This study examined the impact of a Cooperative Storytelling Strategy (CSS) on improving speaking proficiency among university students. Students were tested before and after the CSS intervention on their vocabulary, articulation, and grammar skills. Results found that students performed better after the intervention, with average scores improving from 1.85 to 3.08. Specifically, CSS helped students improve most on articulation. The study concluded that CSS is an effective strategy for enhancing speaking proficiency and should be utilized more widely at the university.
This study examined the impact of a Cooperative Storytelling Strategy (CSS) on improving speaking proficiency among university students. Students were tested before and after the CSS intervention on their vocabulary, articulation, and grammar skills. Results found that students performed better after the intervention, with average scores improving from 1.85 to 3.08. Specifically, CSS helped students improve most on articulation. The study concluded that CSS is an effective strategy for enhancing speaking proficiency and should be utilized more widely at the university.
This study examined the impact of a Cooperative Storytelling Strategy (CSS) on improving speaking proficiency among university students. Students were tested before and after the CSS intervention on their vocabulary, articulation, and grammar skills. Results found that students performed better after the intervention, with average scores improving from 1.85 to 3.08. Specifically, CSS helped students improve most on articulation. The study concluded that CSS is an effective strategy for enhancing speaking proficiency and should be utilized more widely at the university.
This study examined the impact of a Cooperative Storytelling Strategy (CSS) on improving speaking proficiency among university students. Students were tested before and after the CSS intervention on their vocabulary, articulation, and grammar skills. Results found that students performed better after the intervention, with average scores improving from 1.85 to 3.08. Specifically, CSS helped students improve most on articulation. The study concluded that CSS is an effective strategy for enhancing speaking proficiency and should be utilized more widely at the university.
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Cooperative Storytelling in
Enhancing Students’ Speaking Proficiency
Ms. Joanne M. Fernandez
Faculty , Liberal Arts Background of the Study The purpose of this study was to prove the impact of Cooperative Storytelling Strategy (CSS) in improving the speaking proficiency of the University of Luzon freshmen HRM-T students, conducted on August 2019. The respondents who were targeted on this study exhibited low performance during interactive discussions, and doesn’t perform enough when it comes to speaking activities. The areas of speaking skills magnified and assessed on this study are vocabulary, articulation, and grammar. Statement of the Problem This study is designed to determine the effectiveness of Cooperative Storytelling Strategy (CSS) in improving the speaking skills of the college students. Specifically, this study sought to address the following questions: 1. What is the speaking proficiency level of the students before and after the CSS intervention along the following areas: a. vocabulary; b. articulation; and c. grammar? 2. What is the significant difference of the speaking proficiency level of the students before and after the CSS intervention? Methodology This research employed the pre-experimental method. According to AllPsych (2019), the pre-experimental designs follow basic experimental steps but fail to include a control group. In addition, a single group is often studied in this method but there is no comparison between an equivalent non- treatment groups is made. In this study, the dependent variable is the speaking proficiency of the HRM-T students, whereas the strategy employed by the researcher-the CSS- is the independent variable, as the researcher measured whether the intervention caused an improvement to the skills of the respondents. Significant Findings The following are the salient findings of the study: • On Speaking Proficiency Level in Pre-test and Post-test Overall, the pre-test has an average weighted mean of 1.85, while post-test results have an average weighted mean 3.08. In the pre-test of this study, the students are observed to have problems the most on Vocabulary, which garnered the lowest mean of 1.76. Also, based on their performances, the students have less difficulty in terms of Articulation which garnered the highest mean of 1.96, followed by Grammar with 1.84. All in all, the speaking proficiency of the students prior to the intervention are assessed as fair, as it fell in the statistical range of 1.76 to 2.50. Meanwhile, the performances of the students on speaking proficiency were a lot better, as their total average mean was on the scope of 2.51 – 3.25, signifying a satisfactory level. In line with their performance, the students excelled greatly on Articulation, followed by Grammar and Vocabulary. • On Significant Difference between Pre-test and Post-test Results Since the t-value was greater than the t-critical, the null hypothesis of this study was rejected. This implies that there is a significant difference, and that the level of speaking proficiency of the students improved through utilizing CSS, therefore it is effective in enhancing the speaking proficiency of the UL HRM-T students. Conclusion The following are the conclusions based on the salient and significant findings. Speaking proficiency is one of the domain tools in entering the workforce; thus, improving the speaking proficiency of the students must be given primacy during their years in education. In view of this, one teaching strategy that can be utilized by instructors is the Cooperative Storytelling Strategy (CSS). As students can learn speaking more effectively when they are put into valuable context, CSS gives them the opportunity to improve on their speaking skills, concomitantly developing their vocabulary, articulation, and grammar. Through an intervention where students are given the environment to foster their speaking skills, where they could collaboratively enjoy and interact while they creatively express their own selves, eventually, they will be conditioned to speak proficiently with any chosen language in any setting. Finally, as CSS has been proven to be an effective intervention in enhancing the speaking proficiency of the chosen respondents, the researcher concludes that CSS will hopefully be utilized and implemented as an innovative form of teaching in University of Luzon. Recommendations Based on the summary, findings and conclusions, the researcher offers the following recommendations. First, the researcher recommends that language instructors must conduct assessment regarding the students’ speaking proficiency every beginning and end of semester. Instructors must give in- depth observations on the speaking abilities of the students to further implore on their speaking needs, and help them in enhancing their speaking proficiency thru the CSS as an effective mode of learning. Second, there must be university-wide forums and workshops on speaking proficiency, so to introduce CSS and tackle its benefits as a method of accomplishing speaking proficiency. The forums or workshops should also aim to enrich the students’ fluency, competency and confidence in speaking, as well as those of the other communication skills such as writing, reading, and listening. Third, the researcher recommends the implementation of the Cooperative Storytelling Strategy (CSS), as it evidently can help in improving the students’ speaking proficiency. Lastly, the researcher recommends that other researchers may continue exploring the potentials of Cooperative Storytelling as a strategy to enhance the students’ speaking proficiency.