NEECA : Think-Conservation . . . 1
Installed Capacity on Generation Side
The installed capacity of Power Generation (by fuel type) as on June, 2018
is given below:
Installed Capacity, MW
Thermal Power 23,347
Hydro Power 7,139
Renewable 1,637
Nuclear 1,430
Total 33,553
Line Losses and Voltage Selection
• Higher the voltage, lesser the current and lesser the power loss
• Higher voltage can also bring down the conductor sizes on account of
lower currents handled
Electricity Billing to Industry
For the energy kWh consumed
Maximum demand Charges
Power factor penalty
Fuel cost adjustment charges as levied by some utilities are
to adjust the increasing fuel expenses over a base reference value.
Meter rentals
Time Of Day (TOD) rates like peak and non-peak hours are also
prevalent in tariff structure provisions of some utilities.
Electricity Data Analysis
Enlist the source of electricity at any industry or plant
Analysis of Electricity Bill
Electricity Cost Unit Rate
Months Electricity (kWh) MDI (PKR) (PKR/kWh)
Oct-19 346,600 780 8,288,126 23.91
Analysis of Electricity (Self Generation)
Diesel Electricity Fuel Cost Fuel Cost Unit Rate
(Liters) (kWh) (PKR/Ltr) (PKR) (PKR/kWh)
“It is the time integrated demand over the predefined recording cycle”
A transformer is a passive electrical device
that transfers electrical energy from one
circuit to another through the process of
electromagnetic induction. It is most
commonly used to increase (‘step up’) or
decrease (‘step down’) voltage levels
between circuits
Power transformers : Used in transmission network of higher voltages,
deployed for step-up and step-down transformer application (400 kV, 200 kV,
110 kV, 66 kV, 33kV)
Working Principle
The working principle of a transformer is very simple. Mutual induction
between two or more windings (also known as coils) allows for electrical
energy to be transferred between circuits.
Transformer losses
1. No load Losses
No-load loss (also called core loss) is the power consumed to sustain the
magnetic field in the transformer's steel core.
2. Load Losses
Load loss (also called copper loss) is associated with full-load current
flow in the transformer windings. Copper loss is power lost in the
primary and secondary windings of a transformer due to the ohmic
resistance of the windings. Copper loss varies with the square of the load
Transformer losses
Typical Transformer Loss for Distribution Transformers (DT’s) above 100 kVA
KVA Rating Voltage Rating No Load Loss (W) Load Loss (W) Impedance %
Improving Transformer loading by PF
Impact of PF on Transformer Loading
A small industrial unit has operational load demand 800 kW with the
installed transformer of 1250 kVA.
Impact of PF on Transformer Loading
A small industrial unit has operational load demand 800 kW with the
installed transformer of 1250 kVA.
P = Power in kW
Pf1 = Existing (Cos-1 PF1)
Pf2 = Desired (Cos-1 PF2)
“Hence 340 kvar capacitors are required to improve the power factor
from 0.8 to 0.95 for a system with average load of 800 kW.”
Required kvar Through PF Table
1. Locate 0.80 (original power factor) in column (1).
2. Read across desired power factor to 0.95 column. We find 0.421 multiplier
3. Multiply 800 (average kW) by 0.421 = 337 kvar.
Operational Performance of Capacitor
Loss Reduction through PF Improvement
As current flows through the conductors, the conductors getting
heat. This heating is power loss,
Power loss is proportional to current squared to Resistance (P Loss =I2R)
Conductor loss can account for as much as 2- 5% of total load
Capacitors can reduce losses by 1- 2% of the total load
If a facility has
Original PF = 0.82
Desired PF = 0.97
% loss Reduction = 1 – (0.82)2/(0.97)2
= 0.29 % 30
Cost Benefits by PF Improvement
Causes of Harmonics
Non-linear loads are the major cause for harmonics generation.
“A load is said to be non-linear when the current it draws does not have the
same waveform as the supply voltage.”
Total Harmonics Distortion Calculations
Formula for calculating the THD for Current:
Problems Caused by Harmonics
Excessive current flows in the distribution system
Transformer saturation
Transformer Failures - Inductive Heating
Circuit Breakers Tripping - Inductive Heating and Overload
Excessive line losses, conductor Failure - Inductive Heating
Fuses Blowing for no Apparent Reason - Inductive Heating and
Capacitor Failure and electronics equipment failure.
Power Interference on Voice Communication - Harmonic Noise
Blinking of Incandescent Lights - Transformer Saturation
Flickering of Fluorescent Lights - Transformer Saturation
Motor Failures (overheating)
Harmonics Mitigation
Tuned Harmonic filters consisting of a capacitor bank and reactor in
series are designed and adopted for suppressing harmonics, by providing
low impedance path for harmonic component. The Harmonic filters
connected suitably near the equipment generating harmonics help to
reduce THD to acceptable limits.
Benefits of Harmonics Filter
Hotspot Identification of Electrical System
Genset Performance Evaluation
Through Flue Gas analysis
Performance Analysis of Genset can be performed through flue
gas analysis.
Genset Performance Evaluation
Through Flue Gas analysis
Case Study:
Parameter Genset
Name of Manufacturer Jenbacher
Model: JGS 320 N-L
Capacity (kW): 1,156
Running Load of Genset (kW): 800
Load Factor (%): 69%
Fuel: NG
Point of Measurement Genset Exhaust
Oxygen - O₂ (%) 8.62%
Carbon Monoxide - CO (mg/m³) 1,010
Nitrogen Oxide - NO (mg/m³) 880
Carbon dioxide - CO₂ (%) 6.97%
Flue Gas Temperature (°C) 503.8
NOx (mg/m³) 924
Combustion efficiency gross (%) 62.5
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) (mg/m3) 0.0
Excess Air (%) 69.4
Atmospheric Temperature (OC) 40.4
Standards (PEQs) & Findings
Recommendations & Saving Potential
• All parameters of Genest are exceeding the recommended PEQS limits.
• Exhaust temperature higher than 500 °C is the clear indication that
genset needs overhauling. It will increase the working efficiency of the
• Moreover, higher exhaust temperature shows that there is a potential
for heat recovery system.
Thank You