Teaching Math in The Intermediate Grades

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study of the logical and philosophical basis of mathematics,

including whether the axioms of a given system ensure its
completeness and its consistency.
For 2,000 years…

-set of formal logical arguments based on a few basic terms and
axioms, provided a systematic method of rational exploration
that guided mathematicians, philosophers, and scientists well
into the 19th century.
Discovery in the 19th century of consistent alternative

-precipitated a crisis
-showed that Euclidean geometry did not correspond with reality
as mathematicians had believed
-to avoid further confusion and satisfactorily answer paradoxical
results, a new and more rigorous foundation for mathematics
was necessary.
-began quest to rebuild mathematics on a new basis independent of
geometric intuitions

Early efforts included:

1. those of the logicist school of the British mathematicians Bertrand Russell
and Alfred North Whitehead;

2. the formalist school of the German mathematician David Hilbert,

3. the intuitionist school of the Dutch mathematician L.E.J. Brouwer,

4. the French set theory school of mathematicians collectively writing under

the pseudonym of Nicolas Bourbaki.
During the first half of the twentieth century…

mathematical growth was stimulated primarily by the power of abstraction

and deduction, climaxing more than two centuries of effort to extract full
benefit from the mathematical principles of physical science formulated by
Isaac Newton.

Now, as the century closes, the historic alliances of mathematics with

science are expanding rapidly; the highly developed legacy of classical
mathematical theory is being put to broad and often stunning use in a vast
mathematical landscape.
Several particular events triggered periods of explosive growth…

The Second World War forced development of many new and powerful
methods of applied mathematics.

Postwar government investment in mathematics, fueled by Sputnik,

accelerated growth in both education and research.

Then the development of electronic computing moved mathematics

toward an algorithmic perspective even as it provided mathematicians
with a powerful tool for exploring patterns and testing conjectures.
At the end of the nineteenth century…

Axiomatization of mathematics on a foundation of logic and sets

-made possible grand theories of algebra, analysis, and topology whose
synthesis dominated mathematics research and teaching for the first two
thirds of the twentieth century.

-these traditional areas have now been supplemented by major

developments in other mathematical sciences--in number theory, logic,
statistics, operations research, probability, computation, geometry, and
The Nature of Mathematics

Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that help us understand the

world around us. Now much more than arithmetic and geometry,
mathematics today is a diverse discipline that deals with data,
measurements, and observations from science; with inference,
deduction, and proof; and with mathematical models of natural
phenomena, of human behavior, and of social systems.
As a practical matter…



-Its domain is not molecules or cells, but numbers, chance, form,

algorithms, and change.

-As a science of abstract objects, mathematics relies on logic

rather than on observation as its standard of truth, yet employs
observation, simulation, and even experimentation as means of
discovering truth.
-The special role of mathematics in education is a
consequence of its universal applicability.

-The results of mathematics--theorems and theories--are both

significant and useful; the best results are also elegant and
deep. Through its theorems, mathematics offers science both a
foundation of truth and a standard of certainty.
In addition to theorems and theories…

Mathematics offers distinctive modes of thought which are

both versatile and powerful, including modeling, abstraction,
optimization, logical analysis, inference from data, and use of
Experience with mathematical modes of thought builds
mathematical power--a capacity of mind of increasing value in
this technological age that enables one to read critically, to
identify fallacies, to detect bias, to assess risk, and to suggest

Mathematics empowers us to understand better the

information-laden world in which we live.
Mathematics relies on both logic and creativity, and it is
pursued both for a variety of practical purposes and for its
intrinsic interest.

The essence of mathematics lies in its beauty and its

intellectual challenge. For others, including many scientists
and engineers, the chief value of mathematics is how it
applies to their own work.
Because mathematics plays such a central role in modern
culture, some basic understanding of the nature of
mathematics is requisite for scientific literacy.

To achieve this, students need to perceive mathematics as

part of the scientific endeavor, comprehend the nature of
mathematical thinking, and become familiar with key
mathematical ideas and skills.

Mathematics is the science of patterns and relationships. As a theoretical

discipline, mathematics explores the possible relationships among
abstractions without concern for whether those abstractions have
counterparts in the real world. The abstractions can be anything from
strings of numbers to geometric figures to sets of equations

Many mathematicians focus their attention on solving problems that

originate in the world of experience. They too search for patterns and
relationships, and in the process they use techniques that are similar to those
used in doing purely theoretical mathematics.
The difference is largely one of intent. In contrast to theoretical
mathematicians, applied mathematicians, might study the interval
pattern of prime numbers to develop a new system for coding
numerical information, rather than as an abstract problem. Or they
might tackle the area/volume problem as a step in producing a model
for the study of crystal behavior.
•The alliance between science and mathematics has a long history,
dating back many centuries. Science provides mathematics with
interesting problems to investigate, and mathematics provides science
with powerful tools to use in analyzing data. Often, abstract patterns
that have been studied for their own sake by mathematicians have
turned out much later to be very useful in science. Science and
mathematics are both trying to discover general patterns and
relationships, and in this sense they are part of the same endeavor.
Using mathematics to express ideas or to solve problems
involves at least three phases: (1) representing some aspects of
things abstractly, (2) manipulating the abstractions by rules of
logic to find new relationships between them, and (3) seeing
whether the new relationships say something useful about the
original things.

Mathematical processes can lead to a kind of model of a thing, from

which insights can be gained about the thing itself. Any
mathematical relationships arrived at by manipulating abstract
statements may or may not convey something truthful about the
thing being modeled.

Mathematics exists all around us in the natural world. It is our task to bring our
children’s attention to the data and help them see the world around them in a
mathematical way.

Although often “appearing more” in nature during early childhood, observing,

counting, measuring, collecting data, comparing, and classifying objects are all
mathematical concepts that are needed and used throughout middle school, high
school, college, and into adulthood. Conservation biologists, wilderness rangers, and
researcher professionals all use mathematics in nature on a daily basis for their

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