How To Develop and Support Successful Motivated Readers
How To Develop and Support Successful Motivated Readers
How To Develop and Support Successful Motivated Readers
Epstein, J. L., Croates, L., Salinas, K. C., Sanders. M. G., & Simon, B. S. (1997). School,
family, and community partnerships: Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press.
Research in
Family Involvement
about all students at all levels
want their families to be more
knowledgeable partners about schooling
and are willing to take active roles in
assisting communications between home
and school.
Epstein, J. L., Croates, L., Salinas, K. C., Sanders. M. G., & Simon, B. S. (1997).
School, family, and community partnerships: Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press.
“All children, regardless
of socioeconomic status,
racial, or cultural
background of the
family benefit from
home literacy
environments that foster
their language and
literacy skill
Karen Mapp, 2014
Importance of partnership in understanding
children’s academic competencies
Home–school partnerships can have a positive
effect on literacy if families and teachers together
develop ways of communicating and building
meaningful curricula that extend the insular
classroom community.
“The key elements of reciprocity and respect . . .
must be locally interpreted and jointly constructed
by parents and teachers.” Baker et al. (1996)
How we engage parents
Relationships, building trustful relationships
Honor and respect the knowledge that families
bring to school improvement.
Linked to learning
Bennett, Weigel, & Martin (2002). Children’s acquisition of early literacy skills: examining
family contributions Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 17, 3, 295-317.
Snow, Barnes, Chandler, Goodman, and Hemphill (1991)
By talking with your children and reading books aloud
with them, you help them understand word meaning,
sentence structure, and social language.
Children build many more skills from being exposed to each of these
approaches than from just hearing books read to them
Shared or interactive reading is a dialogue
between parent and child
The child may become the storyteller
while the adult becomes the listener, the
questioner, and the audience
Parent’s questions and comments help
build stronger language skills
Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1994; Griffin &
Morrison, 1997
Shared Reading
Shared reading has been consistently
linked to children’s early literacy,
primarily to vocabulary growth
Hargrave & Sénéchal, 2000; Sénéchal, 2006;Whitehurst
et al., 1994
Reading fluency
General knowledge
Decontexualized reasoning
Cunningham, A.E. & Stanovich, K. (1998) What Reading Does for the Mind, American
Educator, (see also 2005, 2012)
Cunningham, A.E. & Chen, Y. (2014). Matthew Effects: The Rich Get Richer in Literacy.
Encyclopedia of Language Development, Sage
Reading aloud to older children
Readingaloud to children in more complicated
and dense text (that they could not read on their
own) exposes them
to rare and unique vocabulary works only found in
Phrases and technical language not commonly used
in everyday conversations
The relation between listening and
reading comprehension
T.R. Sticht Growth of comprehension
Sticht and his colleagues
showed in 1970s that early
listening ability predicts
reading ability many years
Learning to listen at a high
level is closely connected to
learning to read
(comprehend) at a high level.
The Sleeper Effect
The new vocabulary words your child
learns as a preschooler and kindergartener
are money in the bank for 3rd grade
reading comprehension and beyond
Socio-emotional Factors in Supporting
a Motivated Reader
Developing a motivated and successful
Reading together provides parents with the opportunity
to model and develop their child’s
perspective-taking, and
These are all components of your child’s character that affect academic
and occupational success. These are important traits that support
learning, and reading is a valued and universal activity that allows you to
develop them.
Developing a Love for Reading
Factors that Support
Sustained Motivation to Read
Feelings of relatedness
People who I value care about this behavior
Feelings of competence
I can successfully exhibit this behavior
Feelings of autonomy
Lead to internalization and ownership
I personally see the meaning and worth of engaging
in this behavior
Reading Motivation
Understanding that motivation to read falls on
a continuum--- can help parents
A Road, but Not a One Way Street…..
Not one entry point
Not all behaviors are initially intrinsically motivated
Not one direction
Behaviors can become more or less valued over time
Growth Mindset
A New three Rs:
Mangels, J. A.; Butterfield, B.; Lamb, J.; Good, C.; Dweck, C. (2006)
Why do beliefs about intelligence influence learning
success? Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1 (2): 75–86.
Fixed Mindset: Beliefs and Growth Mindset: Beliefs and
Behaviors Behaviors
Dweck, 2001
Mindset and Motivation
Children with growth mindsets
Have their own “natural wellspring” of intrinsic motivation
because they believe that putting in effort feels good and pays
Children with fixed mindsets
inclined to shy away from difficult tasks, making it more likely
that parents and teachers will need to provide extrinsic
motivators to coax them into expending effort
Mindset and Motivation
Be specific
Highlight effort
Praise Effort, Not Outcome
Fixed Praise Growth Oriented Praise
You are such a great You worked so hard to
reader! sound out those words!
Reading between the lines: You are Reading between the lines: You are
great because you were successful at great because you tried to hard.
this task.
Long-term message: If you are not Long-term message: Even when
successful at another reading task reading is difficult for you, trying hard
down the line, you will no longer be a can help you succeed.
great reader.
Ways to Praise
“You are working so hard!” Hug
“You are trying so hard!” High five
“You did such a good job solving that Thumbs up
last problem!” Smile
“You did such a good job sounding out Wink
that word!” Kiss
“I can see you really understand Backrub or shoulder squeeze
______.” Ruffling hair
“I can see you really enjoyed learning
about _______.”
“You did a great job explaining
“I can tell you worked so hard on
your project/essay/assignment.”
From To
Reading success requires effort, even for children who read easily, especially
once they are required to engage in higher-level comprehension processes
Children who have growth mindsets are more likely to become successful,
motivated readers
As Dr. Seuss wrote….
“The more that you read, the
more things you will
know. The more you learn,
the more places you'll go”
(Seuss, 1978).
Developing a
Love for Reading
“Few children learn to
love books, by themselves.
Someone has to lure them
into the wonderful world of
the written word; someone
has to show them the way.”
Orville Prescott, A Father Reads to His Children
Thank you!
Anne E. Cunningham
[email protected]